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Funding for Postgraduate Research Studies

Funding for Postgraduate Research courses

We are delighted to support our students in seeking funding. The process can sometimes appear confusing so please don’t hesitate to ask for help and advice.

If you would like to discuss whether we could supervise your proposed area of research you can contact the PGR Director.Link opens in a new window Alternatively, you are welcome to contact potential supervisors directly. See the list of academic staff with their areas of expertise.

Remember that to be eligible for funding, you must also apply to the relevant PhD programme in the History Department. That is, you cannot be considered for funding if you have not also applied for a place before the funding deadline and some of the funding streams require an offer before you can make the application. When you apply to Warwick you will be given an application identifying number which you can use to link to other applications.

Please visit the Doctoral College Scholarships and Funding Portal for full details of all PG funding awards.

If you are an overseas students who is successful in the M4C or ESRC competitions, Warwick University will make up the shortfall between the home fees paid by the studentships and the international fees charged by the university, so that you are not out of pocket.

coal fieldAHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership PhD Studentship - Mapping Fossil Colonialism in Asia, c. 1810–1914

Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship (fees and maintenance) to be held at the Department of History, University of Warwick and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), London.

The studentship explores how, across various locales in Asia during the long nineteenth century, maps and other visual materials played a major role in establishing fossil fuels as exploitable resources. Although put to work primarily in the service of imperial power and profit, fossil fuels were often extracted, understood, and employed differently in Asia.

This project develops the innovative hypothesis that ‘fossil colonialism’ in Asia was inspired by, but also crucially departed from, ‘fossil capitalism’ in the Euro-Western world. A major focus here will be the influence of Asian knowledges and practices on colonial representations and assessments of fossil fuels.

Using visual sources from the RGS-IBG archive along with a range of other British archives and collections in India and Southeast, Central, or East Asia, the project will bring largely overlooked source material to bear on a set of pressing historiographical and environmental questions. These concern how images of fossil fuels drew on the expertise of multiple agents, playing crucial roles in making subterranean resource appear exploitable and useful; and how the colonial extraction and deployment of fossil fuels should inform public and policy understandings of environmental and climate crises today.

The project will be jointly supervised by Dr Thomas Simpson (Warwick), Dr Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG), Dr James Poskett (Warwick), and Dr Catherine Souch (RGS-IBG).

For more information about the project please read the full project outline (updated 17/05/2024)

Enquiries about the project should be directed to Dr Thomas SimpsonLink opens in a new window.

Studentship Details

The studentship (which is governed by UKRI’s terms and conditions) offers funding for 48 months (4 years) or part-time equivalent, with scope for additional funding for professional development opportunities.

The award pays tuition fees up to the value of the full-time home PhD rate. Research Councils UK Indicative Fee Level for 2024/25 is £4,786. The award pays full maintenance for 4 years for both home and international students. The UKRI minimum stipend rate for 2024/25 is £19,237, plus an additional CDP maintenance and London partner allowance stipend uplift of £1600 per year, and access to a Research Travel Support Grant of £750.00 per year.

International applicants would not be required to cover the difference between home and international fees, which will be met by the University of Warwick


The studentship is open to both home and international students. It may be taken up on either a full-time or part-time basis. Applicants should have a good undergraduate degree and a distinction-level Master’s degree (or equivalent professional experience) in History, History of Science, Human Geography, Science and Technology Studies, Postcolonial Studies, or a cognate discipline. Applicants should have experience in the analysis of primary and secondary historical sources. Familiarity with environmental history, the history of science, the history of cartography, and the history of Southwest, South, Southeast, East, and/or Central Asia would be an advantage. Proficiency in one or more of the languages used in these regions during the period of focus is not essential but may also be advantageous.

We encourage the widest range of potential applications. We particularly welcome applications from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic candidates as they are currently underrepresented in the sector at this level.

How to apply

Applications should be submitted by the normal postgraduate research application process. For full information, advice and access to the Warwick University application portal, please visit:

In the research application section of your application, please list Dr Tom Simpson as proposed supervisor and the project description as ‘Mapping Fossil Colonialism in Asia, c. 1810–1914’. In the funding information section, the source should be listed as ‘SCHOLARSHIP- AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership PhD Studentship’.

The following documents must be included in order for your application to be considered:

  • A covering letter/research proposal (maximum two pages) outlining your qualifications and suitability for the studentship, and how you interpret and hope to develop the advertised project brief.
  • A CV (maximum two pages).
  • A sample of your academic written work (around 6,000 words maximum).

Deadline: Friday 31st May 2024 at 17:00 (BST)

Interviews are expected to take place Thursday 13th or Friday 14th June 2024.

The Wheeler History of Travel Writing PhD Scholarship - 2024-25 entry

As part of the newly established Wheeler History of Travel Writing Programme, the Department of History, through its Global History and Cultures Centre, is inviting applications for up to two PhD studentships for starting in Autumn 2024, in the History of Travel and Travel Writing. Two more PhD studentships will be available from 2025 onwards.

The programme seeks to attract talented researchers whose projects may focus on any period or region of the world. Candidates who adopt a global historical perspective and have the ability to work with sources in more than one language are particularly encouraged to apply.

Eligibility: Candidates can be of any nationality and must apply for a History PhD at the University of Warwick to begin in Autumn 2024.

Value: Awards made for entry in Autumn 2024 will include the following:

  • Full payment of tuition fees at the UK or O/S rate.
  • A maintenance stipend paid at the prevailing UKRI rate for 3.5 years.
  • A Research, Training and Supporting Grant (RTSG) of up to £3000 per annum for 3.5 years.
  • A one off £1500 conference and public engagement fund.

For further information, please contact Dr Guido van Meersbergen (Director of the Global History and Culture Centre) or Professor Mark Knights (Postgraduate Research Director).

For full details and eligibility, please visit:

Course Application Deadline – 25th January 2024 at 23:59 (GMT) *original deadline extended due to systems maintenance

References Deadline – 5th February 2024 at 23:59 (GMT)

China Scholarship Council - University of Warwick Scholarships - 2024/2025

We're pleased to offer up to 30 joint funded PhD scholarships in collaboration with China Scholarships Council. Awards made for entry in Autumn 2023 will include the following:

  • The University will cover the full payment of overseas tuition fees for the duration of the CSC funding period and a stipend enhancement;
  • China Scholarships Council will provide a maintenance stipend and return international airfare between the UK and China for successful applicants.
  • Successful candidates will be required to return to China after completing their PhD.

Applicants must:

  • Meet the eligibility criteria set out by the CSC.
  • Hold a Peoples Republic of China Passport (applicants from Hong Kong or Taiwan are not eligible) and either be permanently resident in China or studying overseas. Those working overseas are not eligible.
  • Where students have prior experience of studying overseas (including the UK) it is important to check eligibility rules on the China Scholarship Council website, this includes Current 1st year PhD students and those in year '1' of a 1+3.
  • Hold an unconditional* offer for a full time PhD at the University of Warwick commencing in October 2024 OR; be currently enrolled in the first year of a PhD or MPhil/PhD at the University. You must be within the first 12 months of enrolment of a PhD or MPhil/PhD at the University in October 2024.

Course Application Deadline - 16th January 2024 (23:59 GMT)

Scholarship Application Deadline - 18th January 2024 (23:59 GMT)

Supporting Document Deadline - 1st February 2024 (23:59 GMT)

CSC Scholarship Application Deadline - 31 March 2024

ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership Scholarships 2024/2025

The Midlands Graduate School DTP makes an annual award of a large number of studentships to outstanding applicants across the Social Sciences. The studentships are linked to disciplinary and inter-disciplinary training pathways, and some have a built-in element of collaboration.

A Masters is not a prerequisite for studying at the Midlands Graduate School DTP. Students are able to apply directly from undergraduate programmes and we ring-fence a number of studentship awards for students applying straight from an undergraduate degree. A range of training programmes is available based on an assessment of the applicant’s prior learning and training needs, including a 1+3.5 award option, which includes a one-year Masters in Social Science Research before continuing onto PhD study.

Please visit the ESRC DTC web pages for full information and eligibility: 

Deadline: Tuesday 23rd January 2024 (12:00 GMT)

Warwick Postgraduate Sanctuary Scholarships 2024/25 entry

The 'City of Sanctuary' movement is committed to building a culture of hospitality and welcome, especially for those seeking sanctuary from war and persecution.

We provide a range of scholarships to enable refugees to progress to access university education. Since the launch of the scheme we have awarded 30 scholarships to postgraduate students.

For full details and eligibility criteria, please see:

Course Application Deadline - 22 February 2024 (23:59 GMT)
Scholarship Application Deadline - 26 February 2024 (23:59 GMT)
Supporting Document Deadline - 4 March 2024 (23:59 GMT)

AHRC Midlands4Cities Open Doctoral Award Studentships - UK and overseas fees - APPLICATION NOW CLOSED

2024/25 application now open!

The AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) brings together eight leading universities across the Midlands, to support research students to become experts in their field and to employ their knowledge and skills in their career destinations.

  • Is open to diverse and challenging approaches to arts and humanities research projects
  • Facilitates access to expert supervision across the breadth of arts and humanities research available in the eight M4C universities
  • Provides opportunities for training to underpin every student’s research and professional development
  • Enables regional, national and international networking with the creative and cultural industries to provide opportunities for placements, fieldwork and collaboration
  • Ensures integrity, equality, diversity, and inclusion across the DTP programme

An M4C studentship consists of three elements:

  • Payment of tuition fees for UK and international applicants of £4,712 per annum 2023/24.
  • A maintenance grant (or stipend), this is a tax-free payment for UK and international applicants of £18,622 per annum. Total package for 2023/24 is £23,334 tax-free + other funding opportunities see below.
  • Additional funding opportunities which include a Research Development Fund (RDF) to support primary research activities, an Engagement Fund (EF) to enable students to undertake placements and other professional development activity and a Cohort Development Fund (CDF) which supports groups of M4C students to design training, development and research activities.

The History Department will select outstanding candidates to nominate for these award competitions. To allow sufficient time for us to consider your application and to work with you to develop it prior to the final closing dates for submission of written materials, we ask that you make contact with a potential supervisor, or the PG Research Director Prof Mark Knights at as soon as you can.

It is essential that any applicants who wish to be considered for M4C funding should submit their draft M4C documents to no later than Wednesday 13th December at 12:00 noon GMT. This is so that the History PG Research Director, Prof Mark Knights, can assist in checking and commenting on draft proposals prior to the formal M4C deadline. You do not need to have references by then and there will an opportunity to revise your application in the light of any feedback before finally submitting it to M4C in January.

Interviews are likely to take place on Tuesday 16th and Friday 19th January 2024*.

To search for a potential supervisor in the Department by their specialism, click hereLink opens in a new window. For more information about why you might want to study with us click hereLink opens in a new window, and there is further information about our research culture on the department webpages accessible from hereLink opens in a new window. We very much look forward to receiving your enquiries and would encourage potential applications from a broad and diverse range of students.

Some Departmental tips for M4C applicants.

Regional Research Centres and Networks to bear in mind when thinking about regional links

To find out more about writing a PhD project proposal and the M4C application process, a Warwick/Coventry Application Writing Workshop will take place on Saturday 18th November 2023 10:00-13:00 UK time.

Sign up by Wednesday 15th November 2023. Sign up link here

The workshop will cover both the open competition and CDA applications and we would strongly encourage any applicants to attend. The workshop is not intended to cover basic information on the application process, which is available here: Apply - M4C ( 

Deadline: 10th January 2024 at 12:00noon (GMT)

By the deadline stated above, applicants must also have applied for a place to study at WarwickLink opens in a new window and have ensured that two academic references are submitted using the Midlands4Cities online reference form. Guidance, eligibility and applications to be made via the M4C websiteLink opens in a new window.

* Dates and wording updated 13th Dec 2023.

Caribbean ImageAHRC Midlands4Cities Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA): Creolising Caribbean foodways: Breadfruit from the mid-nineteenth century to the present - APPLICATION NOW CLOSED

Applications will open shortly for a fully-funded PhD Studentship (fees and maintenance) between University of Warwick and Kew Gardens

Project: When breadfruit was introduced to the Caribbean in the late 18th century to feed enslaved people, it was not a success. Yet it has become embedded in the region’s cuisines. This project explores how and why breadfruit was adopted and adapted to Caribbean needs – how, in short, it was creolised. The journey of the breadfruit tree (Artocarpus altilis) from Oceania to the Caribbean in the 1790s – featuring Captain Bligh and the mutiny on the Bounty – is a well-known story encompassing global scientific networks, economic botany and an imperial project to feed enslaved populations. After slavery’s abolition in the British Caribbean in the 1830s, breadfruit became increasingly significant in local foodways. It is now an iconic food deeply embedded in regional cuisines. This project explores this little-known Caribbean history.

For more information about the project please contact Prof David Lambert or Prof Rebecca Earle and visit:

An Application Writing Workshop for candidates will normally run in November details are not yet available but will be added when published.

Deadline: 10th January 2024 at 12:00noon (GMT)

By the deadline stated above, applicants must also have applied for a place to study at WarwickLink opens in a new window and have ensured that two academic references are submitted using the Midlands4Cities online reference form. Guidance, eligibility and applications to be made via the M4C websiteLink opens in a new window.

Chancellor's International Scholarship - 2024/2025


For 2024/25 entry we expect to allocate up to £5 million in Chancellor's International Scholarships. There will be up to 42 Chancellor's International Scholarships available to be awarded to the most outstanding International PhD applicants.

Eligibility: Be assessed as 'overseas' for fees purposes; apply for a PhD at the University of Warwick to begin in October 2024; or within the first 12 months of enrolment of a PhD or MPhil/PhD at the University of Warwick in October 2024.

Value: Awards made for entry in Autumn 2024 will include the following:

  • The full payment of tuition fees
  • A maintenance stipend paid at the prevailing UKRI rate for 3.5 years
    • If you are already in your first year of study when you apply then the length of funding will be reduced accordingly.
  • A Research, Training and Supporting Grant (RTSG) of £5,000.

Before submitting your application, please contact either your potential supervisorLink opens in a new window or the PGR DirectorLink opens in a new window to discuss how to make your application as strong as possible. Details of staff members' research interests and expertise can be found here. 

For full details and eligibility, please visit:

Course Application Deadline - 12 December 2023 23:59 (GMT)

Scholarship Application Deadline - 14 December 2023 23:59 (GMT)

Supporting Document Deadline - 9 January 2024 23:59 (GMT)

Theatre SceneAHRC Midlands4Cities Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA): Theatre and the Aristocracy: Passion, Patronage, Power and Politics, 1771-1893 - APPLICATION NOW CLOSED

Applications will open shortly for a fully-funded PhD Studentship (fees and maintenance) between University of Warwick and The Bedford Estates (including Woburn Abbey)

Project: Woburn Abbey is one of England’s ‘treasure houses’ and has been home to the Russells and the
Earls and Dukes of Bedford since the 1620s. This project will interrogate the manifold, complex
relationships between the aristocracy and the theatre across six generations of the Russell family between
1771 and 1893.
Woburn Abbey has been closed to the public since 2019 as part of a major capital project that is due to be
completed in 2025. This period of closure is providing a timely opportunity for rethinking how the house,
family and collections can be narrated to future audiences. Since opening to the public in 1955, the house’s
narrative has remained largely unchanged, focussing chiefly on the political successes of a select number of
Earls and Dukes and how they used their increased power and wealth to develop their properties and land.
In doing so, other thematic approaches to the collections have been fundamentally overlooked, as have the
fascinating lives of their wives and lovers (male and female), their wider families and the thousands of
people who lived and worked with them. When the house reopens, and in subsequent decades, there is a
strong desire to ensure that the Bedford Estates’ narratives are dynamic, responsive and reflective of the
diversity of its twenty-first century audiences.

For more information about the project please contact Dr David Coates (Theatre Studies) and visit:

An Application Writing Workshop for candidates will normally run in November details are not yet available but will be added when published.

Deadline: 10th January 2024 at 12:00noon (GMT)

By the deadline stated above, applicants must also have applied for a place to study at WarwickLink opens in a new window and have ensured that two academic references are submitted using the Midlands4Cities online reference form. Guidance, eligibility and applications to be made via the M4C websiteLink opens in a new window.

Monash Warwick Alliance Joint PhD Scholarships 2024/2025 - APPLICATION NOW CLOSED

Application now open

The Monash Warwick Alliance Joint PhD is part of our commitment to developing a successor generation of internationally experienced young researchers. For joint-research teams the contribution of outstanding, highly mobile PhD candidates brings additional capacity to support research collaboration. Alliance Joint PhD candidates, along with post-doctoral researchers, have a unique opportunity to play a key role in the collaboration between teams on opposite sides of the world.

The Alliance Joint PhD enables you to study at two innovative and internationally renowned institutions. You will spend a minimum of one year at Warwick and a minimum of one year at any of Monash's Australian campuses. Travel to the other institution usually occurs in the second year.

Awards made for entry in Autumn 2024 will include both of the following:

  • The full payment of academic fees
  • A maintenance stipend for 3.5 years. This will be paid at the prevailing UKRI rate for the years spent at Warwick, and in line with Australian government rates for the year spent at Monash
  • Travel allowance of £3,000 during the lifetime of the PhD
  • Length of funding: 3.5 years


Applicants must:

Course Application Deadline - 9th January 2024 (23:59 GMT)

Scholarship Application Deadline - 11th January 2024 (23:59 GMT)

Supporting Document Deadline - 18th January 2024 (23:59 GMT)

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships - NOW CLOSED FOR 24/25 ENTRY

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission is responsible for managing the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan. A range of scholarships are available to study in the UK, at either undergraduate, Master's or PhD study.

For further information, please see

Deadline: TBC

Richard and Anne Crossman Memorial Scholarship - NOW CLOSED

This doctoral scholarship honours the memory of Richard Crossman and Anne McDougall Crossman. It will be awarded to an outstanding doctoral candidate accepted for admission in 2023/2024.

The Scholarship covers Home fees and also provides an annual stipend at the standard RCUK rate for 3.5 years. There is no separate application process and the department will review outstanding applications from across different fields. Applicants should ensure that an academic CV is included in the Warwick MPhil/PhD application.

Please contact Professor Mark Knights ( if you would like any more information about this scholarship.

One of our awarded students, Natalie Hanley-Smith, said:

"I knew that I wanted to go on to do a PhD before I had finished my MA, but I was in a position where I could not continue without funding. I was very fortunate to be awarded a Crossman Scholarship to support me financially while I did my PhD: the award allowed me to continue to pursue my interests while also providing for my young family.

The scholarship includes a fee waiver and a decent stipend which is paid monthly for 3.5 years. This stability enabled me to prioritise my research without feeling the pressure to find other sources of income. Being selected for this scholarship was also the deciding factor that made me choose to undertake my doctoral studies at Warwick.

The history department boasts a very supportive community of staff and students and being there also opened up so many opportunities that I might not otherwise have had access to, including running my own conference, conducting research in archives and libraries abroad, and the chance to gain teaching experience. I would highly recommend applying for the departmental scholarships to any prospective students."


There is no separate application process, since a departmental committee will review all applications to the department submitted by the deadline above. Applicants should please ensure that an academic CV is included in the Warwick MPhil/PhD application.

Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarship - There will be no Wolfson Scholarships available for entry in 2024/2025 entry

Government Postgraduate Doctoral Loans

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study a postgraduate doctoral course, such as a PhD.