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Inquiry into 'fake news': Expert comment

Dr Eric Jenson, associate professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick, comments on the fake news inquiry

Kompromat: it’s What We Don’t Know, Not What We Know

Donald Trump has described as "fake news" allegations that his election team colluded with Russia - and that Russia held compromising material about his private life. Here Profesor Mark Harrison explores the term kompromat, the Russian colloquial abbreviation, for “compromising evidence.

Sir Ivan Rogers: voice of reason in fraught diplomatic environment

It was reported yesterday that Sir Ivan Rogers - the UK's top diplomat in Brussels - has resigned from his role, ahead of the Brexit negotiaions.

Dr Megan Dee, Associate Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, discusses the implications of the situation.

Singer Leonard Cohen dies aged 82

Associate Professor Roger Fagge, Department of History writes about the death of Canadian singer Leonard Cohen

Does He Mean It? Trump’s game is more Cards Against Humanity than Kill the King

Dr Ben Margulies from the Dept. of Politics and International Studies give his view on Donald Trump's increasingly controversial comments - and addresses the question 'does he mean it?'

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