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Holocaust survivor speaks to University of Warwick students and staff

Holocaust survivor Mindu Hornick spoke to over 300 people at the University of Warwick last night about her traumatic story of survival and the why the lessons from one of the darkest chapters of history must never be forgotten.

Thu 01 Feb 2024, 12:33 | Tags: HMD

AI tool developed to help grade cancer based on cell divisions

Ahead of World Cancer Day on 4 February, scientists are revealing a cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed to help grade cancer, by analysing cell division.

Wed 31 Jan 2024, 12:44 | Tags: Computer Science, Health, research, cancer, AI, Sciences, Health and Medicine

Iconic Breadfruit sculpture installed at The University of Warwick

The University of Warwick welcomes Turner Prize winner Veronica Ryan’s iconic Breadfruit sculpture to campus where it will be installed outside the Warwick Arts Centre, joining 25 other artworks that form the University’s sculpture park.

Statement on our International Foundation Programme and Admissions Policy

We operate a fair, rigorous and transparent admissions process to ensure we attract the best and brightest students. All qualifications, international, home or otherwise (including our own foundation programme) are benchmarked to A-levels and offers are made accordingly.

Sun 28 Jan 2024, 10:06

Unlocking Ukraine’s Educational Potential: University of Warwick’s Leadership for Educational Transformation continues its journey.

The University of Warwick is gearing up to commence the second module of the Leadership for Educational Transformation Programme for Ukraine, coinciding with the imminent second anniversary of the Russian invasion.

Fri 26 Jan 2024, 09:22 | Tags: Ukraine

The University of Warwick marks Holocaust Memorial Day with an inspiring visit from Survivor, Mindu Hornick

Mindu Hornick, a 93-year-old survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camps, will share her traumatic story during a public talk at the University of Warwick next week, in an open free-to-attend event.

The visit, organised by students from Warwick’s Jewish Society (JSoc), will serve as a reminder of the importance and relevance of commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day.

Thu 25 Jan 2024, 14:26

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