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Congratulations to our graduates

Dozens of CLL students saw their hard work pay off as they graduated at the University’s annual ceremony on Wednesday 19 July.

Students from nine courses, ranging from Masters to Foundation level, collected their certificates in front of cheering friends, family and loved ones at the ceremony hosted in The Butterworth Hall in Warwick Arts Centre.

Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:22 | Tags: CLL part-time postgraduate Undergraduate Graduation

Dr Alan Dolan to discuss research on BBC Radio 4

Dr Alan DolanDr Alan Dolan will be appearing on BBC Radio 4’s “Thinking Allowed” programme, hosted by Laurie Taylor, at 4pm on Wednesday 5 July.

Tue 04 Jul 2017, 12:34 | Tags: CLL postgraduate Social Work

CLL to launch new project to help adult learners achieve GCSEs

The Centre for Lifelong Learning will be launching a new project to help adult learners achieve GCSEs.

The ‘GCSE for Me’ initiative is a pilot project which is designed to help adult learners achieve a GCSE qualification in English or maths.

The GCSE courses will run by experienced subject specialists for the first time from September 2017.

Wed 03 May 2017, 13:07 | Tags: CLL

Phil McCash delivers workshop at Career Development Institute Student Conference

Phil McCash, will deliver a workshop at the Career Development Institute (CDI) Student Conference, later today.

'Career helping at depth: working with the whole person in careers work' will discuss the relationship between depth psychology and career development.

Phil McCash is Principal Teaching Fellow in Career Studies at CLL Warwick

Wed 12 Apr 2017, 10:07 | Tags: CLL Careers Studies Unit Conference postgraduate Workshops

Dr Barbara Merrill to coordinate European Society for Research on the Education of Adults Conference

Dr Barbara Merrill will be coordinating this year’s Access, Learning Careers and Identities Network Conference run by the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA), which has now launched a call for papers.

Mon 10 Apr 2017, 14:01 | Tags: CLL Conference

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