Applicants holding a Conditional Insurance (CI) Offer
What happens if I am not accepted at my Firm choice university but meet the conditions of my Insurance offer at Warwick?
Please refer back to the conditions of our offer as stated in your offer email. If you meet all the conditions as stated then your place at Warwick is guaranteed. When your Firm choice institution has confirmed with UCASLink opens in a new window that they are unable to offer you a place, UCAS will automatically confirm your place at Warwick.
What happens if I have not been accepted at my Firm choice university and also not met the conditions of my offer at Warwick?
Firstly, you should check UCASLink opens in a new window to see if your status has changed. If it shows that you have been ‘unsuccessful’ then unfortunately we are unable to accept you or offer you an alternative course. You will then be eligible for Clearing and UCAS will automatically send you details about the Clearing process. Further details about Clearing are available on the UCAS websiteLink opens in a new window.
If your status on UCAS has not yet updated, we may still be considering your application. It is rare that we are able to accept Insurance offer holders who do not meet the terms of their offer, but if we are able to admit any such candidates we normally take the following factors into account when making our decision:
- The grades achieved and how close they are to our offer
- Academic strengths and weaknesses and their relevance to your chosen degree course
- The strength of your personal statement and reference
- Personal circumstances such as illness or bereavement
- Any other supporting information available to us
If we are able to accept you then your place will be confirmed via UCAS.
If I do not meet the conditions of my offer, can Warwick offer me a place on a different course?
In a small number of cases, those who do not meet the conditions of their offer may be made an offer of a place on a different but related degree course. They are not obliged to accept such an offer, but we endeavour to give candidates the flexibility to choose themselves. Please refer to UCAS for the deadline by when you must make a decision.
Please note that if you accept a change of course offer you will not be able to transfer to your original course choice after enrolment.
If I do not meet the conditions of my offer, when will I find out if my place at Warwick has been confirmed?
If your status on UCAS has not yet updated, we may still be considering your application. We may not be able to make a decision on whether or not you have a place at Warwick until mid to late August. This is because many of our applicants are only receiving their GCE A and AS Level results from 15 August 2024. We typically wait until all examination results are available before making decisions on those who have narrowly missed the conditions of their offer to ensure that all candidates can be considered together in a fair and equitable manner.
We aim to give all applicants for whom we have results a final decision on their place by 1 September 2023.
What happens if I do not meet the conditions of my Insurance choice and would rather go into Clearing than wait for a decision?
If you have already been made unsuccessful at your Firm choice and do not meet the conditions of your Insurance offer at Warwick, you may prefer to enter Clearing straight away rather than waiting for us to make a decision. In this case, you should contact the Clearing Hotline to ask us to process an ‘unsuccessful’ decision on your application – this will automatically put you into Clearing.
The Clearing Hotline +44 (0)2476 533 544 will be open from:
- 8am until 6pm (UK time) on Thursday 15 August
- 9am until 4pm (UK time) on Friday 16 August
- 9am until 5pm (UK time) on Monday 19 August
After Monday 21 August, please speak to us via a live chat.
Please only use this number if you have NOT met the conditions of your offer and have NOT received an ‘unsuccessful’ decision from us.
It is best if you contact us personally, rather than asking your parent/supporter or teacher to do it. We want to ensure you have the appropriate information to make decisions that are right for you.
What happens if I meet all the conditions of Warwick’s offer but no longer wish to go to University?
We would recommend that you withdraw your application through UCASLink opens in a new window if you no longer want to attend university.
Will I be able to find campus accommodation?
To be guaranteed a room on campus for the 2023/2024 academic year as a new, full-time UG student you will have:
- Made Warwick your firm choice by 22 August 2023
- Submitted your accommodation application online by 22 August 2023
- Hold an unconditional firm offer of study at Warwick by 22 August 2023
We aim to allocate all new first-year undergraduate and International Foundation Programme students on campus, including those who have applied through Clearing.
In the event you do not meet the conditions above, you would still be guaranteed an offer of University-allocated accommodation which in the vast majority of cases will include a room in University owned campus halls of residence or, in the event of very high demand, local partnership accommodation provided you meet the above conditions by 6 September 2023.
Please see our allocation principles for further information or visit our accommodation webpages.
If I knew then what I know now...
I really wish I had worried much less in the time leading up to my arrival at Warwick. I think my main worry was that I wouldn't be 'good enough', that everyone I met would be much more intelligent than me. I realise now that worrying was a complete waste of time; I'd applied and been offered a place after all!
I wish I'd known how easy it would be to join clubs and societies at Warwick. Finding friends with similar interests and hobbies is never a problem here. Also it's a great idea to be prepared to give something new a go. I've met lots of great people at Warwick Climbing Club and I'd never climbed before coming to University.
I wish I hadn't worried about being lonely, during Freshers Fortnight there are so many events taking place that I spent hardly any time on my own at all, and as a result made some great friends and had a lot of fun.
I wish I had prepared a rough budget before coming to Warwick. For the first few weeks I lived beyond my means, leaving myself short for the rest of the term. I should have spoken to current or past students and got an idea of the realistic amount a student spends in a week.