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Thesis submission (first examination and resubmission)

Please use this form to submit your thesis for examination (first examination or resubmission). If you are submitting the final version of your thesis please use the final (library) thesis submission form.

Please complete the thesis submission declaration form and submit it with your thesis and Covid-19 impact statement (if applicable) for examination below.

If you are resubmitting your thesis you will also need to upload a memo detailing how you have addressed the revisions requested by your examiners and pay the resubmission fee. Please note the fee is not payable for minor/major corrections and your corrections should be submitted directly to your examiners.

We will confirm receipt of your thesis by email.

Please ensure that you are logged in before completing the form.

IMPORTANT: Have you checked your submission meets the presentation guidelines? Please check everything before submitting, if your thesis does not meet the University requirements, your submission may not be accepted and can lead to delays.

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The data on this form relates to your thesis submission. The date and time of your submission, your identity and the files you have submitted will all be stored, but will not be used for any purpose other than for administering the examination of your thesis. 

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