Dr James Christie: Academic Portfolio
I am currently employed as an Associate Fellow in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Warwick, having previously held an Early Career Fellowship in Warwick's Institute of Advanced Study.
My doctoral thesis, entitled 'Fredric Jameson and the Art of Modernism', was supervised by Professor Neil Lazarus and Professor Thomas Docherty and was funded through an AHRC studentship. It was submitted for examination in September 2013 and examined by Dr Nick Lawrence (Warwick) and Professor Timothy Bewes (Brown, USA), passing with a successful viva in January 2014.
Since graduation I have continued to develop my research on Jameson, and on critical theory more broadly. I am editing a collection of essays on the Trotskyian concept of uneven and combined development and its relationship with contemporary debates over the question of world literature which is contracted with Brill's Historical Materialism Book Series, and have an article on Jameson's engagement with Third World cultural production in the latest edition of the journal Mediations. My main current project is adapting my PhD into a book provisionally entitled Late Jameson: Modernity, Subjectivity, and the World Literary Imagination. After completing my PhD I also commenced work in a second field; the contemporary American novelist Cormac McCarthy. I have an article on the theme of workmanship in McCarthy's Blood Meridian forthcoming in The Cormac McCarthy Journal, and have a second article on narrative authority in his Border Trilogy under review.
I have a broad range of teaching interests across twentieth century literature and cultural theory, with a particular emphasis on literary theory, world literature and modernism. Anyone wishing to discuss any aspect of my research or teaching should feel free to contact me at my warwick email address (right).

(please note that I am now only contactable at this address and no longer at J.W.Christie@warwick.ac.uk)