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Researcher Development

The Researcher Development programme is provided by the Doctoral College to help you get the best out of your time at Warwick and the best out of yourself.

The programme covers all disciplines and stages of research; including writing, research methods, productivity & skills, PhD in second language series, wellbeing and support for your career.

Thinking about your professional development allows you to source the support and training you need, when you need it.

The Summer Researcher Development programme has now finished and we will return in October. To get a taste of what we deliver have a look at our 2023-24 RDO Handbook 
Further details on RD Teams siteLink opens in a new window, and @warwickrrsp on X

"The prime gain from doing a PhD is little to do with the subject.

It is the life skills; surviving countless struggles, persisting through difficult times, becoming a resourceful problem solver and independent thinker; and knowing when to ask for help.

Invaluable for any future role!!"

We run an online and in-person programme of support and training throughout the year including evenings, weekends and vacation periods; so hopefully you will find an event which suits your timing.

We hold all our online events on our RDO Teams channel, where we also publicise any research related events that we hear about.

Check out the following resources

Researcher Development Moodle ( our workshop resources site)

Resources Page

Follow us on Twitter @warwickrssp

Listen to our careers and research related Podcasts or watch our RDOWarwick - YouTube videos.

Workshop and E.Learning Resources

RDO Feedback Form

Researcher Development Programme - the 6 Core Series

Accelerator series –Sessions that will get your PhD off to the best start. It will bring you into contact with other new arrivals at Warwick, starting to build your professional network and peer group of colleagues.

Essentials, productivity and wellbeing series-key areas that we all will need to cover no matter what our discipline and sessions to keep us on track, motivated, and meeting milestones.

Research practices & Methodologies series- in addition to our popular research methods training we also focus on integrity, ethics, planning and team working

PhD in Second Language Series – If you are doing your PhD in your second, third or even 4th language then we run weekly sessions focussing on writing, presenting, speaking and also navigating the strange accents and behaviours of the British.

Writing support- we start from the basics of sentence structure, through to writing your first press release. We cover how to manage large volumes of material, organising your argument, signposting and storyboarding. And when you are writing up, we offer retreats, proof reading circles and creative writing sessions to deal with writers block. Check out our dedicated Writing page

Careers- we need to start thinking and planning where next, so that we can make the most of any opportunities we have during our PhD. Check out our dedicated Careers page

Coming up in the next weeks of the RDO Summer Term programme:

Get booking now to make sure you get a place.

Welcome to SkillsForge (

Do you have any questions? Contact us via or use the Contact and Feedback Form.