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Arts Faculty News Read more from Arts Faculty News

School of Modern Languages Christmas Card Competition

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures organised a Christmas Card Competition for schools and delighted to share some of their entries. Orla Whelan-Davis, Widening Participation Officer, has shared the following:

'We organised a modern foreign languages schools Christmas Card Competition in the month of December as part of our Routes Into Languages initiative. We were thrilled to receive huge amounts of entries from pupils in key stages 2 and 3 showcasing their artistic, creative and language skills. We were able to create a display by our SMLC office of many of the entries which came in 11 different languages! It really put a smile on everyone’s faces, staff and students alike. The worthy winners received personal letters of congratulations and a voucher as their prizes. Some photos attached of the display and the winning cards in each key stage.'

Centre for Arts Doctoral Research Excellence Read more from Latest Announcements

Classics and Ancient History Read more from Classics News and Events

English and Comparative Literary Studies Read more from English & Comparative Literary Studies News

Film and Television Studies Read more from News

History Read more from History News

History of Art Read more from Research Events

Theatre and Performance Studies Read more from Theatre & Performance Studies News

Student Opportunities

Student Opportunities are promoting their Global Connections club which meets for regular virtual catch ups. They have also set up a Global Challenge for weekend activities:


Global Challenge 


Global Connections Club events


The wildlife survey information is now online and is available for students to view and download. There is some background blurb on the webpage as well as detailed information about how to get involved and undertake the campus surveys. In addition there are identification guides and survey sheets for download.

Mon 11 May 2020, 08:50 | Tags: Student Events Outreach

School of Modern Languages and Cultures Read more from SMLC - News and events

Global Sustainable Development Read more from Global Sustainable Development News

Design Studies Staff Run Engaging Esports Camp for Young Aspiring Game Designers

Two academics from Warwick’s newly established Design division recently delivered a range of engaging activities for an Esports camp aimed at young aspiring game designers.

Over the Easter holidays, Dr Edward Loveman and Dr James MacKrill were involved in a holiday camp for young attendees aged 4-16, who were able to experience the process of designing games based around sustainability and environmental awareness issues.

Read more.

Liberal Arts Read more from Liberal Arts News

Sutton Trust Summer School 2020: Liberal Arts and The Colonial Hangover

At the end of July Liberal Arts collaborated with Politics and International Studies to deliver an online Sutton Trust Summer School on the theme of “The Colonial Hangover.”

Mon 24 Aug 2020, 09:00 | Tags: Liberal Arts Outreach

Humanities Research Centre Read more from News

Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies Read more from Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events

Centre for the Study of the Renaissance Read more from News

Early Modern and Eighteenth Century Centre Read more from News

Global History and Culture Centre Read more from News from the Global History and Culture Centre

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Read more from CIM News

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