Core modules
Statistics for Data Analysis
The aim of this module is to give students a basic understanding of the statistical methods appropriate to data analysis in analytical science, and to provide guidance on some statistical tools for more advanced study. Topics include: basic probability; error analysis and calibration; summarising data and testing simple hypotheses; statistical computing (software and practice, including simple graphics); experimental design and analysis of variance; sampling methods and quality control; simple analysis of multivariate data. Each session will combine lecture and data analysis workshop. At the end of the course the student should be able to appreciate the added value that statistical analysis can bring to research to perform basic statistical analyses of simple data sets using statistical software to design simple experiments.
Techniques in Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
This module will introduce practical fundamentals of qualitative and quantitative analysis. We will consider practical aspects of sampling and calibration techniques. The laboratory sessions will include quantitative analyses using volumetry, gravimetry, UV-visible, IR, Raman as well as NMR spectroscopy and state-of-the art inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP) techniques such as OES and MS.
Frontier Techniques in Analytical Science
This module introduces students from a range of different backgrounds to advanced analytical techniques, and aims to ensure students appreciate the links between need for measurement, instrumentation design, data quality and data analysis.
Microscopy and Imaging
This module provides a foundation in the principles and applications of microscopy, starting with basics of light microscopy and progressing to state-of-the-art confocal microscopy, electron microscopy and scanned probe microscopy. The latter includes atomic force microscopy and electrochemical imaging techniques for which Warwick is particularly well-known. The module includes workshops on image analysis and seminars that cover the most recent developments in the field.
Transferable Skills
This module is based around students completing and recording tasks contributing to the development of transferable skills. Students complete a portfolio and reflect on what they have learned. The various aspects of the course cover: working in teams and working with your supervisor, communicating across disciplines using various media e.g., written reports, posters, presentations, web and video, as well as elements of leadership and career development.
Team Research Project: Real World Analysis
Research questions in academia and industry generally require the development and integration of several analytical techniques. The aim of this module is designed to make students aware of these requirements. It is the culmination of the taught part of the course, and constitutes the ideal preparation for the research project and future careers in analytical laboratories. The practical work for this module involves team work to solve real analytical problems using multiple techniques and professional data analysis. Literature work will be required as the basis of method development.
20-week individual research project
The module is designed to develop student research skills, through an extended project in an area of their chosen discipline. Students will become aware of the elements of research, including appraising the literature, designing novel experiments (practical and/or computational), assessing results and drawing conclusions that they will be able to set against the current field. This module will allow students to be original in their application of knowledge to the solution of new, research-led problems.
Optional Modules
You will study four of the following:
Electrochemistry and Sensors
This module provides a grounding in the fundamentals of electrochemistry, electroanalytical techniques and sensor technology. The module encompasses potentiometric methods, voltammetric/amperometric techniques, microfluidic/flow devices. Electrochemistry aspects draw on Warwick’s major strengths in this area and include developments in ion-selective electrodes, electrode kinetics and mass transport and key techniques, such as linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry, hydrodynamic electrodes, stripping voltammetry, ultramicroelectrodes and array devices. Lectures and problems classes are supplemented by laboratory sessions which provide students with practical hands-on experience.
Mass Spectrometry
This module introduces students to the many facets of modern mass spectrometry. Emphasis is placed both on the interpretation of spectra and also on instrumental methods, covering modern methods of ionisation (including ESI and MALDI) and mass analysis (including orthogonal TOF and FT-ICR) and the use of linked methods such as GC/MS, HPLC/MS and tandem mass spectrometry. Practical sessions include practice at interpretation and experiments using various mass spectrometric techniques.
Chromatography and Separation Science
During this interdisciplinary module students will learn about the theory and practice of different types of chromatography and their application in real-world scenarios. They will develop the skills necessary to decide how to decide which methods are the most appropriate for a given separation problem - whether for analysis or purification of, for example, synthetic polymers, biomolecules, or biopharmaceuticals. The module includes workshops on data interpretation and lab sessions providing students with hands-on experience with several different chromatographic methods.
Magnetic Resonance
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in both solution and the solid state as well as electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) will be described. The course will cover the underlying theory of the experiments as well as practical aspects of recording spectra and their interpretation. The importance of magnetic resonance across science, in, e.g., organic chemistry, pharmaceuticals and proteins, will be demonstrated.
X-ray and Neutron Techniques
X-ray and neutron diffraction and scattering techniques, as well as X-ray spectroscopies will be introduced in this module. Students will learn the underlying theory of the experiments as well as practical aspects of recording data and their interpretation. The importance of X-ray and Neutron methods across science, in e.g., material chemistry, pharmaceuticals and proteins will be demonstrated.