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App happy? Synchronous spaces and interactive tools: an exploration

App happy? Synchronous spaces and interactive tools: an exploration

We have all significantly increased our use of technology to support learning and teaching this year. But how far have we maintained interactivity and engagement with students in online teaching sessions? Building active learning and participation into Higher Education teaching practice is a key component of the student-centred do we enable this when we teach in programmes like MS Teams?

Apart from opportunities to talk (through a microphone or in a chat pane), app-based responsive technologies can support active learning particularly with the ubiquitous nature of student-owned mobile devices. But it also carries the risk of becoming gimmicky, novel and not supporting pedagogy adequately. And are we brave enough to try it?!

This workshop will look at a range of apps designed for interaction, considering and comparing their merits for learning and assessment, as well as ease of use for teachers. Participants will experience the apps first hand, through a range of activities, whilst exploring key pedagogical themes, including gamification, reciprocal teaching and peer and self-assessment. Then, the second part of the workshop invites participants to develop simple teaching and learning materials through their favoured apps, tailored to their subject discipline, with the opportunity to share and evaluate these with peers. Crucially, this is a safe space to try it out, amongst friends and colleagues.

By the end of the session, participants will be able to make an informed choice about interactive apps and will have considered where they might fit in with their own practice.

Participants will be invited to download apps/open programmes (e.g. Vevox, Polleverywhere, NearPod, Mentimeter) ahead of the session and set up their own accounts (all free) – more information will be sent in advance to those who sign up.

Alignment to UKPSF: A2, A3, K2-4, V1, V2

Date: Thursday 20th May 2021

Time: 2.30pm-4pm