GE432: 'Self and Others': Course Materials
On a week by week basis, you will find links are posted to this page to websites and texts of interest. Course e-materials such as powerpoints and handouts will also be posted here following each session.
Key Texts:
Primary Literary Texts:
G.E Lessing, Nathan der Weise (Reclam edition)
Handout containing Schiller’s ‘Das verschleierte Bild zu Sais’ and other poems (to follow in Warwick).
Novalis, chapters 1,3,4 and 5 from Heinrich von Ofterdingen (Reclam).
E.T.A Hoffmann, Das Sanctus, available in Warwick as handout.
Caroline Augusta Fischer, William der Neger. (Available to download - below)
Heinrich von Kleist, Die Verlobung in St Domingo (Reclam)
Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, Die Judenbuche (Reclam)
Theoretical Texts:
Stuart Hall, 'The Spectacle of the 'Other', in Hall, ed., Representation. Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices (Sage 1997),
Paul du Gay et al., ed., Identity: a Reader (Sage 2000),
Simon Malpas and Paul Wake, eds., The Routledge Companion to Critical Theory (Routledge 2006),
Silvia Bovenschen, Die imaginierte Weiblichkeit (Suhrkamp, 1979),
Sigrid Lange, Ob die Weiber Menschen sind. Geschlechterdebatten um 1800 (Reclam Leipzig, 1992),
Edward Said, Orientalism (Penguin, 2003)
Bibliography of criticism on all texts studied in the module
Downloadable materials:
Click here to access a pdf of Caroline A. Fischer's William der Neger (English translation)
Click here to access a pdf of the German original of William der Neger.
List of articles digitised for this module
Hodkinson: Hoffmann, Novalis, Islam
Lecture powerpoints
- Introduction: Enlightenment and its Others. Download here.
- Enlightened Cosmopolitanism? G.E Lessing's Nathan der Weise. Download here.
- Similarity and Difference in Poetry by Schiller and Goethe. Download here.
- Romantic Encounters: Selves and Others in Novalis. Download here.
- Christians, Muslims and Otherness in Later Romanticism: E.T.A Hoffmann's Das Sanctus. Download here.
- Research Questions on Novalis and Hoffmann here.
- Man/Woman - Black/White. Discourses of Alterity in Romanticism: Kleist and Fischer. Download here.
- Inscribing Boundaries: Gender, Jews and Gentiles in Droste-Hülshoff's Die Judenbuche. Download here.
This is by three-hour exam in the summer (requiring 2 essay answers), or by one coursework essay of 4,000 words due in early term 2, when the module runs in term 1, or due in early term 3, when the module runs in term 2.