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Rebecca Wills wins WATE-PGR

Congratulations to PhD student Becky Wills, selected over more than 100 nominations as a winner of the PG Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence

Wed 05 Sep 2012, 13:35 | Tags: prize people AnalSciInst

Lucienne Otten and Robert Deller win Poster Prizes

Two members of the Gibson group have won poster prizes. Robert Deller won 1st Place at the RSC younger Members symposium (at Uni. Nottingham) for his work on Peptidomimetic Cryopreservation Agents. Lucienne Otten won 3rd place at the Systems Biology Annual Conference for her work on Label Free Analysis of Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions.

Fri 15 Jun 2012, 10:50 | Tags: news prize people MatPolymers ChemBio

Nicholas Ballard wins Unilever poster prize

Congratulations to Nicholas Ballard who won the best poster prize at the Unilever SM&PS student poster session held at Unilever Port Sunlight.

Wed 30 May 2012, 21:17 | Tags: prize people MatPolymers

Unwin and O'Reilly win prestigious RSC awards

Pat Unwin and Rachel O’Reilly win 2012 Royal Society of Chemistry Awards in recognition of significant contributions to their research fields

Wed 30 May 2012, 13:37 | Tags: prize people MatPolymers AnalSciInst SynthCat

Poster Prize at BCA Conference

Alexis Munn, a third year PhD student in the group of Richard Walton, was awarded the Chemical Crystallography group (CCG) poster prize at the British Crystallographic Association spring meeting.

Tue 15 May 2012, 13:58 | Tags: prize people MatPolymers

WATE success for Nick Barker

Nick Barker has been awarded a prestigious Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to teaching and learning.

Tue 15 May 2012, 10:25 | Tags: prize people

Joan Soldevila wins RSC Poster Prize

Joan Soldevila (Sadler Group) won the Royal Society of Chemistry Metallomics Poster Prize at the Dalton 2012 Conference.

Tue 08 May 2012, 15:39 | Tags: prize people MatPolymers

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