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Top Tips for Joining CLL from Students

Joining the Centre for Lifelong Learning is both an exciting and nervous time, especially for students returning to education after a long period of time or students who are taking the next step in furthering their education. To help with your next step, our students have come up with their top tips on joining CLL.

"When I graduated in 2005, I was extremely proud of what I had achieved. My family were there on the day to see me graduate and they were delighted for me."

Alison works as a Job Search Adviser in Student Careers and Skills at the University of Warwick and became an accredited R2 Strengths practitioner in May 2016. She is also a graduate of the Centre for Lifelong Learning, completing her BA in Health and Social Policy in 2005. She has also worked in Student Recruitment and Marketing since graduation.

We caught up with her to hear her story almost 13 years on...

Centre for Lifelong Learning attend The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning at Cambridge University

The Universities Association for Lifelong Learning held their annual conference last month on the grounds of Cambridge University at Downing College. Senior Teaching Fellow and Tutor, Dr Anil Awesti, Early Years Programme Director, Dr. Sarah Cousins and Director of 2+2 and Part-time Degrees, Dr. Simon Glaze attended the event from the Centre for Lifelong Learning.

Congratulations to our graduates

Dozens of CLL students saw their hard work pay off as they graduated at the University’s annual ceremony on Wednesday 19 July.

Students from nine courses, ranging from Masters to Foundation level, collected their certificates in front of cheering friends, family and loved ones at the ceremony hosted in The Butterworth Hall in Warwick Arts Centre.

Fri 21 Jul 2017, 15:22 | Tags: CLL part-time postgraduate Undergraduate Graduation

New Student Welfare Officer on hand to help

Elaine Moore is the Centre’s new, dedicated Student Welfare Officer, supporting students across all of our programmes.

Mon 16 Jan 2017, 17:06 | Tags: CLL postgraduate Undergraduate

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