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  • Rosemary Wall, Bacteria in Britain, 1880-1939 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013; Routledge, 2015, paperback 2016), xiv + 254pp.

  • Rosemary Cresswell, The History of the British Red Cross, 1870-2020: Health and Humanitarianism (Under contract with Bloomsbury)

Journal articles

  • M. Oppenheimer, N. Wylie, S. Schech, R. Fathi, R. Cresswell, ‘Resilient humanitarianism: Using assemblage to re-evaluate the history of the League of Red Cross Societies’, International History Review, advance access, open access, 27.08.2020.

  • Stefan Ramsden and Rosemary Cresswell, ‘First Aid and Voluntarism in England, 1945-1985’, Twentieth Century British History, 30:4 (2019): 504-30, open access.

  • Jessica Howell, Anne Marie Rafferty, Rosemary Wall and Anna Snaith, ‘Nursing the tropics: nurses as agents of imperial hygiene’, Journal of Public Health, 35:2 (2013): 338-41, open access.

  • Rosemary Wall, ‘Using bacteriology in elite hospital practice: London and Cambridge, 1880-1920’, Social History of Medicine, 24:4 (2011): 776-95.

  • Anne Marie Rafferty and Rosemary Wall, ‘Re-reading Nightingale: Notes on Hospitals’, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47:9 (2010): 1063-5.

  • Rosemary Wall, ‘"Natural", "Normal": Discourse and Practice at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, and Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, 1880-1920’, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8:1 (2007), Art. 17.

Book chapters

  • Rosemary Cresswell, ‘The British Red Cross and the University of Oxford in the First World War’, in Filiberto Agostini (ed.), Università in Europa e Grande Guerra (Milan: Franco Angeli), in press.

  • Rosemary Cresswell, ‘Constructing the ‘Sanitary Officer’: The Pathologist’s role in infection prevention and control at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, 1892-1939’ in Anne Marie Rafferty, Marguerite Dupree and Fay Bound Alberti (eds.), Germs and governance: The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control (Manchester: Manchester University Press, in press, to be published 2021).

  • Rosemary Cresswell, ‘The ‘British Red Cross still exists’, 1947-74: finding a role after the Second World War’, in Neville Wylie, Melanie Oppenheimer and James Crossland (eds.), The Red Cross Movement: Myths, Practices and Turning Points (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020), pp. 148-63.

  • Rosemary Wall and Christine Hallett, ‘Nursing and Surgery: Professionalisation, Education and Innovation’ in Thomas Schlich (ed.), Palgrave Handbook of the History of Surgery (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), pp. 153-74.

  • Rosemary Wall and Anne Marie Rafferty, 'Trouble with “status”: Competing models of British and North American public health nursing education and practice in British Malaya' in Hans Pols, Michele Thompson and John Harley Warner (eds.), Translating the Body: Medical Education in Southeast Asia (Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2017), open access, pp. 67-94.

  • Rosemary Wall, ‘Complaining about typhoid in 1930s Britain’ in Jonathan Reinarz and Rebecca Wynter (eds.), Complaints, Controversies and Grievances in Medicine: Historical and Social Science Perspectives (Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2015), pp. 184-201.

  • Rosemary Wall and Anne Marie Rafferty, ‘Nursing and the “Hearts and Minds” Campaign: Malaya, 1948-1958’ in Patricia D’Antonio, Julie A. Fairman and Jean C. Whelan (eds.), Handbook on the Global History of Nursing (New York: Routledge, 2013), pp. 218-36.

  • Anne Marie Rafferty and Rosemary Wall, ‘Icon or Iconoclast’ in Sioban Nelson and Anne Marie Rafferty (eds.), Notes on Nightingale (Ithaca NY: Cornell University Press, 2010), pp. 130-41.

  • Anne Marie Rafferty and Rosemary Wall, ‘Historical Research’ in Kate Gerrish and Anne Lacey (eds.), The Research Process in Nursing, 6th edition (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), pp. 321-30.

Shorter pieces include

  • Rosemary Cresswell, ‘First Aid to the Injured, 39th edition’ and ‘ARP Helmet’ in Tom Foakes (editor), Treasures: Faith, Care, Valour. Highlights from the Collection of the Museum of the Order of St John (London: Priory of England and the Islands of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, 2019), pp. 130-31 and 170-71.

  • Barry Doyle and Rosemary Wall, ‘What was Healthcare Like Before the NHS?’The Conversation (3 July 2018).

  • Rosemary Wall, ‘Frank C. Eve’ [expert in artificial respiration], Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016), index no. 101109545.

  • Elisabetta Babini, Toby Haggith, Rosemary Wall and Anne Marie Rafferty, ‘Screening the Nurse: Call to Service,’ Wellcome History, 45 (2010): 18-19.