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Education Forum

About the Education Forum

Teaching focused colleagues play a vital role in enhancing student learning and ensuring Warwick’s success as a leading institution. This collaborative space supports cross-institutional conversations about teaching and learning and provides opportunity to:

  • Find out about new information relevant to your teaching role.
  • Discuss key issues with University colleagues.
  • Influence Warwick policy and practice to help improve the experience of being an educator at Warwick.
  • Build a community of teaching focused staff with a strong collective voice.
  • Connect and network with colleagues from different departments/schools.
  • Share effective practice.

There will be one Forum meeting per term. An Education Committee member will attend each meeting to share updates and hear the views of colleagues. The Education Committee is part of Warwick's governance structure with a remit to advise the Senate on all matters relating to the development, monitoring and evaluation of the institutional Education Strategy.

2023/24 Term 3 Meeting

Wednesday 3rd July 2024, 2pm – 3.30pm (The Teaching Grid, Library)

Inclusion and award gaps

Beccy Freeman, Deputy PVC (Education), will be joining us to discuss the intentions and commitments outlined in the most recent Access and Participation Plan. We will then open-up discussions and will hear from a range of colleagues (including India Palmer, WMG, Loralie Rodrigues, WMS, and Zi Wang, Student Opportunity) who are doing work on various awarding gaps, including those between White and non-White students and home and international students.

All teaching-focused colleagues are welcome. Please email me and I will send you a calendar invite (

2023/24 Term 2 Meeting

This forum took the form of an Academic Governance consultation led by Kim Robinson, Deputy Director & Head of Education Policy and Governance. As part of the Academic Governance review, Kim welcomed feedback on what the teaching-focused community would like to see in terms of inclusive ways of working and diversity of memberships in formal academic governance committees

2023/24 Term 1 Meeting

At our term one meeting, we welcomed Prof Lorenzo Frigerio, our new Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education), who discussed his priorities and plans and provided strategic updates. We also launched the 2023/24 Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence, which included discussion as a community about how to raise the visibility of this important recognition of teaching and how WATE may support and enhance our teaching-focused community.

Resources shared at the meeting are available on the Education Forum Teams space.

If you would like to contribute to the Forum or have any questions please contact Kerry Dobbins at Join the Education Forum Teams space to access resources and stay up to date with Forum activities.