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Italian and Theatre Studies

Year One

Core Modules
  Modern Italian Language I (at Beginners' IT101-30, Intermediate or Advanced (IT107-30) level)
  Theatre and Performance in Context (TH114-30)

From Text to Performance (TH115-30)

Introducing Italy: Local and Global Perspectives (IT116-30)

Year Two/Three - Spent abroad

Year Two/Three

Core Module
  Modern Italian Language ll (IT201-30) or Modern Italian Language IIl (IT301-30)
Optional Modules

Italian Studies modules (15-30 credits)*

  Intermediate Year SMLC Modules (0-15 credits LN2 and LN3 Modules only)
  Approved options in Theatre Studies (60 credits)

*Exceptional case for 15 credits external module may be allowed subject to the approval of the SMLC Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Year Four

Core Module
  Modern Italian Language IV (IT401-30)
Optional Modules
  Approved option modules in Theatre Studies or an independent research option (60 credits)
  Final Year Italian Studies options (0-30 credits)*
  Final Year SMLC Options (0-30 credits: may include LN400 Dissertation or LN401 Independent Research Project, subject to the approval of the module convenor).

*Exceptional case for 15 credits external module may be allowed subject to the approval of the SMLC Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Students wishing to take more than 60 CATs in Theatre must obtain the permission of the SMLC Director of Undergraduate Studies before submitting any module choice form. Requests will only be considered as long as the second year did not include any Outside Option modules and was weighted at 60 CATS for Theatre and 60 CATS for Italian Studies.

Students wishing to study 30 CATS option modules in Italian Studies and 30 CATs in Theatre and 30 CATs of outside external modules must obtain the permission of the SMLC Director of Undergraduate Studies before submitting any module choice form. Requests will only be considered as long as the second year did not include any Outside Option modules and was weighted at 60 CATS for Theatre and 60 CATS for Italian Studies.