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Press Releases

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New insights into disabled young people who 'succeed but don't proceed' at school

Social factors including low expectations and experiences of bullying are creating barriers to higher education for young people with disabilities in England, according to new research from the University of Warwick and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) published today in the British Journal of Sociology.

Warwick academic honoured with British Sociological Association Distinguished Service award

Professor John Solomos from the University of Warwick Department of Sociology has been given this year’s Distinguished Service to British Sociology Award, an award made each year by the British Sociological Association to an outstanding individual who has contributed greatly to the discipline.

Degrees of Advantage: A new longer-term investigation of the careers of UK graduates

The University of Warwick has been awarded funding for an 18-month project to extend its research into the experiences of graduates in the UK labour market. With funding from the Nuffield Foundation, Warwick’s Institute of Employment Research will revisit its unique Futuretrack study with a fifth survey wave, investigating the employment situations of students almost ten years after their graduation.

Ensuring the continued success of the UK economy as a sophisticated export-oriented service economy after Brexit – new research reviews the options

The first in a new series of briefs bringing current legal thinking to bear on public policy issues has been published today. Brexit: Preserving the UK's Future Success as a Service Economy by Dr Andreas Kokkinis explores the regulatory impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union on the UK’s services sector and contains recommendations on policy options for Brexit negotiations and beyond.

University of Warwick study to explore the politics of economic forecasting and its impact on Brexit and British capitalism

A major University of Warwick study analysing how official UK growth assessments are constructed, and their impact on economic policy and public finances, is to be supported by funding from the Leverhulme Trust.

Sexual harassment of girls is widespread in schools, researchers find

A new study carried out by University of Warwick’s Institute for Employment research for the NEU teaching union and campaign group UK Feminista has found that over a third of girls at mixed-sex schools in England and Wales have been sexually harrassed while at school.

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