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RD Resources

Researcher Development helps you get the best out of Warwick from your time here, and most importantly get the best from yourself.

Researcher Development Online returns in the Autumn

Programme updates will appear here

PhD in a Second Language

A PhD is challenging. Doing it in another language makes it more so. Even if your first language is English but you're unfamiliar with British Academia, there will be something here to support you.

The series is designed and run by a Warwick PhD Alumni, Lecturer and RD facilitator who still occasionally struggles to find the correct word.

The series is designed to support you with many aspects of the process. We cover writing and speaking, reading and presenting and navigating GB culture.

Workshop details for the Autumn programme will appear here with booking links.

PhD in Second Language

RDO Podcast (

Part time PhD

For those who are studying their PhD alongside work, caring responsibilities, industrial partners' needs and life, then this community is especially for you.

Workshop details for the Autumn programme will appear here with booking links.

Check out our specific Part time PGRs RDO Teams Channel


Looking after all aspects of your wellbeing will be crucial to your enjoyment, success and fulfilment whilst undertaking your research degree.

We have a specific PhD WellbeingLink opens in a new window page and there are Masterclasses Link opens in a new windowspecifically for PGRs offered by Warwick's Wellbeing Services

More information on support across Warwick and external bodies can be found via the WellbeingLink opens in a new window Services and also via the Doctoral College pageLink opens in a new window

Helping students in distressLink opens in a new window ( Researcher Development Guide)

Upgrade or Viva coming up?

We have sessions to support you and help you plan ahead.

Get an idea of what to expect and some hints & tips to be at your best. Our Viva session covers some common asked questions and you will have time to plan responses.

Workshop details for the Autumn programme will appear here with booking links.


No matter what stage of your PhD, you need to start planning where next now. Deciding what career will suit you and your skills, abilities and what you value will help you think about what you need to be doing now to get the career of your choice. In addition to running one to one coaching with a Careers Coach, check out our annual summer NextSteps CareersLink opens in a new window series.

Don't forget to look at the support available to you via the Careers ServiceLink opens in a new window

Globalised Researcher PodcastsLink opens in a new window

Vitae Careers PagesLink opens in a new window

Responsible Innovation

A process that seeks to promote creativity and opportunities for science and innovation that are socially desirable and undertaken in the public interest.

A variety of frameworks, tools and resources have been developed to support Responsible Innovation, for both research and business communities. They share approaches which facilitate the anticipation of consequences, and engagement with stakeholders, including policymakers and the public.

Essential planning for your research

Research Integrity

‘Research integrity’ refers to high quality and robust practice across the full research process i.e. the planning and conduct of research, the recording and reporting of results, and the dissemination, application and exploitation of findings.

Make sure you are aware of your commitments and responsibilities

Check out our 'Understanding the importance of Research Ethics & IntegrityLink opens in a new window' Podcast

Research Integrity resources

University Integrity WebpagesLink opens in a new window

University Code of Practice

Epigeum Research Integrity TrainingLink opens in a new window

RDO Integrity & Ethics WorkshopsLink opens in a new window

RDO Questionable Research WorkshopsLink opens in a new window

Dilemma GameLink opens in a new window - developed by Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Research Integrity - a landscape study Link opens in a new window

Researcher Development Framework

Using the RDF as a researcherLink opens in a new window

Professional Development Planning for ResearchersLink opens in a new window

Vitae members areaLink opens in a new window (you will need to register with your Warwick email) will enable you to access more materials, more networks and keep in touch with events within researcher community

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