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Printed Primary Sources

This page contains a selection of primary materials published in Catalan, Czech, Dutch/Flemish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Please note that some sources may be edited / transcribed in languages other than that of the region concerned. See also the list of digital parish sources.


Puigvert, Joaquim Maria (ed.), Les visites pastorals: Del orígens medievals a l’època contemporània (Girona: Universitat de Girona et al, 2003)


Al Saheb, Jan (ed.), Vizitační protokoly vratislavské diecéze z roku 1697. Těšínské arcikněžství. [Visitation Protocols of Diocese of Breslau, 1697, Archpresbyteriate of Teschen] (Opava, 2008)

Chvátalová, Helena (ed.), ‘Kniha výjezdů záduší sv. Mikuláše na Starém Městě pražském z let 1579–1597 [Inspection Book of the Church Fabric of St Nicholas in the Old Town of Prague, 1579-1597]’, Sborník archivních prací (SAP) 38 (1988), 583–603

Křížová, Lucie, ‘Sbírka matrik a matričních dokladů Moravského zemského archivu v Brně (stručný přehled jejich přebírání, inventarizace a zabezpečení) [A Collection of Registers in Moravian Land Archive in Brno (a Brief Overview of their Take up, Inventarisation and Protection )], in: Vývoj církevní správy na Moravě. 27. mikulovské sympozium 9.-10. října 2002 (Brno, 2003), 311-317 [with German summary p. 317: Die Sammlung von Matriken und Matrikeldokumenten des Mährischen Landesarchivs in Brünn (Kurzüberblick ihrer Übernahme, Inventarisierung und Sicherung)]

Martínková, Lenka, ‘Archivy far a vikariátů na Pelhřimovsku. (Několik poznámek k jejich písemnostem na Pelhřimovsku od pobělohorské doby do počátku 20. století)’ [Parochial and Vicariate Archives in the District of Pelhřimov: Some Notices to their Documentation from the Battle of the White Mountain to the Beginning of the 20th Century]’, in: Archivní časopis 55 (2/2005), 89-116 [with German Summary: ‘Archive der Pfarren und Vikariate im Gebiet von Pelhřimov’]

Maýrová, Kateřina, ‘Dva znovupřipomenuté prameny k dějinám literátských bratrstev v Českém Brodě a v Jaroměři z druhé poloviny 16. století, dochované ve sbírkových fondech Strahovské knihovny Královské kanonie premonstrátského řádu v Praze na Strahově [Two Sources for History of Literary Brotherhoods in Český Brod and Jaroměř from the 2nd Half of 16th Century]’, in: Bratrstva. Světská a církevní sdružení a jejich role v kulturních a společenských strukturách od středověku do moderní doby (Pardubice, 2005), 179-218 [English Summary p. 211]

Petr, Stanislav (ed.), Soupis rukopisů knihovny při farním kostele svatého Jakuba v Brně [Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscript Collection of the Parish Church of St James at Brünn] (Prague: Masarikův ústav a Archiv akademie věd České republiky, 2007)

Semerádová, Veronika (ed.), ‘Vizitační písemnosti Čechy 17. století. (Farní kostely a farní klérus pražské arcidiecéze v letech 1623–1694 [17th-Century Bohemian Visitation Records: Parish Churches and Clergy of the Archdiocese of Prague 1623–94], in: Sborník archivních prací 47 (1/1997), 125-204 [with German summary: ‘Das Visitationsschriftgut Böhmens des 17. Jahrhunderts. (Pfarkirchen und Pfarklerus der Prager Erzdiözese in den Jahren 1623 – 1694‘]

‘Soupis farních matrik založených před rokem 1650 a uložených ve státních archivech’ [A Catalogue of Parish Registers founded before 1650 on Deposit in State Archives ], Historická Demografie 24 (2000), 189-206

Teige, Josef (ed.), Základy starého místopisu pražského, 1437–1620 [Foundations of the Old Topography of Prague], I–II (Prague, 1910–15)



Billet, J., Tafereel van Gent in de XVIIe eeuw (met eenige aanteekeningen door Hendrik Keurvels) [Scene of Ghent in the 17th Century (with several notes by Hendrik Keurvels)] (Gent, early 20th Century)

F. Caland (ed.), ‘Oudste rekening der kerk van Hulst, 1 october 1409 tot 30 september 1410’, Archief, vroegere en latere medelingen in betrekking tot Zeland, 5 (1883), p. 409-475

L. De Mecheleer (ed.), Rekeningen van de kerkfabriek van de Sint-Leonarduskerk van Zoutleeuw (1405, 1452-1599) (Bruxelles, 1997)

B. Delmaire & J.-L. Decherf (eds), 'Un compte de la fabrique de l’église de Nieppe (1472-1473): présentation et édition', in Mémoires de la Société historique de Comines-Warneton et de la région, 23 (1993), 13-50 (account written in Flemish)

Duvosquel, J.-M., 'Le plus ancien compte de l’église de Comines (1508-1513)', Handelingen van de Koninklijke Geschied- en Oudheikundige Kring van Kortrijk, 48 (1981), 109-201 [account written in Flemish]

" ; Berger, R. ; Jacquet-Ladrier, F.+Ph. ; Minnen, B. (eds), Albums de Croÿ. Dl. 3 : Bezittingen der Croÿ’s in Brabant, Vlaanderen, Artesië en het Naamse (Brussels, 1985). [Edition of the richly decorated Album of Charles de Croy concerning his posessions in Brabant, Flanders, Artois and the region of Namen. This album on parchement contains copies of the original maps and drawings on paper of the villages / parishes in the duchy of Aarschot, edited in 1993)

Minnen B. (ed.), Het hertogdom Aarschot onder Karel van Croÿ (1595-1612). Kadasters en gezichten. (Albums de Croÿ)[The duchy of Aarschot under Charles de Croy. Cadastral maps and views] (Brussels, 1993), 397 pp. (Edition of a selection of the finest drawings of the villages / parishes in the duchy of Aarschot).

Mooij, J. (ed.), Bouwstoffen voor de geschiedenis der Protestantsche Kerk in Nederlandsche-Indië (3 vols, Batavia, 1927-31)

Van Vaernewijck, M., Van die beroerlicke tijden in die Nederlanden, en voornamelick in Ghendt, 1566-1568, door Marcus van Vaernewijck naar het oorspronkelijk handschrift uitgegeven [About the Turbid Times in the Netherlands, and Mainly in Ghent, 1566-1568, by Marcus van Vaernewijck to the original manuscript], ed. F. Van Der Haeghen, MVB, series 4, 5 chapters (Gent, 1872-81)

J. Van den Nieuwenhuizen (ed.), ‘De oudste rekening van de kerkfabriek van Onze Lieve Vrouw te Antwerpen (1431)’, Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis, 42 (1959), p. 61-109

L. Van Rappard (ed.), ‘De rekeningen van de kerkmeesters der Buurkerk te Utrecht in de 15e eeuw’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Historisch Genootschap, t. III (1880), p. 25-224 [account of 1435-1436]



Allston Porcher, Anne (ed.), ‘Minutes of the vestry of St. Stephen’s parish, South Carolina, 1754-1873’, South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine 45 (1944), pp. 65-70, 157-71, 217-21; 46 (1945), pp. 40-48, 93-102

Appleton, Stephanie; Macdonald, Mairi (eds), Stratford-upon-Avon Wills: 1348-1701 (Dugdale Society, 2020)

Barnwell, P. S.; Barton, A. B.; Rycraft, A. (eds), ‘The Requiem Mass in the Use of York: Text and Translation’, in: P.S. Barnwell, C. Cross and A. Rycraft (eds), Mass and Parish in Late Medieval England (Reading, 2005), 145-74

Boatwright, Lesley; Habberjam, Moira; Hammond, Peter (eds), The Logge Register of PCC Wills, 1479 to 1486 Richard III Society (2 vols, Knaphill, 2008)

Bray, William, The History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, begun by Owen Manning (3 vols, London, 1804, 1809, 1814; reprint Wakefield, 1974) [based on personal visits of all parishes & churches in Surrey)

Brown, Maureen & Paul (eds), Wing Churchwardens' Accounts 1527-1662, Buckinghamshire Record Society (Aylesbury, 2019)

Brown, N.; Whittingham, C. (eds), Berkhamsted St Peter Churchwardens’ Accounts, c. 1584-1660, Hertfordshire Record Society vol. XXXVIII (2022)

Bryant, G. F.; Hunter, V. M.; Plumb, G. A. (eds), ‘How thow schalt thy paresche preche’: John Myrc’s Instructions for Parish Priests; Part One: Introduction and Text by Geoffrey F Bryant and Vivian M Hunter; Part Two Discussion by Geoffrey F Bryant and Gordon A Plumb (Workers’ Educational Association, Barton on Humber Branch, Vol. 1, 1999; Vol. 2, 2003)

Burgess, C. (ed.), The Pre-Reformation Records of All Saints’, Bristol (3 vols, Bristol, 1995-)

Burgess, C. (ed.), The Church Records of St Andrew Hubbard Eastcheap, c1450-1570 (London Record Society, 1999)

Chamberlayne, C. G. (ed.), The Vestry Book of Christ Church Parish, Middlesex County, Virginia, 1663-1767 (Richmond, 1927)

Chandler, John (ed.), The Parish Registers of Thomas Crockford, 1561-1633, Wiltshire Record Society series 73 (2020)

Church of Ireland Representative Church Body Library [list of publications in the ‘Parish Registers’, ‘Texts and Calendars’ and ‘Other Publications’ series]

Ch. Cotton (ed.), ‘Churchwardens’ Accounts of the Parish of St Andrew Canterbury from AD 1485 to AD 1685. Introduction. Part I, 1485-1509 ‘, Archaeologia Cantiana, 32, 1917, p. 181-246.

Cowper (ed.), ‘Accounts of the Churchwardens of St. Dunstan’s Canterbury, A. D. 1484-1515 ’, Archaeologia Cantiana, 16 (1886), p. 289-321

Craven, Alex (ed.), The Churchwardens' Accounts of St Mary's, Devizes, 1633-1689 (Chippenham: Wiltshire Record Society, 2016) [extractLink opens in a new window] [publisher infoLink opens in a new window]

J. Crosthwaite (ed.), ‘Ancient Churchwardens’ Accounts of a City Parish’, The British Magazine and Monthly Register of Religion..., nos XXXI-XXXVI (1847-1849), passim [St Andrew Hubbard, London, 1450-1570]

Dils, Joan (ed.), Reading St Laurence Churchwardens’ Accounts, Part I: Introduction and Accounts 1498-1536; Part II: Accounts 1536-70 and Inventories, Berkshire Record Society vols. 19-20 (Reading, 2013)

" , Stanford in the Vale Churchwardens' Accounts 1552-1705, Berkshire Record Society vol. 29 (2024)

Dincă, Adinel (ed.), The Rural Parish in Late Medieval Transylvania: Churchwardens’ Accounts of Jelna 1455-1570 (forthcoming; with English introduction/commentary of the original Latin/German text)

Doree, Stephen S. (ed.), Early Churchwardens’ Accounts of Bishops Stortford, 1431-1558 (Hertfordshire Record Publications 10, 1994)

The Journal of William Dowsing, ed. T. Cooper (Woodbridge, 2001) [web versionLink opens in a new window]

Dudding, Reginald C. (ed.), The First Churchwardens’ Book of Louth, 1500-1524 (privately published, 1941)

Dunning, R. W. (part 1); McDermott, M. B. (part II) (eds), Church Accounts 1457-1559 [of Chedzoy, North Curry, Goathurst, Lydeard St Lawrence, Nettlecombe, Stogursey, Trull, Yeovil] (Taunton: Somerset Record Society, 2013)

Dymond, D.; Paine, C. (eds), The Spoil of Long Melford Church (1989) [revised and enlarged edn: Five Centuries of an English Parish Church: ‘The State of Melford Church’, Suffolk (EAH Press, 2012); flyerLink opens in a new window]

Dymond, D. (ed.), The Churchwardens’ Book of Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire 1496-c.1540 (Cambridgeshire Records Society, 2004) [content/purchase information]

‘Earls Colne, Essex: Records of an English Village 1375-1854’:

J. Ellis (ed.), ‘The Churchwardens’ Accounts of the Parish of St. Mary Thame’, Berkshire Buckinghamshire and Oxon Archaeological Journal, nos 7-20 (1901-1913), passim [1467-1482]

Empey, Adrian (ed.), Proctors’ Accounts for the Parish Church of St Werburgh, Dublin, 1481-1627 (Dublin, 2009)

Falvey, Heather, Hindle, Steve (eds), ‘This little commonwealth’: Layston Parish memorandum book, 1607-c.1650, 1704-c.1747 (Hertfordshire Record Society Publications, vol. 19, 2004)

" (ed.). Pre-Reformation Wills from Rickmansworth Parish (1409-1539) (Rickmansworth Historical Society, 2021) [comprising 213 wills and 35 other probate documents relating to this Hertfordshire parish, with an extensive introduction; publisher information; information flyer]

Fincham, K. (ed.), Visitation Articles and Injunctions of the Early Stuart Church (2 vols, 1994-98)

Fletcher, Alan John (ed.), Late Medieval Popular Preaching in Britain and Ireland. Texts, Studies, and Interpretations (Turnhout, 2009)

Garry, Francis N.A. & G. A. (eds), The church-wardens ̕accounts of the parish of St. Marys̕, Reading, Berks, 1550-1662Link opens in a new window (Reading, 1893)

Gibbs, Gary & Hitchman, Valerie (eds), The Churchwardens' Accounts of St Botolph Without Aldersgate [1466-1500] (Leiden: Brill, 2024) [publisher info]

Gillespie, R. (ed.), The Vestry Records of the Parish of St John the Evangelist, Dublin, 1595-1658 (Dublin, 2002)

Gillespie, R. , The Vestry Records of the Parishes of St Catherine & St James, Dublin, 1657-1692 (Dublin, 2004)

Glover, J. Hulbert (ed.), Kingsthorpiana, or, researches in a church chest: being a calendar of old documents now existing in the church chest of Kingsthorpe, near Northampton, with a selection of the mss., printed in full, and extracts from others (London : Elliot Stock, 1883)

Graham, Rose (ed.), Oxfordshire Inventories (Alcuin Club Collections XXIII, 1920)

Hale, W. (ed.), Precedents in Causes of Office Against Churchwardens (1841)

A Handlist of Church of Ireland Vestry Minute Books in the Representative Church Body Library (Dublin, 2004)

Hanham, A. (ed.), Churchwardens’ Accounts of Ashburton 1479-1580 (Torquay, 1970) [digital versionLink opens in a new window]

Harley, Joseph (ed.), Norfolk Pauper Inventories, c. 1690-1834 (Oxford, 2020) [publisher info]

Harris, G. W., Glossary of Terms from Parish Records (1953)

Herbert, George, The Country Parson, ed. A. Russell (SPCK, 1993) [4th edn online at ECCOLink opens in a new window]

Hitchman, Valerie (ed.), Norton in Hales, Shropshire. Churchwardens' Accounts and Memoranda Book, 1701-1810, Shropshire Record Series, 14 (2019)

Holcomb, Brent H. (ed.), Saint David’s parish, South Carolina: Minutes of the vestry 1768-1832, parish register 1819-1924 (Easley, 1979)

Humphery-Smith, C. (ed.), The Phillimore Atlas of Parish Registers(3rd edn, 2003)

Kingdon, Robert M. et al. (eds), Registers of the Consistory of Geneva in the Time of Calvin: Volume 1: 1542–1544 (Genève: Droz, 1996)

Kirk, James (ed.), Visitation of the Diocese of Dunblane (Scottish Record Society, 1984)

Lewis, R. W. M. (ed.), Walberswick Churchwardens’ Accounts AD1450-1499 (privately published, 1947)

Littlehales, Henry (ed.), The Medieval Records of a London City Church (St Mary at Hill) AD1420-1559 (Early English Text Society, Old Series, vol. 125, 1904; vol. 128, 1905)

Litzenberger, C. (ed.), Tewkesbury Churchwardens’ Accounts 1563-1624 (1994)

Lomas, S. C. (ed.), Edwardian Inventories of Huntingdonshire (Alcuin Club Collections VII, 1906)

Macdonald, M. (ed.), The Register of the Guild of the Holy Cross, St Mary and St John the Baptist, Stratford-upon-Avon, Publications of the Dugdale Society 42 (Stratford-upon-Avon, 2007)

Mackeen (ed.), ‘Churchwardens’ Accounts in the time of Henry IV’, Archaeologia Cantiana, 10 (1876), p. 242-249 [Hythe, 1412-1413]

G. Mander (ed.), ‘Churchwardens’ Accounts of All Saints’ Church, Walsall, 1462-1531’, Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 52 (1928), p. 175-267

Manorial Documents RegisterLink opens in a new window, a catalogue co-ordinated by The National Archives

Masters, Betty R. & Ralph, Elizabeth (eds), The Church Book of St Ewen’s Bristol, 1454-1584 (Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, Records Section, Vol. VI, 1967) [Digital version: part 1, part 2, part 3]

Mattingly, Joanna (ed.), Stratton Churchwardens' Accounts: 1512-1578 (Devon and Cornwall Record Society, Boydell Press, 2018).

Mellows, W. T. (ed.), Peterborough Local Administration. Parochial Government before the Reformation. Churchwardens’ Accounts 1467-1573 with Supplementary Documents 1107-1488 (Northampton Record Society, Volume IX, 1939)

Middleton-Stewart, Judith (ed.), Records of the Churchwardens of Mildenhall: Collections (1446-54) and Accounts (1503-53) (Suffolk Records Society, 2011)

Mirk, John, Festial: A Collection of Homilies, ed. T. Erbe, Early English Text Society: Extra Series 96 (1905)

Mirk, John, Instructions for Parish Priests, ed. E. Peacock, Early English Text Society: Original Series 31 (1868) [see also Bryant et al. above]

Ní Mhurchadha, Maighréad (ed.), The Vestry Records of the United Parishes of Finglas, St Margaret’s, Artane and the Ward, 1657-1758 (Dublin, 2007)

T. North (ed.), Accounts of the Churchwardens of St. Martin’s Leicester 1489-1844 (Leicester, 1844)

M. O’Brien, F. Somers, E. Sargeant (eds), Halosewen Churchwardens’ Accounts, 1487-1581, 3 vol., (London, 1957)

E. Osborne (ed.), The Churchwardens’ Accounts of St. Michael Chagford 1480-1600 (Chagford, 1979)

Overall, William Henry. (ed.), The Accounts of the Churchwardens of the Parish of St Michael, Cornhill, in the City of London, from 1456 to 1608. With Miscellaneous Memoranda contained in the Great Book of Accounts and Extracts from the Proceedings of the Vestry from 1563 to 1607 (Printed for private circulation by Alfred James Waterlow, c. 1871)

Owen, D. (ed.), The Records of the Established Church in England (1970)

J. Payne Collier (ed.), ‘Acccounts of St. Margaret’s Southwark’, British Magazine 32 (1847), p. 481-496, 638-951 [1444-1445]

Peacock, Edward (ed.), English Church Furniture, Ornaments and Decorations at the Period of the Reformation as Exhibited in a List of the Goods destroyed in certain Lincolnshire Churches 1566 (London, 1866)

" , ‘Churchwardens’ accounts of Kirton in Lindsey’, Proceeedings of the Society of Antiquarians of London, 2nd s./ 2 (1862), p. 383-389 [1484]

C. Pearson (ed.), The Churchwardens’ Accounts of the Church and Parish of  St Michael without the North Gate, Bath 1349-1575, 3 vol. (Taunton, 1877-1879)

Perry, W. S. (ed.), Historical Collections Relating to the American Colonial Church (5 vols, reprint, New York 1969)

Peterkin, A. (ed.), Records of the Kirk of Scotland Containing the Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies (Edinburgh, 1838)

Pevsner, Sir N., The Buildings of England (county-by-county survey, incl. parish churches)

Purvis, J. (ed.), Tudor Parish Documents from the Diocese of York (1948)

Raven, John James (ed), Cratfield: A Transcript of the Accounts of the Parish, from AD 1490 to AD 1642 by the Late Rev. William Holland (London: Jarrold & Sons, 1895) [digital version]

Rubin, Miri (ed.), Medieval Christianity in Practice (Princeton, 2009)

Salley Jr., A.S. (ed.), Minutes of the vestry of St. Helena’s parish, South Carolina 1726-1812 (2nd ed., Columbia, 1958)

H. Salter (ed.), The Churchwardens’ Accounts of St. Michael’s Church Oxford, 1933, in: Transactions of the Oxfordshire Archaeological Society, 78 [1404-1600]

Shinners, J.; Dohar, W. J. (eds), Pastors and the Care of Souls in Medieval England (Notre Dame, 1998)

Simon, Z., ‘The late medieval churchwarden’s accounts of Sibiu / Hermannstadt (1505-1511)’, in: S. Andea and A. C. Dincă (eds), Literacy Experiences Concerning Medieval and Early Modern Transylvania, Special issue of Anuarul Institutului de Istorie ;G. Bariþiu' 54 (2015), 67-87

Simpson, William, The Practical Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer of his Majesty’s Province of South Carolina (Charlestown, 1761)

Smith, Mark (ed.), Doing the Duty of the Parish: Surveys of the Church in Hampshire 1810, Hampshire Record Series 17 (Winchester, 2004) [book review by Jeremy Gregory for ‘Reviews in History’]

A. Stallard (ed.), The Transcript of the Churchwardens’ Accounts of the Parish of Tilney All Saints Norfolk, 1443 to 1589 (London, 1922)

H. Swayne (ed.), The Churchwardens’ Accounts of S. Edmund and S. Thomas, Sarum, 1443-1702 with other documents (Salisbury, 1896)

Tanner, N. (ed.), Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils (2 vols, London, 1990)

Tate, W. E., The Parish Chest: A Study of the Records of Parochial Administration in England (1969)

Todd, Margo (ed.), The Perth Kirk Session Books 1577-90 (2012)

Turner, Th., The Diary of Thomas Turner 1754-1765, ed. David Vaisey (Oxford, 1983)

The Vestry Minute-Book of the Parish of Stratford-on-Avon, from 1617 to 1699 A.D. (London, 1899) [includes some churchwardens' accounts; digitized copy]

Walker, Jane (ed.) Datchworth Tithe Accounts, 1711-1747, Hertfordshire Record Society 25 (2010)

Ward, W. R. (ed.), Parson and Parish in Eighteenth-Century Hampshire: Replies to Bishops’ Visitations, Hampshire Record Series 13 (Winchester, 1995) [edition of the returns to the visitation queries of 1725, 1765, and 1788 ]

Walters, H. B. (ed.), London Churches at the Reformation with an Account of their Contents (SPCK, 1939)

Webb, C. (ed.), The Churchwardens’ Accounts of St Michael, Spurriergate, York 1518-48 (2 vols, York, 1997)

C. Welch (ed.), The Churchwardens’ Accounts of the Parish of All Hallows, London Wall, in the City of London A.D. 1455-A.D. 1536 (London, 1912)

West, J., Village Records (1982)

J. Wilkinson (ed.), Reports and Expenses in the Building of Bodmin Church, A. D. 1469 to 1472, in : Camden Miscellany, VII (London, 1874), p. 1-49

J. Williams (ed.), Early Churchwardens’ Accounts of Hampshire (Winchester, 1913) [Andover, 1470]

Williamson, M., ‘Liturgical polyphony in the late medieval English parish: a provisional list’, in: Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 38 (2005)

Willis, J., ‘Ecclesiastical Sources’ in: L. Sangha & J. Willis (eds), Understanding Early Modern Primary Sources (London, 2016)

Worth, R. (ed.), Calendar of Tavistock Parish Records (1887)



Digital Archives of the National Archives of Finland. [information also in English, but you can search for records only in Finnish]

Häkli, Esko, Biskops- och prostvisitationsprotokoll från det äldre Wiborgska stiftet: på basis av Albin Simolins samling kompletterade och utgivna av Esko Häkli. [Visitation records from the diocese of Vyborg, based on the collections of Albin Simolin] (Helsinki 2015)



A. Assier (ed.), Comptes de la fabrique de l’église Saint-Jean de Troyes (Troyes, 1855) [15thC]

Barthe (chanoine), ‘Extrait d’un manuscrit in-folio de plus de 600 pages qui a pour titre: Livre des comptes, recettes et dépenses rendus par les jurés de l’église paroissiale Saint-Michel depuis l’an 1417 jusqu’à l’an 1450’, Mémoires de la Société des Arts et Sciences de Carcassonne, 1858-1859, p. 262-369 [extracts]

Binz, L. (ed.), Les visites pastorales du diocèse de Genève par l’évêque Jean de Bertrand (1411-14), Académie Salésienne: Documents hors série, t. 1 (Annecy, 2006)

P. Le Cacheux (ed.), Le livre des comptes de Thomas du Marest, curé de Saint-Nicolas de Coutances (1397-1433) (Rouen-Paris, 1905)

J.-L. Decherf, B. Delmaire (eds), ‘Un compte de la fabrique de l’église de Nieppe (1472-1473): présentation et édition’, Mémoires de la Société d’histoire de Comines-Warneton et de la Région, (1993), p. 13-50

Delmaire, B. (ed.), Saint-Léger de Lens au Moyen Age d’après le compte de fabrique de 1473-1474 [=special issue of Gauheria: Le passé de la Gohelle] (Dec. 2006)

” ; Ghienne, B. (eds), ‘Un compte de la fabrique de l’église Saint-Laurent de Lens (24 juin 1594-24 juin 1595)’, in: Gauheria: Le passé de la Gohelle (Nov. 2003), 3-22

" , ‘Comptes d’églises, comptes des pauvres, comptes de communautés dans le Nord de la France du xiiie au xvie siècle ’, in: A. Follain (ed.), L’Argent des Villages du xiiie au xviiie siècle. (Rennes, 2000), p. 79-89 [edition of fabric accounts of Marbaix 1447-1448]

Dessaint (ed.), ‘Le plus ancien compte d’une église de Lille : Sainte-Catherine, 1385-1387’, Revue du Nord (2001), p. 279-294 [e-copy]

" , La paroisse Sainte-Catherine de Lille et sa fabrique à la fin du XIVeet au XVesiècle (MA supervised by B. Delmaire, Université de Lille 3, 1998) [with edition of 1386 account]

J. Dumoulin & J. Pycke, ‘Comptes de la paroisse Sainte-Marguerite de Tournai au quinzième siècle. Documents inédits relatifs à Roger de le Pasture, Robert Campin et d’autres artisans tournaisiens’, in : Les grands siècles de Tournai (Tournai-Louvain-la-Neuve, 1993), 279-330 [accounts 1404-1445]

M. Fournié (ed.), ‘Les comptes de l’œuvre de l’église Saint-Michel de Carcassonne au début du xve siècle’, in : La paroisse en Languedoc (xiie-xive s.) (Toulouse, 1990)

Leblond (ed.), ‘L’église et la paroisse Saint-Étienne de Beauvais au xve siècle d’après les comptes des marguilliers et des chanoines‘, Bulletin philologique et historique du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques (1913), p. 150-252 [accounts 1436-1439, 1441-1445, 1487-1490, lost in 1940]

H.-M. Legros, ‘Le thrésor de l’esglise parroichial Nostre-Dame d’Alençon à la fin de l’occupation anglaise, de janvier 1444 à janvier 1446’, Revue des Questions Historiques, t. CXXV, p. 67-85, p. 205-222, t. CXXVI, 1937, p. 78-86

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