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The World of the Tavern in Early Modern Europe (HI390)

Year III 30 CATS Advanced Option


Barthel Beham, Village Fair (woodcut c. 1530)

This module uses the principal communication hub of premodern society as a window into
evolving patterns of sociability, political agency, consumption habits, gender roles, confessional identities,
crime and sexual relations. Drinking houses hosted an infinite range of social exchange, allowing us to
trace people from the cradle to the grave.

Short web address:



Prof. Beat Kümin
H 3.13, T: (5)24915, e-mail 

Aims & Assessment
Field Trip
Digital, Forum (Rules), Printed 
Moodle site

Recent student feedback

[The Tavern module] 'allowed me to appreciate the complexities and depth in a very specific area of history that I'd never considered before' - 'The way that we engage with primary sources has truly helped advance my skills, and has strengthened my confidence' - 'It's one of the best modules I've taken'