Postgraduate Research Students
Use this page to explore profiles of our current PhD candidates. Arranged by family name.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alumni
Tyler Ball, Writing Wider Worlds: An Eco-Ontological Approach to Indian Ocean Literature, Supervisors: Rashmi Varma and Michael Niblett
Janneke Beerman (cotutelle with the University of Curacao), World-literature: Cosmopolitanism in Hybrid Caribbean Novels, Supervisors: Paulo de Medeiros (University of Warwick) and Elisabeth Echteld (University of Curacao)
Will Berrington, The American Millennial Novel: Coming-of-Age from Crash to 'Long Downturn' (2008-2022), Supervisors: Myka Tucker-Abramson and Stephen Shapiro
Simone Blandford, Chicago and the Radical American Novel, Supervisors: Stephen Shapiro and Mark Storey
Owain Burrell, The Grammar School Ideal in British Literature 1945-1990, Supervisor: Michael Gardiner
Bernadette Carter, Elizabeth Jennings' Incarnational Poetics, Supervisor: Emma Mason
Tom Crompton, The Poetics of the Deindustrialising Landscape, Supervisor: Jonathan Skinner
Elise Canning,
Fern Ennis, Hybrid Fantasy after Undine, Supervisor: Emma Mason
Lu Feng, Reading Water in the Cities of Jiangnan, Supervisors: Caitlin Vandertop and Anne Gerritsen
Mark Gorham, Ideologues United: England's ideology and its relation to the Good in Gothic, Supervisors: Paulo de Medeiros and Jen Baker
Beth Greaves, The Literary and Cultural Imagination of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy from 1976 to 2020, Supervisor: Liz Barry
Christopher Griffin, The Aesthetics of the Secret, 1998-2018, Supervisors: Michael Gardiner (University of Warwick) and Dave Gunning (University of Birmingham)
Hannah Gillman
Nicola Hamer, Beyond elegy: confronting grief in contemporary ecopoetry, Supervisors: Jonathan Skinner and Fabienne Viala
John Hundley,
Mohammad Javanmard, Literary Constellations; Allegories of Collectivities in the Era of Globalisation, Supervisors: Mike Niblett and Paulo de Medeiros
Celia Jarvis,Christian devotional experience in nineteenth-century Literature and Art.
Raad Khair-Allah, A Comparative Study on Contemporary Arab Women Writers, filmmakers and artists in a Transnational Frame, Supervisor: Rashmi Varma
Wayne Kwong,The construction of Hong Kong identities in artistic representations – from literature to beyond
Harry Kite,
Xueyi Li, The Chinese Presence in Caribbean Literature, Supervisor: Mike Niblett
Tingxuan Liu, Beyond Solidarity: Rethinking East and Southeast Asia in Contemporary Cosmopolitan Writing, Supervisor: Ross Forman
Bushra Mahzabeen, Invisibility of Oil: The Politics of Labour Displacement and Exploitative Gender Relations in Petro-Capitalist Commodity Frontiers, Supervisor: Michael Niblett
Michael Morgan, When Did Capitalist Realism Begin? The literary registration of Capitalist Realism at the turn of the 21st century and its antecedents, Supervisor: Michael Gardiner
Mariana Nascimento, Pluri-vocality and Alterity: Perceptions of Temporal Disjunction in Contemporary Portuguese Cinema and Literature
Tabina Nicholas-Mirza (Iqbal), Samuel Beckett, Ludwig Wittgenstein and the I, Supervisors: Daniel Katz and Daniele Lorenzini
Martin Platais, Crisis and Form in the Contemporary Novel, Supervisors: Rashmi Varma and Nicholas Lawrence
Ambika Raja, No Longer at Home: Tropes of Solastalgia in Contemporary South Asian Literary Narratives, Supervisors: Rashmi Varna and Caitlin Vandertop
Grace Rhyne, “Your Echo Is Louder Than Your Voice”: Exploring the Literary Link Between Women and Ghosts, Supervisors: Ross Forman and Jen Baker
Ragesree Roy, Mapping the Ecological Subaltern: Hydrofiction, Precarity and the Asian Novel, Supervisors: Rashmi Varma and Caitlin Vandertop
Emma Sheppard, Radical Shakespeare: the Life and Work of Michael Bogdanov, Supervisor: Carol Rutter
Madeleine Sinclair, World Literature, the Twenty-First Century Short-Story Cycle and the Politics of Form, Supervisor: Michael Niblett
Aman Sinha, Playing with Identity: Trajectories of Self/Selves within Queer Autobiographies from India and South Africa
Lizzie Smith, The "Environmental Uncanny": Unsettling the Multispecies Encounter in Contemporary Environmental Poetry, Supervisors: Nicholas Lawrence and Jonathan Skinner
Charlotte Spear, Locating the Human: World-Literature and the Concept of Rights, Supervisors: Michael Niblett
Stephanie Tillotson, The late 20th and early 21st century theatre practice of women playing the traditionally male roles in Shakespeare, Supervisor: Carol Rutter
Louisa Toxvaerd Munch, How does nostalgia function in the 21st century and what impact does it have on cultural imagination and critical thinking. Supervisor: Paulo DeMederios
Paul Vernell, The Poetics of Uneven and Combined Development, Supervisor: Nicholas Lawrence
Angel Maria Varghese
Ruth Walbank, Nineteenth-Century Hellscapes and Environmental Crisis, supervisor Emma Mason
Yaqian Xu, Middle-aged Body in Contemporary North American Novels, Supervisor: Liz Barry
Juanmo Xu,