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International Development Committee calls for easier access to ‘climate finance’ funds - expert comment

Dr Celine Tan, Warwick Law School and Director, GLOBE, comments on the Climate Finance aspects of the International Development Committee report - Global Britain in demand: UK climate action and international development around COP26, published today, and the UK COP26 Presidency's Climate Finance Delivery Plan, published yesterday.

Credit Suisse fined over Tuna Bond Scandal - expert comment

Dr Stephen Connelly from Warwick Law School comments on the news that investment bank Credit Suisse has been fined £147m by UK authorities over a corruption scandal involving Mozambique's tuna fishing industry.

Thu 21 Oct 2021, 10:45 | Tags: Expert comment, Research, Law, Faculty of Social Science

WHO calls for moratorium on boosters - expert comment

Global health ethics expert Dr Sharifah Sekalala from Warwick Law School comments on the WHO's call for a moratorium on administering booster jabs of Covid-19 vaccines as a way to help ensure that doses are available in countries where few people have received their first dose.

G7 countries should create better vaccine supply chains: Expert comment

Dr Sharifah Sekalala, from Warwick's School of Law, comments on UNICEF's call for G7 countries to avoid dumping surplus vaccines but instead begin sending jabs now to avoid wasted doses.

US supports patent waiver for Covid-19 vaccines: law expert comments

The United States has announced that it supports a move by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to temporarily lift patent protection for coronavirus vaccines, which might give lower income countries to better access to Covid-19 vaccines. Dr Sharifah Sekalala of Warwick Law School comments on the further challenges ahead.

Thu 06 May 2021, 15:08 | Tags: Research, Law, COVID-19

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