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Module & Course Approval

Module Proposals

If you wish to make changes to any existing modules or to introduce a new module for the following academic year, please note the following process and deadlines:

  • EARLY TERM 1 - Before you start - ensure that the content and learning outcomes of the proposed module are consistent with those of the courses on which it will be offered and the overall module offering in the department. Check that the module proposed does not unnecessarily duplicate content of other modules offered by the Department or wider University and consider likely student numbers and whether the module will be viable
  • Refer to HoD and DTL in the first instance to seek approval to proceed further. Once approval has been received, you will need to ensure you carry out the next steps in time to submit to the Undergraduate Studies Committee or Graduate Studies Committee in term 1 or at the first meeting in term 2. Refer to the Departmental Calendar if unsure of dates.
  • University guidelines on completing Module Proposals/Amendments can be found here - Module Approval - there are lots of useful resources and also see Guidance for Staff on Module Proposals - please ensure you read the ‘Before you start’ instructions and if you are able to proceed, can then access the Module Approval system to enter your proposal or amendment.

  • Information required for creating a new or revised module proposal - A step by step guide to developing modules in the online approval system here

    If you are revising or updating an existing proposal that has already been created and possibly approved, it will usually be appropriate to simply modify the existing proposal. The current module approval system captures revisions for comparison between the most recent version of the records. It will usually not be necessary to create an entirely new proposal. If you are unsure, please contact the Professional Services Team.

  • Please ensure the details required to explain the 'Rationale for introduction/change/discontinuation' are clear for anyone reviewing the proposal and update all required details.

  • At this stage, advise Professional Services that your draft is ready - they will with log these proposals to track and review all admin related details, plus review for any admin related information, i.e. 'Availability' and review any details re teaching or assessment for their records, as may impact on options application and timetable construction.
  • Once Professional Services have reviewed, save your changes as a draft, please do not select the option to ‘submit for approval’. Instead, choose ‘Download as PDF’ and email your PDFs to the relevant committee for consideration, i.e. Undergraduate Studies Committee or Graduate Studies Committee.

Please note that minor routine changes such as swapping individual texts on the syllabus do not require approval, but any substantive changes such as change of title, assessments, teaching hours or methods, must be approved.

Reminder mails will be issued each year to draw your attention to the required deadlines for submission of any proposals. The deadlines will be set to ensure all proposals can be submitted to the relevant committee, receive approval by TALC, allow for any feedback/updates to proposals to ensure we meet the centralised university deadline for the completion of all proposals. There are only two exceptions where extensions to the deadline will be agreed: when modules are being proposed by new staff joining the University after the deadline and where modules have to be amended due to unforeseen changes in student numbers.

Course proposals

See Course Approval details if you are responsible for setting up a new course once approved.