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Part-time study

The University of Warwick welcome applications from students wishing to undertake the master's degree on a part time basis. Part-time students complete the same quantity of work undertaken by full time students, but this work is spread out over a longer period. Part-time study for the History Masters degrees typically takes two years, instead of the usual one year.

The Department of History offers a high degree of flexibility in the construction of individualised programmes of part-time study. However, we recommend that part-time students follow the mandatory Theory, Skill, Method (TSM) module in the autumn term and one optional module in the spring term during their first year, to spread the workload as evenly as possible. This will mean that the course-specific core module and the second optional module are followed in the second year. (If students have external commitments which mean that a different structure is more appropriate, this can normally be accommodated.)

Part-time students will rarely be required to be on campus for more than one or two days a week. Part-time students will join the vibrant community of postgraduates in the Warwick History Department, and are encouraged to attend as many of the wide range of departmental offerings (seminars, reading groups, discussion forums, conferences, staff-student liaison committee, etc) as they are able to accommodate into their own timetable.

Queries about part-time MAs should firstly be directed to the PostgraduateCoordinator via email at