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Practice guide by GSD researcher demonstrates how the University of Warwick is innovating in sustainability within education

A practice guide by Dr Alastair Smith demonstrates how the University of Warwick is innovating in sustainability within education through projects which enable students to enjoy practical engagement with real-world climate change issues, while developing their own knowledge and understanding in the process.

“Clunky and challenging” – views on getting married in England and Wales outlined in new briefing

The law on weddings in England and Wales has been too slow to respond to religious and cultural diversity and the increasing number of people who do not identify with any religion at all, finds a new study led by University of Warwick researcher Dr Rajnaara Akhtar of Warwick Law School.

Mon 10 Jan 2022, 12:00 | Tags: Policy, research, Politics, Faculty of Social Science, marriage, Law

New Research: Attending a Cathedral Christmas Carol Service makes you happy.

New research shows that attending a Cathedral Christmas Carol Service has a positive impact on mental health and well-being.

Under a quarter of firms report that introducing AI has led to a loss of jobs

Less than a quarter of firms introducing AI technology over the past five years believe it has led to a net loss of jobs, a new survey led by researchers at the University of Warwick and the University of Sussex Business School reveals.

‘Investment in cities, not towns, is the best way to tackle regional inequality for the long-term,’ finds CAGE Research Centre.

Contrary to reports of a rise in rural living, new research from CAGE shows the COVID pandemic has done little to change the economic geography of the UK. But the preference for urban living revealed in the report offers an opportunity for the government to tackle regional inequality.

Thu 18 Nov 2021, 16:17 | Tags: CAGE, research, Economics, Faculty of Social Science

Researchers, practitioners, and experts by experience work together to help improve regulation

A new tool to help assess service quality for people with a learning disability now being piloted by the Care Quality Commission draws on a Quality of life Framework developed by University of Warwick academics with the PBS Academy and with Experts by Experience and practitioners at the CQC.

Tue 12 Oct 2021, 12:12 | Tags: CEDAR, research, Faculty of Social Science, learning disability

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