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Preparing for assessments

Academic skills

  • Academic skills pages have tips and advice on revision including resources and workshops.
  • Celebrating academic integrity

    Academic integrity means committing to honesty in academic work, giving credit where we've used others' ideas and being proud of our own achievements.

    Access useful resources to make sure that your work always meets Warwick's expectations of academic integrity.

Library events and resources

Students’ Union resources

The Students' Union shares advice on exams including tips on looking after yourself over the exam period and on how to prepare.

Throughout May, the Students' Union will be hosting a number of events to help ease the pressures of exams season. Find out more.

Student blogs

Preparing for exams and assignments

This time of year is extremely busy for university students, as you will all know. We’re working on our assignments, potentially our dissertation, exams, and – if you’re final year – preparing for our next step. To get the best out of the end of your academic year, it’s important to work smart, take breaks, and look after yourself. Here are some of my tips!

My exam season routine as a third year Chemistry student

If you didn’t know, the exams are at a different time for us third year chemists compared to the usual May/June exam period – we do them in weeks 9 and 10 of term 2 so that term 3 is dedicated completely to labs. So today, I thought I’d talk you through my exam season routine and share some of my tips and tricks and hopefully this might give you some inspo or motivation for your upcoming exam season.

My personal favourite study spaces at Warwick

Warwick is very good at providing many study areas for a lot of students. In fact, the MyWarwick app, which is a little hub of information as a Warwick student, has information on certain study areas across campus, such as how many spaces are available.

10 Tips for a successful Dissertation

Writing a dissertation is a significant task, for some marking the culmination of years of study and research. It's a challenging yet rewarding endeavour that requires dedication, organisation, and strategic planning. To help you navigate this journey smoothly, here are ten invaluable tips to guide you through the process.