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Vodafone fine: "an example of how regulated industries work"

The regulator Ofcom has fined Vodafone £4.6m for "serious" breaches of consumer protection rules, after the company was found to have charged customers without providing anything in return, and breaking the rules on handling customer complaints.

Dr Andreas Kokkinis from Warwick's School of Law provides expert comment on the story.


Wed 26 Oct 2016, 14:21 | Tags: Academic Staff, corporate, Law, Business and Management

Past present and future: learning lessons about child sexual abuse and exploitation from the Savile and Hall enquiries

Associate Professor Christine Harrison from the Centre for Lifelong Learning shares her thoughts on the Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall investigation, in light of the Dame Janet Smith review...

The Paris summit on climate change will decide the fate of the planet - Dr Sam Adelman

"The Paris summit on climate change beginning on 30 November may be the most important international conference in history because it will quite literally decide the fate of the planet" says Dr Sam Adelman Associate Professor of Legal Theory and Comparative Human Rights in the University of Warwick School of Law.

Mon 16 Nov 2015, 15:57 | Tags: environment, Climate change, Expert comment, Law

Myanmar's 2015 general elections

Myanmar holds general elections on 8 November 2015 - the country's first elections since a nominally civilian government was introduced in 2011, ending nearly 50 years of military rule.

Kirsten McConnachie Assistant Professor, School of Law, briefly discusses the situation head of the elections. Dr McConnachie is available for media interviews. For further details please contact Nicola Jones, Communications Manager, University of Warwick 07824 540863 or


Fri 06 Nov 2015, 15:37 | Tags: Asia, Politics, Academic Staff, Law

International solidarity in providing protection for refugees has broken down - Dr Dallal Stevens

Dr Dallal Stevens , an expert on refugee and asylum law and policy at the University of Warwick has reacted to Hungary’s emergency new legislation introduced overnight.

Tue 15 Sep 2015, 10:29 | Tags: immigration, Migrants, Current Affairs, Law

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