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Dr Sarah Cousins published in new book 'Educating for Democracy in England and Finland'.

A chapter co-authored by Dr Sarah Cousins, Director of Early Years, has been published in a new book Educating for Democracy in England and Finland.

Thu 13 Oct 2016, 12:57 | Tags: CLL Early Childhood

CLL Careers Studies team presents at career development conference

Gill Frigerio and Phil McCash attended the NICEC conference 'Rethinking Career Development for a Globalised World' on 21 & 22 September, at the University of Derby.

Career Development and Coaching Studies alumni, Erik Zeltner and Tom Lakin, and current students, Sarah Blackford and Laura Brammar also delivered seminars.

Tue 27 Sep 2016, 13:51 | Tags: CLL Careers Studies Unit Coaching Conference

Dr Khursheed Wadia talks to BBC Radio

In August, Dr Khursheed Wadia was interviewed by BBC Radio Merseyside and BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire about Muslim women hitting the headlines in both Britain and France.

Tue 13 Sep 2016, 12:18 | Tags: CLL SWELL PhD postgraduate research

Congratulations to our new Graduates

We’d like to extend warm congratulations to all of our students who graduated today (20 July)


Dr Sarah Cousins published in new 'Quality in the Early Years' book

Two chapters authored by Dr Sarah Cousins, Director of Early Years, have been published in a new book Quality in the Early Years.

Sarah authored chapter 6: Policies for Quality Early Years Provision, and co-authored chapter 2: Quality Experiences for Babies and Very Young Children, with Dr Perry Knight, University of Bedfordshire.

The book is edited by Emma Slaughter and is published by Open University Press

Mon 11 Jul 2016, 16:30 | Tags: CLL Early Childhood

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