Absolutism and its Alternatives
| Discussion topics | Documents | Audio | Reading |
Discussion Topics and Essay Questions
a) Absolutism
- Was absolutism really a 'myth'?
- To what extent was Louis XIV the model for European absolutist monarchs?
- 'Absolutism in the various countries of Europe shared few common features'. Discuss.
b) The Impact of War
- Was the 'military revolution' cause or consequence of a more sophisticated state apparatus?
- How deeply did warfare disrupt the lives of early modern Europeans?
c) The British Alternative
- Did Britain 'escape' absolutism?
- Which were more 'revolutionary' in their consequences, the events of the 1640s, or of the 1680s?
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Texts |
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The Impact of War
The British Alternative
The Impact of War
The British Alternative
Audio Links:
- BBC Radio 4 Programme 'Shadow of the Sun King' Episode 1 and Episode 2Link opens in a new window
- BBC Radio 4 'In Our Time Programme' 'The Building of St Petersburg'Link opens in a new window
- BBC Radio 4 'In Our Time Programme' 'The Trial of Charles I'Link opens in a new window
Search for suitable versions of the following pieces on http://uk.youtube.com
- The Prince of Denmark's March, Jeremiah Clarke
- Philidor La Marche Des Mousquetaires, Music for Louis XIV
- Music at the court of Louis XIV, Allemande 'La Fountainbleau'
Secondary Literature
Selected Key Texts
- P. Burke, ‘The Fabrication of Louis XIV’, History Today 42 (1992)
- H. Butters, 'State Building: Finance, Justice and 'Good Police', in B. Kumin (ed.), The European World, 1500-1800 (2014; 2nd ed.) (ebook)
- J. Glete, Warfare at Sea, 1500-1650: Maritime Conflicts and the Transformation of Europe (1999) (ebook)
- N. Henshall, The Myth of Absolutism (1992), scan of ch 2. 'Louis XIV Reassessed'Link opens in a new window
- J. Miller (ed.), Absolutism in Seventeenth Century Europe (1990)
- P.K. Monod, The Power of Kings: Monarchy and Religion in Europe, 1589-1715 (1999)
J. Van Horn Melton, ‘Absolutism and “modernity” in early modern Central Europe’,Link opens in a new window German Studies Review 8 (1985)
P. Wilson, Absolutism in Central Europe (2000) (ebook)
Further Reading
a) Absolutism
D. Bohanan, Crown and nobility in early modern FranceLink opens in a new window (2001) (ebook)
- S. Brakensiek, 'New Perspectives on State-Building and the Implementation of Rulership in Early Modern European Monarchies' in A. Fluchter and S. Richter (ed.), Structures on the Move: Technologies of Governance in Transcultural Encounter (2012) (ebook)
R. Butterwick (ed.), The Polish-Lithuanian Monarchy in European Context 1500-1795 (2001) (ebook)
J.B. Collins, The State in Early Modern France (2010) (ebook)
J. Dewald, Aristocratic experience and the origins of modern culture: France, 1570-1715Link opens in a new window (1993) (ebook)
W. Doyle, The Old European Order, 1660-1800 (1992)
- P. Dukes, The Making of Russian Absolutism 1613-1801 (1990)
R. Frost, ‘Early Modern State-Building, the Scandinavian Machtstaat, and the Shortcomings of Anglo-Scholarship’, Journal of Early Modern History 7 (2003)
M. F. Graham, ‘Back to the political narrative in early modern France’Link opens in a new window, Sixteenth Century Journal 27 (1996)
N. Henshall, ‘The myth of absolutism’, History Today 42 (1992)
- L. Hughes, Russia in the Age of Peter the Great (1998)
A. James, The Origins of French Absolutism, 1598-1661 (2006)
J. Kirshner et al. Supplement: ‘The Origins of the State in Italy, 1300-1600’Link opens in a new window, The Journal of Modern History, vol. 67 (1995)
R.J. Knecht, ‘Absolutism in early modern France’, European History Quarterly 27 (1997) (review article)
K. MacHardy, ‘The rise of absolutism and noble rebellion in early modern Habsburg Austria 1570-1620’,Link opens in a new window Comparative Studies in Society and History 34 (1992)
G. Oestreich, ‘From Contractual Monarchy to Constitutionalism’, in Collins and Taylor (eds), Early Modern Europe: Issues and Interpretations (2002) (ebook)
D. Parker, The Making of French Absolutism (1983)
- D.J.B. Shaw, '"A strong and prosperous condition" - the geography of state building and social reform in Peter the Great’s Russia', Political Geography 18 (1999) (available as print journal)
D. Stone, The Polish-Lithuanian State 1386-1795 (2001) (ebook)
b) The Impact of War
- V. H. Aksan, Ottoman Wars, 1700-1870: An Empire Besieged (2007) (ebook)
- S. E. Amirell et al. (eds), Persistent Piracy: Maritime Violence and State-Formation in Global Historical Perspective (2014) (ebook)
- M.S. Anderson, War and Society in Europe of the Old Regime (1988)
- J. Black (ed.), The Origins of War in Early Modern Europe (1987)
- ", European Warfare 1494-1660 (2002) (ebook)
- “ , European warfare, 1660-1815Link opens in a new window (1994) (ebook)
- “ , War in the Early Modern World (1999) (ebook)
- C. Carlton, Going to the Wars: The Experience of the British Civil Wars, 1638-1651 (1992) (ebook)
- J. Glete, War and the State in Early Modern Europe: Spain, the Dutch Republic and Sweden as Fiscal-military States (2001)
- J.R. Hale, War and Society in Renaissance Europe, 1450-1620 (1985)
- T. Helfferich (ed.), The Thirty Years War: A Documentary History (2009)
- A. James, ‘Warfare and the Rise of the State’, in M. Hughes and W.J. Philpott (eds), Palgrave Advances in Modern Military History (2006) (ebook)
- “ , The Navy and Government in Early Modern France, 1572-1661 (2004)
- ", 'Rethinking the Peace of Westphalia: Toward a Theory of Early Modern Warfare', in J. Davies (ed.), Aspects of Violence in Renaissance Europe (2013) (ebook)
- K. Jespersen, ‘Social change and the military revolution in early modern Europe’Link opens in a new window, Historical Journal 26 (1983)
- F.C. Lane, ‘Economic Consequences of Organized Violence’Link opens in a new window, Journal of Economic History 18 (1958)
- D. R. Lawrence, The Complete Soldier: Military Books and Military Culture in Early Stuart England, 1603-1645 (2008) (ebook)
- J. A. Lynn II, Women, Armies, and Warfare in Early Modern Europe (2008)
- M. Mallett and C. Shaw, The Italian Wars, 1494-1559: War, State and Society in Early Modern Europe (2012) (ebook)
- J. Morrill, The Revolt in the Provinces: The People of England and the Tragedies of War 1630-1648 (1999)
- G. Mortimer (ed), Early Modern Military History 1450-1815 (2004) (ebook)
- “ , Eyewitness Accounts of the Thirty Years War, 1618-48 (2002) (ebook)
- R. Murphey, Ottoman Warfare, 1500-1700 (1999).
- Q. Outram, ‘The Socio-Economic Relations of Warfare and the Military Mortality Crises of the Thirty Years’ War’, Medical History, 45 (2001)
- W. Palaver et al. (eds), The European Wars of Religion: An Interdisciplinary Reassessment of Sources, Interpretations, and Myths (2016) (ebook)
- D. Parrott, The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe (2012) (ebook)
- D. Parrott, Richelieu’s Army: War, Government and Society in France, 1624-1642 (2001)
- P. Roberts, Peace and Authority During the French Religious Wars c.1560-1600 (2014) (ebook)
- J.R. Ruff, Violence in Early Modern Europe (2001)
- B. Sandberg, War and Conflict in the Early Modern World: 1500-1700 (2016) (ebook)
- B. Sandberg, Warrior Pursuits: Noble Culture and Civil Conflict in Early Modern France (2010)
- C. Stevens, Russia's Wars of Emergence 1460-1730 (Routledge, 2007)
- B. Taylor, Politics and the Russian Army: Civil-Military Relations 1689-2000 (2003) (ebook)
- F. Tallett and D. J. B. Trim, eds., European Warfare 1350-1750 (2010) (ebook)
- F. Tallett, War and Society in Early Modern EuropeLink opens in a new window (1992) (ebook)
- I.A.A. Thompson, War and Society in Habsburg Spain (1992)
- B. A. Tlusty, The Martial Ethic in Early Modern Germany: Civic Duty and the Right of ArmsLink opens in a new window (2011) (ebook)
- O. Ulbricht, O., 'The Experience of Violence during the Thirty Years War: A Look at the Civilian Victims', in J. Canning, H. Lehmann, and J. Winter (eds), Power, Violence and Mass Death in Pre-modern and Modern Times (2004), 97–128.
- P. Wilson, ‘New Perspectives on the Thirty Years’ War’, German History 23 (2005)
- " , Europe's Tragedy: A New History of the Thirty Years War (2009)
- ", ed. and trans., The Thirty Years War: A Sourcebook (2010)
- D. Wolfthal, 'Jacques Callot's Miseries of War
Link opens in a new window, The Art Bulletin 59 (1977)
- J.B. Wood, The King’s Army: Warfare, Soldiers, and Society during the Wars of Religion 1562-1576 (1996) (ebook)
c) The British Alternative (The Civil War and 'Glorious Revolution)
- J. Adamson (ed), The English Civil War: Conflict and Context, 1640-49 (2008)
- S. Barber, Regicide and republicanism: politics and ethics in the English revolution, 1646-1659Link opens in a new window (1998) (ebook)
- J. Black, ‘A parliamentary foreign policy? The ‘glorious revolution’ and the conduct of British foreign policy’, Parliaments, Estates and Representation 11 (1991)
M. J. Braddick, State Formation in Early Modern England c.1550-1700 (2000) (ebook)
“ , The Nerves of State: Taxation and the Financing of the English State 1558-1714 (1996)
G. Burgess, ‘Was the English Civil War a War of Religion?Link opens in a new window’, Huntington Library Quarterly 61 (1998)
N. Canny, Making Ireland British, 1580-1650 (2001)
T. Claydon, ‘Problems with the British problem’, Parliamentary History 16 (1997) (review article)
B. Coward, The Stuart Age: England 1603-1714 (1980, revised 1994) (ebook)
T. Harris, ‘The legacy of the English Civil War: Rethinking the Revolution, European Legacy 5 (2000)
- G. Harrison, ‘Prerogative and the Glorious Revolution’, PER 10 (1990)
C. Hill, The Century of Revolution, 1603-1714 (1961) (ebook)
D. Hirst, England in Conflict, 1603-660: Kingdom, Community, Commonwealth (1999)
“ , ‘The English republic and the meaning of Britain’Link opens in a new window, Journal of Modern History 66 (1994)
C. Holmes, Why was Charles I executed? (2006)
G. Holme, The Making of a Great Power: Late Stuart and Early Geogrian Britain, 1600-1722 (1993)
A. Houston; S. Pincus (eds), A Nation Transformed: England after the Restoration (2001)
J.P. Kenyon, Stuart England (1985)
M. Kishlansky, A Monarchy Transformed: Britain 1603-1714 (1997)
- J. R. Jones (ed.), Liberty Secured? Britain before and after 1688 (1992)
- J. Miller, ‘The Potential for Absolutism in later Stuart England’, History (1984) 187-207
- “, An English Absolutism? The Later Stuart Monarchy (1993)
- “, After the Civil Wars: English Politics and Government in the Reign of Charles II (2000)
D. Orr, ‘Sovereignty, supremacy and the origins of the English Civil War’, History 87 (2002)
C. Russell, The Crisis of Parliaments: English History 1509-1660 (1971)
A.G.R. Smith, The Emergence of a Nation State, 1529-1660 (1984 & 1996)
- W. Speck, ‘England in the 1690s: the fiscal-military state’, The Historian 38 (1993) (availble as print journal from the Library)
M. Stoyle, ‘English “nationalism”, Celtic particularism and the English Civil War’Link opens in a new window, Historical Journal 43 (2000)
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External Links
- Absolutism and the Divine Right of Kings - short overview by historian J. P. Sommerville
- Austrian HapsburgsLink opens in a new window - collection of primary sources relating to Austrian absolutism
- Civil War, a BBC/Open University website giving an overview of the English Civil War
- French AbsolutismLink opens in a new window - collection of primary sources relating to Louis XIV's France
- Civil War and Revolution, - overview and primary documents on the 'Virtual Norfolk' website
- History of FranceLink opens in a new window - links to databases and collections of primary documents relating to French History, 1454-1788
- History of the United Kingdom 1486-1688 - primary documents
- History of the United Kingdom 1689-1815 - primary documents
- The Museum of the Thirty Years' WarLink opens in a new window - overview of the conflict
- Oliver Cromwell - website about the Protector of Britain
- The Palace of VersaillesLink opens in a new window - official website relating to palace and park of Versailles, France
- Portraits of the family of Peter the Great
- Renaissance, Reformation and Early Modern Germany primary documents - links to databases and collections of primary documents relating to German History
- Russian absolutism - Link opens in a new windowcollection of primary sources relating to Peter the Great's Russia
- Sweden primary documents - Link opens in a new windowlinks to databases and collections of primary documents relating to Swedish History, 1397-1814
- The Thirty Years' WarLink opens in a new window - information about particular battles
- The Thirty Years' War primary documentsLink opens in a new window - collection of relating to the conflict