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Calling for participation in the study of Java Learning Objects

Dear Student,
My name is Jane Yau. I'm a PhD student in the CS department. My research is focused on the study of Java learning objects, in particular under which circumstances/contexts these can be studied more effectively and enjoyably. Contexts could be several different things. I'm particularly looking at the motivation level of a learner, their Java proficiency level, and the amount of available time they have for studying, at a particular point in time. I want to see whether the suggestion of appropriate learning objects to students based on these contexts will help them study more effectively and enjoyably. This is where I need your help!
There are 16 Java Learning Objects in my experiment - on average, the study of each object will take 10-20 minutes. You have a choice to either study them all, or just a few of them. Here is the link to the Java Learning Objects Experiment.
Please remember to complete a Feedback Form for each learning object that you study.

Please note that the learning objects only play on Windows and Applemac machines, but NOT Linux, due to the plugins. Shockwave plugins are required - please install it here, if you do not have that installed on the machine that you are using.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Jane Yau, Doctoral Researcher, Dept of Computer Science, University of Warwick