Curriculum Vitae
Academic Appointments
• Associate Fellowship. Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick, 2014-present.
• Early Career Fellowship. Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick, 2013-2014.
• PhD in English and Comparative Literary Studies. University of Warwick, 2010-2013. Dissertation: 'Fredric Jameson and the Art of Modernism'. Supervised by Professor Neil Lazarus and Professor Thomas Docherty.
• MSc: Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present (with distinction). University of Edinburgh, 2008-2009.
• BA Hons. in English and Comparative Literary Studies (first class). University of Warwick, 2005-2008.
• Cultures of Uneven and Combined Development. Editor. Contracted with Brill’s Historical Materialism Book Series, 2016.
• Late Jameson: Modernity, Subjectivity, and the World Literary Imagination. Under development.
Articles and book chapters
• “Jameson among the Contras: Third World Culture, Neoliberal Globalization, and the Latin American Connection”. Mediations: Journal of the Marxist Literary Group. 29.1 (2015): 43-67.
• “‘Days of Begging, Days of Theft’: The Philosophy of Work in Blood Meridian”. The Cormac McCarthy Journal. Forthcoming 2016.
• “Fredric Jameson and World Literature: from World Systems Theory to Uneven and Combined Development”. In Cultures of Uneven and Combined Development. Contracted with Brill’s Historical Materialism Book Series, 2016.
• "'He Could Not Call to Mind his Father's Face': Oedipal Collapse and American Literary Decline in Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy". Under Review.
Conference Papers
• "Fredric Jameson and World Literature: From World Systems Theory to Uneven and Combined Development". Twelfth Annual Historical Materialism Conference. SOAS, London. 5-8 November 2015.
• “‘Days of Begging, Days of Theft’: The Philosophy of Work in Blood Meridian”. American Literature Association Symposium: God and the American Writer. San Antonio, Texas USA. 26-28 February 2015.
• “Marxism and Allegory: the Marxist hermeneutics of Walter Benjamin and Fredric Jameson”. Allegory Studies? University of Warwick. 7 November 2013.
• “Fredric Jameson and modernism: bad faith and epistemological breaks”. British Association of Modernist Studies: New Work in Modernist Studies. University of London. 3 December 2011.
Event Organisation
• Cultures of Uneven and Combined Development. June 2014. Co-organizer of this large interdisciplinary conference held at the University of Warwick.
• Postgraduate Arts Faculty Seminar Series. 2011-2013. Headed the organizing committee for two years.
First year undergraduate
• Modern World Literatures. Seminar tutor and lecturer 2011 to present.
• Modes of Reading. Seminar tutor 2013 to present.
Honours level undergraduate
• Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies. Seminar tutor 2014 to present.
• Literary and Cultural Theory. Seminar tutor and lecturer 2012 to present.
Other teaching experience
• An Introduction to World Literary Systems. A-level outreach project, voluntary tutor and syllabus co-ordinator, 2012.
Awards and Qualifications
• Higher Education Academy. Associate Fellowship. April 2014.
• Introduction to Academic Professional Practice. University of Warwick, December 2012.
• Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence. Nominee 2013 and 2015.
• AHRC Doctoral Award, University of Warwick. 2010-2013. £50,000.
• Early Career Fellowship, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick. 2013-2014. £6000.
• Cultures of Uneven and Combined Development. June 2014. Total funding of £1700 from Warwick’s Humanities Research Centre, an Institute of Advanced Study conference award, and the departments of English, Sociology and Politics.
• Postgraduate Arts Faculty Seminar Series. 2011-2013. Total funding of £600 from Warwick’s Humanities Research Centre and departments of English, Italian and History.
• American Literature Symposium: God and the American Writer. February 2015. Total funding of £450 from the Department of English and a Humanities Research Fund conference grant towards travel and accommodation costs.