The Political Landscape
| Discussion topics | Documents | Audio | Reading |
Discussion topics and Essay Questions
- Which states were the significant 'powers' in Europe 1500-1750? What were the interests and objectives of their rulers?
- What were the driving forces and main instruments of European state formation?
- To what extent did the powers of the state increase between 1500 and 1750?
- How did Republican regimes differ from other forms of government?
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Audio links
- BBC Radio 4 'In Our Time' podcast: 'The Siege of Vienna'Link opens in a new window
- BBC Radio 4 'In Our Time' podcast: 'Machiavelli and the Italian City States'Link opens in a new window
Secondary literature
Selected key texts
- M.S. Anderson, The Origins of the Modern European State System 1494-1618 (1998), scan of ch. 2 'The Instruments of International Relations: Trade and Finance'
- J. Black, The Rise of the European Powers 1679-1793 (1990), scan of ch. 4 'Practice and Theory in Ancien Regime International Relations'Link opens in a new window.
- J. Black, Kings, nobles and commoners: States and Societies in Early Modern Europe (2004) (ebook)
- R. Bonney, The European Dynastic States 1494-1660 (1991), scans of ch. 4 'The Struggle for European Hegemony, 1618-1660'Link opens in a new window and 'Conclusion: The European Dynastic States' Link opens in a new window
- " (ed.), The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe (1999)
- P. Cardim, T. Herzog, J. J. Ruiz Ibáñez, G. Sabatini (eds), Polycentric Monarchies: How Did Early Modern Spain & Portugal Achieve & Maintain a Global Hegemony? (2014) (ebook)
- J.H. Elliott, ‘A Europe of composite monarchies’Link opens in a new window, P&P 137 (1992)
- S. Hindle and B. Kümin, 'Centre and Periphery' in B. Kümin (ed.), The European World (2014; 2nd ed.)
- A. Kappeler, The Russian Empire: a Multiethnic History (2001)
- P. Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500-2000 (1989), chs. 2 and 3.
- J. Kirshner et al., 'The Origins of the State in Italy, 1300-1600Link opens in a new window' Journal of Modern History, 67 (1995)
- G. Richardson, Renaissance Monarchy: the Reigns of Henry VIII, Francis I and Charles V (2002)
- J. Wolf, The Emergence of the Great Powers, 1685-1715 (1951)
- “ , Toward a European Balance of Power, 1620-1715 (1971)
Further Reading
* see also the secondary literature for 'Absolutism and its Alternatives'
a) Empires
The Habsburg/Holy Roman Empire
W. Blockmans, Emperor Charles V: 1500-1558 (2002)
F. Braudel, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, vol. 2 (1972)
C. S. Dixon, ‘Charles V and the Historians: Some Recent German Works on the Emperor and His Reign', German History 21 (2003), 104-124
J. Edwards, Ferdinand and Isabella (2004)
P. Sutter Fichtner, The Habsburg Monarchy 1490-1848: Attributes of Empire (2003)
A.C. Hess, 'The battle of Lepanto in Mediterranean history'Link opens in a new window, Past and Present 57 (1972), 53-73
H. Kamen, Philip of Spain (1997)
“ , Spain 1469-1714: Society of Conflict (1991 edn)
“ , Spain’s Road to Empire: The Making of a World Power 1492-1763 (2002)
H.G. Koenigsberger, ‘The Empire of Charles V’, in G. R. Elton (ed.), The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. 2 The Reformation, 1520-1559 (revised edn, 1990) (ebook)
“ , ‘The Statecraft of Philip II’, European History Quarterly, 1 (1971)
“ , ‘Western Europe and the power of Spain’, in R. B. Wenham, The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. 3 Counter-Reformation and Price Revolution, 1559-1610 (1968) (ebook)
“ , 'The Politics of Philip II’, in Thorp & Slavin (eds), Politics, Religion and Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe (1994)
M. Levin, 'A New World Order: The Spanish Campaign for Precedence in Early Modern Europe' in Journal of Early Modern History 6, no. 3 (2002)
J. Lynch, Spain 1516-1598: From Nation State to World Empire (1991) (earlier edns: Spain under the Habsburgs)
W. Maltby, The Reign of Charles V (2002)
G. Parker, ‘Philip II & His World in the 1580’s’, in R. Kagan and G. Parker (eds), Spain, Europe and the Atlantic World (1995)
“ , The Grand Strategy of Philip II (1998)
H. Rawlings, The Debate on the Decline of Spain (2012)
H. Soly (ed.), Charles V 1500-1558 and his Time (1999), esp. chaps. on religion and international relations
J. Tracy, Emperor Charles V, Impresario of War: Campaign Strategy, International Finance, and Domestic Politics (2002)
The Ottoman Empire
A. Cirakman, From the "Terror of the World" to the "Sick Man of Europe": European Images of Ottoman Empire and Society from the Sixteenth Century to the Nineteenth Century (2002)
S. N. Faroqhi (ed.), Cambridge History of Turkey: Vol. 2 The Ottoman Empire as a World Power, 1453-1603 (2012) (ebook) and Cambridge History of Turkey: Vol. 3 The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603-1839 (2006) (ebook)
S. Fischer-Galati, Ottoman Imperialism and German Protestantism, 1521-55 (1959)
D. Goffman, The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern EuropeLink opens in a new window (2000) (ebook)
A.C. Hess, ‘The Ottoman conquest of Egypt (1517) and the sixteenth-century world war’,Link opens in a new window International Journal of Middle East Studies 4 (1973)
C. Imber, The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1600. The Structure of Power (2002)
H. Inalcik, The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age 1300-1600 (1973)
M. Kunt & C. Woodhead, Süleyman the Magnificent and His Age (1995)
R. Murphey, ‘Süleyman I and the conquest of Hungary’, Journal of Early Modern History 5 (2001)
A. Stiles, The Ottoman Empire 1450-1700 (1989)
C. Woodhead, ‘Consolidating the Empire: New Views on Ottoman History 1453-1839’, English Historical Review Link opens in a new window123 (2008) (review article)
b) 'Nation states'
Early Modern Britain (Tudors and Stuarts)
- S. Barber, Regicide and Republicanism: Politics and Ethics in the English Revolution, 1646-1659 (1998)
S. Brigden, New Worlds, lost Worlds: the Rule of the Tudors 1485-1603 (2001)
P. Edwards, The Making of the Modern English State 1460-1660 (2001)
S.G. Ellis, ‘Crown, community and government in the English territories 1450-1575’, History 71, issue 232 (1986)
- ", 'The limits of power: the English crown and the British Isles' in P. Collinson (ed.), The Sixteenth Century, 1458-1603 (2002)
G.R. Elton, ‘'Tudor Government'Link opens in a new window, Historical Journal 31 (1988)
- J. Guy, Tudor England (1988)
“ , (ed.), The Tudor Monarchy (1997), esp. chap. by Ellis
E.W. Ives, Faction in Tudor England (Hist. Assoc. 1979)
C. Levin, The Reign of Elizabeth I (2001)
D. Loades, Politics and the Nation, 1450-1660: Obedience, Resistant and Public Order (1974)
“ , Tudor Government: Structures of authority in the sixteenth century (1997)
- A. N. McLaren, Political Culture in the Reign of Elizabeth I: Queen and Commonwealth, 1558-1585 (1999) (ebook)
D.G. Newcombe, Henry VIII and the English Reformation Link opens in a new window(1995)
C. Russell, The Crisis of Parliaments: English History 1509-1660 (1971)
A.G.R. Smith, Tudor Government (Hist. Assoc. 1990)
- M. Todd, Reformation to revolution: politics and religion in early modern EnglandLink opens in a new window (1995)
P. Williams, The Tudor Regime (1979), chap. 12
“ , The Later Tudors: England 1547-1603 (1995), chs 5-6
Early Modern France (Bourbons and Valois)
- D. Bohanan, Crown and nobility in early modern FranceLink opens in a new window (2001)
R. Briggs, Early Modern France 1560-1715 (1977)
- S. Carroll, Noble power during the French wars of religion (1998)
M. Greengrass, France in the Age of Henri IV: The Struggle for Stability (1995)
Mack P. Holt (ed.), Renaissance and Reformation France, 1500-1648 (2002)
“ , ‘King in Parlement: The problem of the lit de justice in sixteenth-century France’,Link opens in a new window Historical Journal 31 (1988)
R.J. Knecht, French Renaissance Monarchy: Francis I and Henry II (1984 & 1996)
“ , Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I (1994)
“ , The Rise and Fall of Renaissance France 1483-1610 (1996 & 2001)
E. Le Roy Ladurie, The Royal French State, 1460-1610 (trans. 1994)
J.R. Major, From Renaissance Monarchy to Absolute Monarchy: French Kings, Nobles and Estates (1994) (ebook)
D. Potter, A History of France, 1460-1560: the Emergence of a Nation State (1995)
- Roelker, One king, one faith: the Parlement of Paris and the religious reformations of the sixteenth century (1996)
P. Roberts, ‘Royal Authority and Justice during the French Religious Wars’, Past and Present 184 (2004)
J.H. Shennan, Government and Society in France 1461-1661 (1969)
c) Republics
General reading (Republicanism and the Italian City States)
- S. Barber, Regicide and Republicanism: Politics and Ethics in the English Revolution, 1646-1659 (1998) (ebook)
A. Gamberini and I. Lazzarini (eds), The Italian Renaissance State (2012) (ebook)
- M. Goldie, 'The Unacknowledged Republic', in Tim Harris (ed.), The Politics of the Excluded, c.1500-1850 (2001) (ebook)
- Derek Hirst ‘The English republic and the meaning of Britain’, Journal of Modern History 66 (1994)
A. Holenstein, A., M. Prak and T. Maissen (eds), The Republican Alternative: The Netherlands and Switzerland Compared (2008) (ebook)
- J.G.A Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (1973)
- Nigel Smith, 'Popular republicanism in the 1650s: John Streater's ‘heroick mechanicks,’' in David Armitage, Armand Himy and Quintin Skinner (eds.) Milton and Republicanism (1995) (ebook)
- Blair Worden, 'Republicanism, Regicide and Republic: The English Experience', in Martin van Gelderen and Quentin Skinner (eds), Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage, vol. 1 (Cambridge, 2002).
The Dutch Republic
- J. Blom & E. Lamberts (eds), History of the Low Countries (1999)
- C.R. Boxer, The Dutch Seaborne Empire (1965)
- G. Darby (ed.), The Origins and Development of the Dutch Revolt (2001)
- O. Gelderblom (ed.), The Political Economy of the Dutch Republic (2009)
- K.H.D. Haley, The Dutch in the Seventeenth Century (1972)
- J. Israel, Dutch Primacy in World Trade, 1585-1740 (1989) (ebook)
- “ , The Dutch Republic: its rise, greatness and fall 1477-1806 (1995) (ebook)
- “ , 'A Golden Age: Innovation in Dutch cities 1648-1720’, History Today 45, no. 3 (March 1995)
- H. Kamen, 'The Economic and Social Consequences of the Thirty Years War', Past and Present 39 (1968)
- G. Parker, Spain and the Netherlands, 1559-1659 (1979)
- M. Prak, The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century (2005) (ebook)
- J.L. Price, Culture and Society in the Dutch Republic (1974)
- “ , The Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century (1998)
- H.H. Rowen, The Princes of Orange: the stadholders in the Dutch Republic (1988) (ebook)
- S. Schama, ‘The unruly realm: appetite and restraint in C17th Holland’, Daedalus 108 (1979)
- C. Wilson, The Dutch Republic and the Civilisation of the seventeenth century (1968)
d) Urban and rural politics
- J. De Vries, ‘Renaissance cities’Link opens in a new window, Renaissance Quarterly 42 (1989)
- J. Ellis, ‘A steady state? Urban society in early modern Europe’Link opens in a new window, Journal of Urban History 24 (1998)
- R. Finlay, Urban Politics in Early Modern Europe (2000) (ebook)
- C.R. Friedrichs, The Early Modern City, 1450-1750 (1995).
- W. Hagen, Ordinary Prussians: Brandenburg Junkers and Villagers, 1500-1840 (2002)
- Tim Harris, The Politics of the Excluded, c. 1500-1850Link opens in a new window (2001), esp. ch. 2.
- R. Mackenney, The City-State, 1500-1700: Republican Liberty in an Age of Princely Power (1989)
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External Links
- The Revolt of the Netherlands -Link opens in a new window documents relating to the Reformation and the Revolt of the Low Countries, 1555-1609
- Philip II, LettersLink opens in a new window - Collection of letters of Philip II of Spain (in Spanish)
- Early Modern Austrian Absolutism - Link opens in a new windowcollection of documents relating to the Austrian Habsburgs
- Portugal in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries - account from Stanley Payne's A History of Spain and Portugal
- History of France - collection of primary sources relating to France, 1454-1788
- European State Finance Database - Link opens in a new windowproject collating European fiscal data across history
- British Civil Wars, Commonwealth & ProtectorateLink opens in a new window - website dedicated to the history of Britain, c.1638-1657
- History of Trade Link opens in a new window- discussion of different types of European trading nations