Apply for a PATHWAY ECR Fellowship
You can apply by midnight BST on 7 July 2024 to start a Fellowship either in October 2024 or May 2025. Details of the application procedure are provided below.
IMPORTANT - It is a condition of the Fellowship that you must have submitted your PhD thesis for examination within the 12 month period directly preceding your intended Fellowship start date (i.e., thesis submission between 1 Oct 2023-31 Sept 2024 for a October 2024 start, and between 1 May and 30 April 2025 for a May 2025 start).
Applications will be considered by a panel of Warwick academic staff, including the IAS Director and Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research).
Academic Excellence - taking into account:
- Previous publication record, if any, arising from the doctoral research
- Conference papers, if any, based on the doctoral research
- Grants and fellowships awarded during postgraduate career
- Evidence of engagement with research community beyond immediate field
- Letters of reference
Quality of Proposed Activities - as detailed in project statement within the Application Form, taking into account:
- Intellectual ambition and scope of proposed activities
- Ability of proposed programme to lead to the advancement the candidate’s postdoctoral research career
- Evidence of ongoing proactivity and clarity of objectives to achieve research goals.
- Feasibility (ability to accomplish stated goals within the Fellowship period).
- That this is not a vehicle for funding new research or for completing PhD investigations
Scope for Interdisciplinary engagement – taking into account:
- The interdisciplinary direction of the proposed work
- Applicant’s ability and willingness to situate their future research within the broader interdisciplinary research framework of the IAS.
Fit to the PATHWAY Programme - taking into account the purpose of the programme as follows:
The Warwick PATHWAY programme is a positive action programme to address under-representation of Black academics in UK HEIs. Its objectives are to support research career development for Black students and researchers and to create a community of Black researchers and students who are interested in building a research career.
For applicants:
Please read the guidelines below carefully. To apply for the scheme, you will need to:
- Complete the online Equal Opportunities survey
- Complete the PATHWAY ECR Fellowship Application Form and ask your Head of Department and Departmental Administrator to sign this (either electronically or in print)
- Complete the Microsoft form, uploading your completed PATHWAY ECR Fellowship Application Form and CV (maximum 2 single-spaced, single sides of A4, min. font size 10)
- Request an academic Letter of Reference in support of your application from two separate referees. Ask your referees to submit these separately (see guidance for referees below). Usually, one referee will be your current research mentor.
IMPORTANT - It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application and academic references reach the PATHWAY Team by the deadline. Late or incomplete applications submitted will not be considered.
Considering the Funding Guidelines and the review criteria above, please provide a Letter of Reference which addresses the applicant’s achievements to date and suitability for the Fellowship. This should reference any academic achievements as well as any engagement beyond their immediate specialism, contributions to the department (e.g, teaching, seminars, support with events, committees etc).
- University of Warwick referees can upload their Letter of Reference using this form
- External referees should email their Letter of Reference to, clearly marking the subject of the email ‘PATHWAY ECR Fellowship reference for [APPLICANT NAME]
N.B. All Letters of Reference must be saved using the following format for file names: