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 Discussion topics and Essay questions

  • Was there a print 'revolution'?
  • To what degree did print continue to interact with manuscript and oral cultures?
  • How did print change people's access to information and knowledge in early modern Europe?
  • To what degree did changes in communication affect different social groups?


**NOTE: Some eresources are accessible only on-campus or via off-campus proxies or the athens service**





Audio and Video links

Secondary literature

Selected Key Texts

Further Reading

a) Early Modern Print Culture and Communication
b) Oral and Manuscript cultures
c) Literacy

Module Forum

Module Homepage



External Links

Centre for Editing Lives and LettersLink opens in a new window - project focused on digitising correspondence and letters

Early 18th century newspaper reports - sourcebook of newspaper accounts

English Broadside and Ballad ArchiveLink opens in a new window - digital collection of seventeenth century broadsides and ballads

French Political Pamphlets, 1547-1626Link opens in a new window - digital collection of French political pamphlets

Publishers, Printers, and the Printed Book - resource exploring the ways printers and publishers shaped presentation of printed plays

British Book Trade Index - biographical and trade details of those who worked in the English and Welsh book trades before 1851

Women in the Book Trade - details of women's involvement in the early modern book trade

The Atlas of Early Printing - interactive map detailing the spread of prining over 15thC

Woodcuts in early printed books at the Metropolitan Museum of Art - short article