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“A consonant please, Rafiki!” Primate Countdown, the ancient shift from vowels to consonants

Experts from the University of Warwick have found that the shift from dense forests to open plains during the Miocene Era might have prompted humans' ancient ancestors to change their vocal calls. This change, observed in modern orangutan calls, indicates a transition from vowel-based to consonant-based sounds, possibly linked to the evolution of early human communication.


Thu 21 Dec 2023, 16:00

Warwick Agri-Tech ploughs the future of farming and forestry with robotics

The University of Warwick announces Warwick Agri-Tech to help the future of farming with automation – addressing issues such as labour shortages, food insecurity and loss of biodiversity.

Thu 21 Dec 2023, 09:39 | Tags: School of Life Sciences, WMG, research, Sciences

Christmas Potatoes: Mash vs Roast

As the festive season approaches, the debate of Mash vs Roast potatoes takes centre stage in the culinary conversations of Christmas dinner enthusiasts. The University of Warwick weighs in on this perennial debate, delving into the historical significance of the potato and offering an expert opinion from food historian and professor Rebecca Earle.

Wed 20 Dec 2023, 09:00 | Tags: Christmas

Life-changing technology will be rolled out to people with type 1 diabetes

Thousands of people with type 1 diabetes could be offered wearable technology to help them manage their condition.

Tue 19 Dec 2023, 11:51 | Tags: Health, diabetes, WMS, Warwick Medical School, Health and Medicine

The University of Warwick opens its science labs to support students from Aylesford School, Warwick

The University of Warwick has opened its science labs for A-Level students from Aylesford School, Warwick who have been affected by asbestos.

Mon 18 Dec 2023, 16:14 | Tags: Biology, Chemistry, schools

“Unclear” whether opioids are effective at treating cancer pain

The world’s largest review on opioid medicines for cancer pain has found it is unclear whether some commonly used opioid medicines are better than a placebo and suggests that non-opioid medicines, including aspirin, may be as effective as opioids.

Mon 18 Dec 2023, 15:27 | Tags: Health, WMS, Warwick Medical School, Health and Medicine

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