Chancellor's Commission Blog
Embedding Warwick into the local community the Young Persons Workshop
‘People come to Warwick not because they didn’t get into another University, but because they want to be part of Warwick’. This was the vision of the ethos and values of the University of Warwick, presented to a delegation of young people from across the community by commissioner and alumna Emily Walsh. It was a personal commitment to the view that the way in which Warwick engages with the local community, and the values that underpin this engagement, are uniquely Warwick, and are fundamental to the institution.
Warwick Volunteers - The Impact and Benefits of Globalisation
Globalisation is firmly embedded in the University’s strategy and major achievements have been made against strategic targets, with the University of Warwick now in the top 50 ranking of world universities. The University has links with universities overseas; it has a growing population of alumni living around the world; it has international volunteering programmes helping educate children in India and Africa.