Core modules
Core modules (Diploma)
Macroeconomics 2
On this module, you will learn to understand and apply the core theoretical models used in macroeconomics, for both closed and open economies, in order to enhance your comprehension of real-world macroeconomic experiences, especially involving macroeconomic policy. By the end of this module, you should be able to present clearly and methodically your understanding of a variety of common theoretical models and their inter-relationships, including through the use of equations and graphics. We will typically cover all major areas, including but not limited to, flexible pricing and sticky-price models; consumption and growth; wage-setting and unemployment; fiscal and monetary policy; international trade and exchange rate systems; and international financial markets.
Microeconomics 2
You will gain a solid understanding of intermediate and some advanced principles of microeconomics and be exposed to a range of applications of theory. You will spend time on the use of mathematical concepts in the field for analysis, and cover important principles of general equilibrium and social welfare, market failure, choice and uncertainty, and static and dynamic games of complete and incomplete information. By the end of this module, you will be able to analyse a range of microeconomic concepts, using a range of approaches, including graphical and mathematical techniques and apply your knowledge to policy issues and to the analysis of different sectors.
Econometrics 1
You'll be equipped with important skills of both academic and vocational value, being an essential part of the intellectual training of an economist and also useful for your future career. This includes an awareness of the empirical approach to economics; experience in analysis and use of empirical data; understanding the nature of uncertainty and methods of dealing with it; and using econometric software packages as tools of quantitative and statistical analysis.
Core modules (MSc)
Microeconomics A or Microeconomics B
Macroeconomics A or Macroeconomics B
These modules will develop your understanding of advanced economic analysis, with more applied versions (A) or more technical/theoretically orientated versions (B). As a guide, we expect students opting for the B versions of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics to have obtained the equivalent of a First class mark (70%) in their undergraduate studies, though we will consider a request to take a B variant even if that prerequisite is not met.
Quantitative Methods: Econometrics A or Quantitative Methods: Econometrics B
Econometrics A covers fundamental econometrics research skills and Econometrics B will supplement the development of these key and fundamental professional skills by looking at more advanced topics.
You will have the opportunity to pose an interesting research question in economics, to find the correct methods for analysing the question, including development of theoretical models and/or analysis of data where appropriate, and to write up your results independently.
Optional modules
Optional modules can vary from year to year. Example optional modules for the Diploma may include:
- Economics of Money and Banking
- Mathematical Economics 1A
- Econometrics 2: Time Series
- International Trade
Example optional modules for the MSc may include:
- Topics in Global Finance
- Health Economics
- Game Theory
- Topics in Applied Macroeconomics
Read more about the modules on our Economics web pages.Link opens in a new window