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Supporting Women's Careers in Science

On Tuesday 4 July 2017 (10:00 - 18:30), the School of Life Sciences will be holding a national Athena SWAN event on the topic of 'Supporting Women's Careers in Science'. This event will take place in the Medical Teaching Centre at the Gibbet Hill Campus of the University of Warwick. The event is free and all are welcome to attend.

Please complete the form below the programme to register your place.


09:00-10:00: Exploring the myths and realities in academic career progression: an open discussion

10:00-10:10: Welcome/Introduction by Professor Christine Ennew, Provost.

Key Theme 1: Transitions from academic research to publishing and industry.

10:10-10:40: Dr Penny Bramwell, Honorary Research Fellow, Kings College, London. Government Advisor.

10:40-11:10: Becky Harris, Associate Patent Attorney, Withers & Rogers

11:10-11:30: Coffee break.

11:30-12:00: Dr Charlotte Evans, Technical Innovation Manager at AHDB Pork - AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board.

12:00-12:30: Dr Carolina Perdigoto, Associate Editor in Nature Communications.

12:30-13:30: Lunch Break.

Key Theme 2: Unusual and dynamic career paths in Science including international stories, career breaks and the work/life balance.

13:30-14:00: Dr Zania Stamataki, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow, University of Birmingham.

14:00-14:30: Dr Holly Bridge, Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of Oxford.

14:30-14:50: Coffee break.

14:50-15:20: Dr Marta Polak, Wellcome Trust Research Fellow, University of Southampton.

15:20-15:50: Dr Patricia Sánchez-Baracaldo, Royal Society University Research Fellow, University of Bristol.

Key Theme 3: Career challenges and common behavioural traps women can fall into.

15:50-16:20: Anne Wilson, Head of Student Careers, University of Warwick.

16:20-16:30: Concluding remarks.

16:30-18:30: Social mixture/evening buffet

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Professor Christine Ennew, Provost


Anne Wilson, Head of Student Careers
