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Iranian missile strike on US air base - expert comment

Dr Trevor McCrisken, Associate Professor, US Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick comments on the Iranian missile attack on a US air base in Iraq.

‘Pro-regime’ fighters killed in air and artillery strikes on Syria by the US - expert comment

The US has carried out rare air strikes on Syrian pro-government forces after what it called an "unprovoked attack" on allied Kurdish and Arab fighters. Prof Richard Youngs, Dept of Politics & International Studies examines the situation.

Advances for women in Saudi Arabia motivated by economics not women’s rights: Expert comment

The decisions to allow Saudi women to attend sports events for the first time comes soon after the repeal of the ban on women’s driving and are examples of how the Saudi authorities are trying to liberalize Saudi society. However, their aim is to improve Saudi Arabia’s economy and reduce dependency on the oil sector, says Dr Nicola Pratt, Reader in International Politics of the Middle East from the Univesrity of Warwick.

The Countering Violent Extremism Conference: Obama Fiddles whilst Rome Burns

"Over the last six months, the Obama administration has moved through all the expected stages of a war on terror."

Dr Oz Hassan from the University of Warwick Politics and International Studies department shares thoughts on the latest events in US politics.


Oil 'behind foreign intervention'

The more oil a country produces, the more likely a foreign power will intervene in its internal conflicts, according to new research from the Universities of Warwick, Portsmouth & Essex.

Wed 28 Jan 2015, 09:08 | Tags: Politics, Research, International, Current Affairs, Middle East

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