The People and Politics
| Discussion topics | Documents | Audio | Reading |
Discussion topics
- What were the 'points of contact' between rulers and ruled in the early modern period?
- 'The people had no role to play in politics.' Discuss.
- Which values or ideology do we find in early modern popular politics of this period?
- Were early modern riots and rebellions conservative in their aims?
**NOTE: Some eresources are accessible only on-campus or via off-campus proxies or the athens service**
Audio Links
- BBC Radio 4 'In Our Time' programme on Seventeenth Century Print Culture
- 'Steps to a Public Sphere'Link opens in a new window: podcast discussion of David Cayley with Robert Tittler, Joe Ward and Kevin Pask ('The Origins of the Modern Public', part 11)
Secondary literature
Selected key texts
- B. Capp, 'Riot and Rebellion' in B. Kumin (ed.), The European World (2nd ed.; 2014) (ebook)
- P. Blickle (ed.), Resistance, Representation and Community (1998)
W. te Brake, Shaping History: Ordinary People in European PoliticsLink opens in a new window (1998) (ebook)
- S. Cohn (ed.), Popular Protest in Late Medieval Europe (2005) [Collection of Primary Sources]
- T. Harris (ed.), The Politics of the Excluded, 1500-1850 (2002) (ebook)
- B. Kümin & A. Würgler, ‘Petitions, gravamina and the early modern stateLink opens in a new window’, Parliaments, Estates and Representation, vol. 17 (1997)
- M. Mullett, Popular Culture and Popular Protest in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (1987)
- J.C. Scott, Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance (1985)
- E. P. Thompason, 'The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century', Past and Present, vol. 50 (Feb., 1971), 76-136.
- A. Wood, Riot, Rebellion and Popular Politics in Early Modern England (2002) (ebook)
Further reading
A. Black, ‘ Communal democracy and its history’, Political Studies 45 (1997)
- L. L. Carroll, 'Carnival Rites as Vehicles of Protest in Renaissance VeniceLink opens in a new window', The Sixteenth Century Journal 16/4 (1985)
J. Fortea Pérez, ‘ The Cortes of Castile and Philip II’s fiscal policy’, Parliaments, Estates and Representation 11 (1991)
- A. Fletcher and D. MacCulloch, Tudor Rebellions (2005) (ebook)
C. Friedrichs, The Early Modern City (1995)
M. Graves, The Parliaments of Early Modern Europe (2001)
R. Head, Early Modern Democracy in the Grisons: Social Order and Political Language in a Swiss Mountain Canton, 1470-1620 (1995)
M.R. Hunt, The middling sort: commerce, gender, and the family in England, 1680-1780 (1996) (ebook), ch. 8
J.R. Kent, 'The centre and the localities: state formation and parish government in England, circa 1640-1740',Link opens in a new window Historical Journal 38 (1995)
- C. Larquie, ‘Popular Uprisings in Spain in the Mid-Seventeenth Century’, Renaissance and Modern Studies, 26 (1982)
- C. D. Liddy, ‘Urban Enclosure Riots: Risings of the Commons in English Towns, 1480–1525’, Past and Present 226 (2015), 41-77
- " and Jelle Haemers, 'Popular Politics in the Late Medieval City: York and BrugesLink opens in a new window', English Historical Review 128 (2013)
D. Luebke, ‘Factions and communities in early modern Central Europe’Link opens in a new window, Central European History, 25 (1992)
R. Mackay, The Limits of Royal Authority: Resistance and Obedience in Seventeenth-Century Castile (1999) (ebook)
V. Magagna, Communities of Grain: Rural Rebellion in Comparative Perspective (1991)
S. Milner, "The Florentine Piazza della Signoria as Practiced Place", in Renaissance Florence: A Social History, ed. R.J. Crum and J.T. Paoletti (Cambridge, 2006), 83-103
- L. Nussdorfer, 'The Vacant See: Ritual and Protest in Early Modern RomeLink opens in a new window', The Sixteenth Century Journal 18/2 (1987)
B. Poulsen, ‘ The necessity of state in early modern peasant society’, Scandinavian Jnl of History, 22 (1997)
P. Roberts, ‘ Arson, conspiracy and rumour in early modern Europe’, Continuity and Change, 12 (1997)
D. Sabean, Power in the Blood: Popular Culture and Village Discourse in Early Modern Germany (1984)
I.A.A. Thompson, ‘ Crown and Cortes in Castile 1590-1665’, Parliaments, Estates and Representation 2, no. 2 (June 1982), also with other key articles in his Crown and Cortes: Government, Institutions, and Representation in Early Modern Castile (1993), esp ch. 4
F. De Vivo, Information and Communication in Venice: Rethinking Early Modern Politics (Oxford, 2007)
J. Walter, 'Confessional politics in pre-Civil War Essex'Link opens in a new window, Historical Journal 44 (2001)
J. Walter, Crowds and Popular Politics in Early Modern England (2006) (ebook)
P. Warde, ‘ Law, the “commune” and the distribution of resources in early modern German state formation’, Continuity and Change, 17 (2002)
A. Würgler, ‘Voices from among the 'Silent Masses': Humble Petitions and Social Conflicts in Early Modern Central Europe’, International Review of Social History, 46 (2001), Supplement, 11-34
P. Zagorin, Rebels and rulers 1500-1660, volume 1: Society, States and Early Modern Revolution: Agrarian and Urban Rebellions (1982) (ebook) See also Volume 2: Provincial Rebellion
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External Websites
- Social History of Early Modern EnglandLink opens in a new window (inc. sections on Riot and RebellionLink opens in a new window and court recordsLink opens in a new window) - information and sources from Virtual Norfolk Online
- Earls Colne: Records of an English Village 1375-1854 Link opens in a new window- records and documents recording history of Earls Colne Village, Essex
- Leipzig (1556) - image of the town hall as site of urban politics
- Citizenship - exhibition about history of citizenship in BritainLink opens in a new window
- Early Stuart LibelsLink opens in a new window - database containing early-17thC political poetry from manuscript sources
- Petitions by women during the English Civil Wars Link opens in a new windowon National Archive pages: 'How did these conflicts affect their lives?'
- Dutch Revolt Link opens in a new window- sources, documents and bibliography relating to the Revolt of the Low Countries in the 16thC
- Renaissance and Early Modern Festival BooksLink opens in a new window - digitised festival books from 1475-1700 from British Library Collection