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Research Project (HI2E4)

Module Convenor: Dr Natalie Hanley-Smith

Office Hours: Wednesdays 12-2pm in FAB3.40

Lecture Time: Friday 10-11am OC0.03

Seminars: See Tabula.

This 15 CATS second-year module is compulsory for all single-honours History students, and is not available to students of other courses. The purpose of the module is as follows:

  • To embed students in the research culture of the department
  • To develop research and communication skills
  • To instil a sense of intellectual curiosity, initiative, and creativity
  • To provide training in the use of primary sources to develop a research project in preparation for the final year dissertation
  • To explore and interrogate the wide range of sources (textual, visual, material culture, film, oral history) for the purposes of historical research
  • To give students the opportunity to present their research in both oral and written formats
  • To develop students’ confidence in the use of digital tools to present their research