English and Cultural Studies BA (Course Code: D-Y304)
Find out more about our BA (Hons) English and Cultural Studies (with Centre for Lifelong Learning)
The English and Cultural Studies degree offers the opportunity for a broadly-based study of English and culture. This degree also offers an excellent opportunity to develop foreign language skills.
Entry Requirements
There are no prescribed entry qualifications for the degree. Applicants are normally interviewed by the course selector in the Department of English, who will look for evidence of academic ability and commitment and, in addition, for evidence of serious interest in the study of literature. This evidence might be obtained from study of literature in an Access, A-Level or a CLL course, or a less formal engagement with literature.
Course Overview
The degree is designed to be fully supportive to those who are new to university study, whatever your age.
You follow a central core of modules taught by the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, but can choose other relevant modules from other departments.
Teaching, Assessment and Study support
There are a variety of assessments and these may include coursework assignments, formal examinations, presentations and research projects. You can study between 30 and 90 credits per year. This could be a combination of 30 CATS modules that run for the full academic year or 15 CATS modules that run for 1 term. You can expect to commit to around 10 hours a week for each 30 CATS module you take, which includes contact time and independent study.
Tutors are experts in their field and have extensive teaching experience, including working with adult learners. Throughout your degree programme you will be provided with considerable support and guidance.
University of Warwick was recently awarded Gold in all categories of the government's latest Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) rankings.
Areas of Study - Level 4
While this degree offers flexibility, it is highly recommended that students complete 120 credits of Level 4 modules prior to Honours Level (5 and 6) study in order to prepare well for this.
The degree requires you to take 120 Level 4 credits, followed by a further 240 Honours Level credits. At Level 4, there is one compulsory module, Modes of Reading, which is taken by all Warwick students, full and part-time, taking degrees in English. The module offers an introduction to the practices of criticism and will address form, genre and literary inheritance. You are strongly encouraged to take a second module in English to increase your knowledge and skills in literature. The following are offered:
- Modern World Literatures
- Epic into Novel
- Medieval and Early Modern Literature
Other introductory modules in English and Cultural Studies are offered by the Departments of Film and TV Studies, History, Classics and Ancient History, History of Art and the Language Centre.
Areas of Study - Honours Level
At Honours Level, you must take a minimum of four of the eight Honours Level modules available from the English Department (or the equivalent totalling 120 CATS, most modules are 30 CATS unless specified below). This is an indicative list of the modules that have been offered:
- The European Novel
- U.S. Writing and Culture, 1780-1920North American Women Writers
- Romantic and Victorian Poetry
- Seventeenth Century Literature
- Literary and Cultural Theory
- Arthurian Literature and its Legacy
- The English Nineteenth Century Novel
- Modern American Poetry
- New Literatures in English
- Devolutionary British Fiction
- Explorations in Critical Theory
- The Global Novel
- Literature, Environment, Ecology
- European Theatre
- American Fiction since 1918: Genre and History
- Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists
- Dissertation
- Othello - 15 CATS
- English Literature and Feminisms 1799-1899
- Eighteenth Century Literature
- Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850-1947
- Literature and Psychoanalysis
- States of Damage
- Restoration Drama - 15 CATS
- Early Modern Drama - 15 CATS
- Fiction Now: Narrative, Media and Theory in the 21st Century
- Disasters and the British Contemporary
- Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context - 15 CATS
- Literature, Theory and Time
- Cultures of Abolition: Slavery, Prison, Debt and Data
- Remaking Shakespeare
- Commodity Fictions: World Literature and World-Ecology
- Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text
You may take optional modules from other departments in the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences with the agreement of the course director and academic coordinator.
*The modules mentioned above may be subject to change.
Please read our terms and conditions for more detailed information and our Conditions of OfferLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window document for more information on when you accept a place with the University.
Your course and university experience will give you skills that can be transferred to a wide variety of careers. Such skills include communication, innovation, linguistical and theoretical approaches, cultural and dynamic. All these are very desirable to employers. As many graduate jobs are open to students from all degree subjects, there is a wide range of career possibilities. For example, jobs in Teaching, Journalism and Content Writing and Publishing. You could also work in a range of sectors such as Arts, Culture and Recreation, Business and Administration, Teaching and Lecturing.
Graduates from English courses have gone on to work for employers including:
- Archant
- Barclays
- Bloomsbury
- British Council
- Civil Service
- Maidstone Borough Council
- Newsquest Media Group
- Pan Macmillan
- Royal Opera House
- The Sunday Times
- Teach First
- Tesco
- Weber Shandwick
They have pursued roles such as:
- Journalists
- Newspaper and periodical editors
- Publishers
- Creative directors
- Arts officers, producers and directors
- Authors, writers and translators
- Musicians and composers
- Teachers
- Advertising accounts managers
- Business sales executives
- Solicitors and legal associate professionals
- Management consultants and business analysts
- Marketing associate professionals
- Academics and researchers
Fees and Funding
The University will charge Home students £1,540 for each 30 credit module and £770 for a 15-credit module in 2024/25 cohort.
See Student fees and funding for more information and view potential additional fees.
The University of Warwick is not currently sponsoring students on part time or distance learning courses with a Student Visa (formerly known as Tier 4 visa) and so if you require a visa to study a part time/distance learning course in the UK which is longer than 6 months, you may wish to consult the 'right to study' page on our Student Immigration & Compliance website before you make an application.
Location and Dates
Classes are on located on Main Campus, The University of Warwick. Times dependent on modules taken; please contact us for more details.
Discover our fantastic Faculty of Arts Building on campus in the video below.
This video was filmed in 2022.
Student Support
The CLL Student Support TeamLink opens in a new window supports the pastoral and academic needs of our diverse student body, including:
- Supporting the academic development of undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Ensuring a learning experience of the highest quality, both at the University and in partner colleges.
- Communicating with students in order to ensure a positive learning experience at CLL
To do this, we support you in many areas, including:
- Study skills
- Student welfare
- Technology and e-learning
- Careers and development
Life at Warwick
Within a close-knit community of staff and students from all over the world, discover a campus alive with possibilities. A place where all the elements of your student experience come together in one place. Our supportive, energising, welcoming space creates the ideal environment for forging new connections, having fun and finding inspiration.
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How to Apply
Applications for 2024/25 are now closed.
How to Apply
Applications for 2024/25 are now closed.