Professor Murray Grant

Elizabeth Creak Chair in Food Security
Phone: 024 765 75136
Office: B136
Twitter: @Muzzaphytopath
Murray Grant webpage
Research Clusters
Plant & Agricultural Sciences (Cluster Co-Lead)
Quantitative Systems & Engineering Biology
Warwick Centres and GRPs
Vacancies and Opportunities
For PhD and postdoctoral opportunities, and interest in potential collaborations, please contact me at the above email address.
Research Interests
My group studies pathogenic and beneficial plant microbes interactions. The pathogenic are mainly bacterial pathogens and the beneficial a cool fungus called Trichoderma hamatum.
We undertake very multidisciplinary research using genetics, molecular biology, metabolomics (small molecule profiling), imaging, gene editing/genetic manipulation and bioelectrical signalling approaches for new discovery. In fact, we are interested in far too many things like;
Can we identify new novel disease resistance mechanisms that can be deployed to alleviate food security? This means we either need to understand how plant disease resistance proteins function or find a novel resistance mechanism.
How does the immediate environment influence plant immunity?
What makes a pathogen a pathogen? This includes how a pathogen can suppress plant immunity, which means we need to understand how the pathogen “effectors” (proteins and small molecules) collaborate to cause disease.
How does a plant talks to itself (long distance communication)?
We do lots of imaging – primarily whole plant but more recently subcellular using a range of reporters to look at spatial temporal dynamics of infection processes.
How are plant hormones (yes they have them!) manipulated by pathogens to promote infection?
What bioactive molecules do beneficial soil fungus produce to underpin their biocontrol and plant growth promotion activities?
Can we use gene editing to improve horticultural crops for enhanced immunity or nutritional value?
And last but not least, we also look at diseases of ash trees, banana and – yes false banana!
We are a very diverse group and (at the moment) well-funded, primarily by BBSRC/UKRI, The Royal Society and the Elizabeth Creak Charitable Trust.
Research: Technical Summary
My groups core research uses the Brassica-Xanthomonas (with Prof. Vardis Ntoukakis) and Arabidopsis-Pseudomonas model pathosystems to investigate mechanisms deployed by pathogen to suppress plant immunity. We additionally study the function of plant disease resistance proteins, their activation, and by extrapolation how activated they initiate systemic immunity.
Our research strengths are founded on integrating different "omic" approaches - particularly transcriptomics and metabolomics (Dr Lijang Song, Chemistry) - with whole plant imagining (luciferase and chlorophyll fluorescence based) to provide new insight into metabolic peturbation of host immunity and identification of long distance signalling molecules activating systematic immunity.
More recently my group has adopted genetically encoded receptors to better understand the importance of inter-organellular communication and the dynamics of metabolites such as ATP, NADPH and H2O2 in modulating plant-microbe interactions. Consequently, we have research programmes on the role of the chloroplast (Prof. Alex Jones, SLS) and endoplasmic reticulum (Prof Lorenzo Frigerio/Dr Emily Breeze) in plant immunity and this has underpinned an emerging interest in "metabolic immunity" and how small molecules, both hormones and primary metabolits (particularly NAD derived compounds) are influenced and modulated in plant disease and defense (Song/Ntoukakis).
Underpinned by a highly productive collaboration with Exeter colleague David Studholme, we study genomics of emerging "tree" pathogens and their hosts including tree infecting Phytophthora genomes, the banana pathogen Banana Xanthomonas Wilt (an more recently Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4) and their hosts, Ensete (orphan to Ethiopia) and banana. In collaboration with James Brown (JIC) we have applied untargeted metabolomics to discriminate the metabolome of European ash trees which are tolerant or susceptible to the ash dieback fungus Hymenpscyphus fraxineusi and are developing a diagnostic assay.
Our research into beneficial interactions currently focuses on the chemical basis of biocontrol conferred by the saprophytic fungus, Trachoderma hamatum using activity based assays for the fractionation and characterisation of a novel anti-fungal determinant.
- 2016 - Elizabeth Creak Chair in Food Security; School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, UK
- 2006 – 2016 Professor; School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, UK
- 2005 - 2006 Reader; Imperial College London, Wye Campus, Wye, UK
- 2002 - 2005 Senior Lecturer; Imperial College, University of London, UK
- 1998 - 2002 Lecturer; Wye College, Imperial College, University of London, UK
- 1996 - 1998 Lecturer; Leicester University, Leicester, UK
- 1995 – 1996 Senior Research Fellow; Sainsbury Laboratory, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK.
- 1993 - 1995 EU Human Mobility Fellow; MPI for Plant Biology, Cologne, Germany
- 1988 - 1993 Research Scientist; Applied Biotechnology Division, DSIR, New Zealand
- 1988; Doctor of Philosophy, Biochemistry; Otago University, Dunedin, NZ:
- 1983; Bachelor of Science Hons. (1st class), Biochemistry, Otago University, Dunedin, NZ.
Liu, Huazhen, Iyer, Lakshminarayan M., Norris, Paul, Liu, Ruiying, Yu, Keshun, Grant, Murray, Aravind, L., Kachroo, Aardra and Kachroo, Pradeep (2025) Piperideine-6-carboxylic acid regulates vitamin B6 homeostasis and modulates systemic immunity in plants. Nature Plants, 11 (2). pp. 263-278. doi:10.1038/s41477-025-01906-0 ISSN 2055-026X.
Greer, Shannon F., Rabiey, Mojgan, Studholme, David J. and Grant, Murray R. (2025) The potential of bacteriocins and bacteriophages to control bacterial disease of crops with a focus on Xanthomonas spp. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 55 (2). pp. 302-326. doi:10.1080/03036758.2024.2345315 ISSN 1175-8899.
Greer, Shannon F., Surendran, Arthy, Grant, Murray and Lillywhite, Robert (2023) The current status, challenges, and future perspectives for managing diseases of brassicas. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14 . 1209258. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2023.1209258 ISSN 1664-302X.
Breeze, Emily, Vale, Victoria, McLellan, Hazel, Pecrix, Yann, Godiard, Laurence, Grant, Murray and Frigerio, Lorenzo (2023) A tell tail sign : a conserved C-terminal tail-anchor domain targets a subset of pathogen effectors to the plant endoplasmic reticulum. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74 (10). pp. 3188-3202. doi:10.1093/jxb/erad075 ISSN 1460-2431.
Bayless, Adam M., Chen, Sisi, Ogden, Sam C., Xu, Xiaoyan, Sidda, John D., Manik, Mohammad K., Li, Sulin, Kobe, Bostjan, Ve, Thomas, Song, Lijiang, Grant, Murray R., Wan, Li and Nishimura, Marc T. (2023) Plant and prokaryotic TIR domains generate distinct cyclic ADPR NADase products. Science Advances, 9 (11). eade8487. doi:10.1126/sciadv.ade8487 ISSN 2375-2548.
Jacob, Pierre, Hige, Junko, Song, Lijiang, Bayless, Adam, Russ, Dor, Bonardi, Vera, El Kasmi, Farid, Wünsch, Lisa, Yang, Yu, Fitzpatrick, Connor R., McKinney, Brock J., Nishimura, Marc T., Grant, Murray R. and Dangl, Jeffery L. (2023) Broader functions of TIR domains in Arabidopsis immunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (11). e2220921120. doi:10.1073/pnas.2220921120 ISSN 1091-6490.
Harrison, Jamie, Hussain, Rana M. F., Aspin, Andrew, Grant, Murray R., Vicente, Joana G. and Studholme, David J. (2023) Phylogenomic analysis supports the transfer of 20 pathovars from Xanthomonas campestris into Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. Taxonomy, 3 (1). pp. 29-45. doi:10.3390/taxonomy3010003 ISSN 2673-6500.
Breen, Susan, Hussain, Rana Muhammad Fraz, Breeze, Emily, Brown, Hannah, Alzwiy, Ibrahim, Abdelsayed, Sara, Gaikwad, Trupti and Grant, Murray (2022) Chloroplasts play a central role in facilitating MAMP‐triggered immunity, pathogen suppression of immunity and crosstalk with abiotic stress. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45 (10). pp. 3001-3017. doi:10.1111/pce.14408 ISSN 0140-7791.
Lascelles, D. M., Roberts, M. R., Cruz, L., Cruz, J., Studholme, D. J., Harrison, J., Greer, Shannon F., Grant, Murray R., Holden, J. M., Carter, B., Bryning, A., Carroll, S., Aspin, A. and Vicente, Joana G. (2022) First report of black rot caused by Xanthomonas nasturtii on watercress in Spain and Portugal. New Disease Reports, 46 (2). e12134. doi:10.1002/ndr2.12134 ISSN 2044-0588.
Muzemil, Sadik, Chala, Alemayehu, Tesfaye, Bizuayehu, Studholme, David J., Grant, Murray, Yemataw, Zerihun, Mekonin, Shiferaw and Olango, Temesgen Magule (2021) Evaluation of 20 enset (Ensete ventricosum) landraces for response to Xanthomonas vasicola pv. Musacearum infection. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 161 . pp. 821-836. doi:10.1007/s10658-021-02365-x ISSN 0929-1873.
Kachroo, Pradeep, Burch-Smith, Tessa M. and Grant, Murray (2021) An emerging role for chloroplasts in disease and defense. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 59 (1). pp. 423-445. doi:10.1146/annurev-phyto-020620-115813 ISSN 1545-2107.
Allwood, James William, Williams, Alex, Uthe, Henriette, van Dam, Nicole M., Mur, Luis A. J., Grant, Murray R. and Pétriacq, Pierre (2021) Unravelling plant responses to stress—the importance of targeted and untargeted metabolomics. Metabolites, 11 (8). e558. doi:10.3390/metabo11080558 ISSN 2218-1989.
Greer, Shannon F., Vicente, Joana, Hussain, Rana Muhammad Fraz, Harrison, Jamie, Smith, Julian, Teakle, Graham R., Studholme, David J., Ntoukakis, Vardis and Grant, Murray (2021) Identification, characterisation and mapping of resistance to black rot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) in Brassica spp. In: Management of Diseases and Pests of Oilseed Rape, University of Hertfordshire, 16 Jun 2021. Published in: Proceedings of Management of Diseases and Pests of Oilseed Rape, University of Hertfordshire, 16 June 2021 p. 64.
Nakato, Gloria V., Studholme, David J., Blomme, Guy, Grant, Murray, Coutinho, Teresa A., Were, Evans M., Wicker, Emmanuel and Mahuku, George (2021) SNP‐based genotyping and whole‐genome sequencing reveal previously unknown genetic diversity in Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum , causal agent of banana xanthomonas wilt, in its presumed Ethiopian origin. Plant Pathology, 70 (3). pp. 534-543. doi:10.1111/ppa.13308 ISSN 1365-3059.
Parry, Geraint, Benitez-Alfonso, Yoselin, Gibbs, Daniel J., Grant, Murray, Harper, Andrea L., Harrison, C Jill, Kaiserli, Eirini, Leonelli, Sabina, May, Sean T., McKim, Sarah, Spoel, Steven, Turnbull, Colin, van der Hoorn, Renier A. L. and Murray, James (2020) How to build an effective research network : lessons from two decades of the GARNet plant science community. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71 (22). pp. 6881-6889. doi:10.1093/jxb/eraa397 ISSN 0022-0957.
Sambles, Christine, Venkatesan, Lakshmipriya, Shittu, Olanrewaju M., Harrison, James, Moore, Karen, Tripathi, Leena, Grant, Murray R., Warmington, Rachel and Studholme, David J. (2020) Genome sequencing data for wild and cultivated bananas, plantains and abacá. Data in Brief, 33 . 106341. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2020.106341 ISSN 2352-3409.
Sidda, John D., Song, Lijiang, Parker, Jack L., Studholme, David J., Sambles, Christine and Grant, Murray (2020) Diversity of secoiridoid glycosides in leaves of UK and Danish ash provide new insight for ash dieback management. Scientific Reports, 10 (1). 19566 . doi:10.1038/s41598-020-76140-z ISSN 2045-2322.
Breeze, Emily, Vale, Victoria, McLellan, Hazel, Godiard, Laurence, Grant, Murray and Frigerio, Lorenzo (2020) The plant endoplasmic reticulum is both receptive and responsive to pathogen effectors. Working Paper. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Schofield, Zoe, Meloni, Gabriel N., Tran, Peter, Zerfass, Christian, Sena, Giovanni, Hayashi, Yoshikatsu, Grant, Murray R., Contera, Sonia A., Minteer, Shelley D., Kim, Minsu, Prindle, Arthur, Rocha, Paulo, Djamgoz, Mustafa B. A., Pilizota, Teuta, Unwin, Patrick R., Asally, Munehiro and Soyer, Orkun S. (2020) Bioelectrical understanding and engineering of cell biology. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 17 (166). 20200013. doi:10.1098/rsif.2020.0013 ISSN 1742-5689.
Studholme, David J., Panda, Preeti, Sanfuentes Von Stowasser, Eugenio, González, Mariela, Hill, Rowena, Sambles, Christine, Grant, Murray R., Williams, Nari M. and McDougal, Rebecca L. (2019) Genome sequencing of oomycete isolates from Chile supports the New Zealand origin of Phytophthora kernoviae and makes available the first Nothophytophthora sp. genome. Molecular Plant Pathology, 20 (3). pp. 423-431. doi:10.1111/mpp.12765 ISSN 1464-6722.
Drenichev, Mikhail S., Bennett, Mark, Novikov, Roman A., Mansfield, John, Smirnoff, Nick, Grant, Murray R. and Mikhailov, Sergey N. (2019) A role for 3′-O-β-D-ribofuranosyladenosine in altering plant immunity. Phytochemistry Letters, 157 . pp. 128-134. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2018.10.016 ISSN 1874-3900.
Yemataw, Zerihun, Tesfaye, Kassahun, Grant, Murray R., Studholme, David J. and Chala, Alemayehu (2018) Multivariate analysis of morphological variation in enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) reveals regional and clinal variation in germplasm from south and south western Ethiopia. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 12 (12). pp. 1849-1858. doi:10.21475/ajcs.18.12.12.p1135 ISSN 1835-2693.
Penfold, Christopher A., Sybirna, Anastasiya, Reid, John E., Huang, Yun, Wernisch, Lorenz, Ghahramani, Zoubin, Grant, Murray R. and Surani, M. Azim (2018) Branch-recombinant Gaussian processes for analysis of perturbations in biological time series. Bioinformatics, 34 (17). i1005-i1013. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty603 ISSN 1367-4803.
Srivastava, Anjil Kumar, Orosa, Beatriz, Singh, Prashant, Cummins, Ian, Walsh, Charlotte, Zhang, Cunjin, Grant, Murray R., Roberts, Michael R., Anand, Ganesh Srinivasan, Fitches, Elaine and Sadanandom, Ari (2018) SUMO suppresses the activity of the jasmonic acid receptor CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1. The Plant Cell, 30 (9). pp. 2099-2115. doi:10.1105/tpc.18.00036 ISSN 1532-298X.
Yemataw, Zerihun, Muzemil, Sadik, Ambachew, Daniel, Tripathi, Leena, Tesfaye, Kassahun, Chala, Alemayheu, Farbos, Audrey, O’Neill, Paul, Moore, Karen, Grant, Murray R. and Studholme, David J. (2018) Genome sequence data from 17 accessions of Ensete ventricosum, a staple food crop for millions in Ethiopia. Data in Brief, 18 . pp. 285-293. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2018.03.026 ISSN 2352-3409.
Rufián, José S., López-Márquez, Diego, López-Pagán, Nieves, Grant, Murray, Ruiz-Albert, Javier and Beuzón, Carmen R. (2017) Generating chromosome-located transcriptional fusions to fluorescent proteins for single-cell gene expression analysis in pseudomonas syringae. In: Medina, C. and López-Baena , F., (eds.) Host-Pathogen Interactions. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1734 . New York, NY: Humana Press, pp. 183-199. ISBN 9781493976034
Sambles, Christine, Salmon, Deborah L., Florance, Hannah, Howard, Thomas P., Smirnoff, Nicholas, Nielsen, Lene R., McKinney, Lea V., Kjær, Erik D., Buggs, Richard J. A., Studholme, David J. and Grant, Murray R. (2017) Ash leaf metabolomes reveal differences between trees tolerant and susceptible to ash dieback disease. Scientific Data, 4 . 170190. doi:10.1038/sdata.2017.190 ISSN 2052-4463.
Yemataw, Zerihun, Chala, Alemayehu, Ambachew, Daniel, Studholme, David J., Grant, Murray R. and Tesfaye, Kassahun (2017) Morphological variation and inter-relationships of quantitative traits in enset (Ensete ventricosum (welw.) Cheesman) germplasm from South and South-Western Ethiopia. Plants, 6 (4). 56. doi:10.3390/plants6040056 ISSN 2223-7747.
Turner, Judith, O'Neill, Paul, Grant, Murray, Mumford, R., Thwaites, Richard and Studholme, David J. (2017) Genome sequences of 12 isolates of the EU1 lineage of Phytophthora ramorum, a fungus-like pathogen that causes extensive damage and mortality to a wide range of trees and other plants. Genomics Data , 12 . pp. 17-21. doi:10.1016/j.gdata.2017.02.006 ISSN 2213-5960.
Shaw, Sophie, Le Cocq, Kate, Paszkiewicz, Konrad, Moore, Karen, Winsbury, Rebecca, de Torres Zabala, Marta, Studholme, David, Salmon, Deborah, Thornton, Christopher R. and Grant, Murray R. (2016) Transcriptional reprogramming underpins enhanced plant growth promotion by the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma hamatum GD12 during antagonistic interactions with Sclerotinia sclerotiorumin soil. Molecular Plant Pathology, 17 (9). pp. 1425-1441. doi:10.1111/mpp.12429 ISSN 1464-6722.
Yang, Jing, Penfold, Christopher A., Grant, Murray R. and Rattray, Magnus (2016) Inferring the perturbation time from biological time course data. Bioinformatics, 32 (19). pp. 2956-2964. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw329 ISSN 1367-4803.
Studholme, David J., McDougal, R. L., Sambles, Christine, Hansen, Everett, Hardy, Giles, Grant, Murray R., Ganley, R. J. and Williams, N. M. (2016) Genome sequences of six Phytophthora species associated with forests in New Zealand. Genomics Data , 7 . pp. 54-56. doi:10.1016/j.gdata.2015.11.015 ISSN 2213-5960.
Thatcher, Louise F., Cevik, Volkan, Grant, Murray R., Zhai, Bing, Jones, Jonathan D. G., Manners, John M. and Kazan, Kemal (2016) Characterization of a JAZ7 activation-tagged Arabidopsis mutant with increased susceptibility to the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67 (8). pp. 2367-2386. doi:10.1093/jxb/erw040 ISSN 0022-0957.
Torres Zabala, Marta de, Zhai, Bing, Jayaraman, Siddharth, Eleftheriadou, Garoufalia, Winsbury, Rebecca, Yang, Ron, Truman, William, Tang, Saijung, Smirnoff, N. and Grant, Murray R. (2016) Novel JAZ co-operativity and unexpected JA dynamics underpin Arabidopsis defence responses to Pseudomonas syringae infection. New Phytologist, 209 (3). pp. 1120-1134. doi:10.1111/nph.13683 ISSN 0028-646X.
Bailey, Mark, Srivastava, Anjil, Conti, Lucio, Nelis, Stuart, Zhang, Cunjin, Florance, Hannah, Love, Andrew, Milner, Joel, Napier, R. (Richard), Grant, Murray R. and Sadanandom, Ari (2016) Stability of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) proteases OVERLY TOLERANT TO SALT1 and -2 modulates salicylic acid signalling and SUMO1/2 conjugation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67 (1). pp. 353-363. doi:10.1093/jxb/erv468 ISSN 0022-0957.
Sambles, Christine, Schlenzig, Alexandra, O'Neill, Paul, Grant, Murray and Studholme, David J. (2015) Draft genome sequences of Phytophthora kernoviae and Phytophthora ramorum lineage EU2 from Scotland. Genomics Data, 6 . pp. 193-194. doi:10.1016/j.gdata.2015.09.010 ISSN 2213-5960.
Mata Saez, Lourdes de la, McCracken, Alistair R., Cooke, Louise R., O'Neill, Paul, Grant, Murray and Studholme, David J. (2015) Draft genome sequences of seven isolates of Phytophthora ramorum EU2 from Northern Ireland. Genomics Data, 6 . pp. 191-192. doi:10.1016/j.gdata.2015.09.009 ISSN 2213-5960.
Ingle, Robert A., Stoker, Claire, Stone, Wendy, Adams, Nicolette, Smith, Rob, Grant, Murray, Carré, Isabelle, Roden, Laura C. and Denby, Katherine J. (2015) Jasmonate signalling drives time-of-day differences in susceptibility of Arabidopsis to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. The Plant Journal, 84 . pp. 937-948. doi:10.1111/tpj.13050 ISSN 0960-7412.
Li, Yaxiao, Scott, Rod, Doughty, James, Grant, Murray and Qi, Baoxiu (2015) ProteinS-Acyltransferase 14 : a specific role for Palmitoylation in Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 170 (1). pp. 415-428. doi:10.1104/pp.15.00448 ISSN 0032-0889.
Hodgetts, J., Hall, J., Karamura, G., Grant, Murray, Studholme, David J., Boonham, N., Karamura, E. and Smith, J. J. (2015) Rapid, specific, simple, in-field detection ofXanthomonas campestrispathovarmusacearumby loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 119 (6). pp. 1651-1658. doi:10.1111/jam.12959 ISSN 1364-5072.
de Torres Zabala, Marta, Littlejohn, George, Jayaraman, Siddharth, Studholme, David, Bailey, Trevor, Lawson, Tracy, Tillich, Michael, Licht, Dirk, Bölter, Bettina, Delfino, Laura, Truman, William, Mansfield, John, Smirnoff, Nicholas and Grant, Murray (2015) Chloroplasts play a central role in plant defence and are targeted by pathogen effectors. Nature Plants, 1 (6). 15074. doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.74 ISSN 2055-0278.
Hutt, Hugo, Everson, Richard, Grant, Murray, Love, John and Littlejohn, George (2015) How clumpy is my image? Soft Computing, 19 (6). pp. 1541-1552. doi:10.1007/s00500-014-1303-z ISSN 1432-7643.
Hodgetts, J., Karamura, G., Johnson, G., Hall, J., Perkins, K., Beed, F., Nakato, V., Grant, Murray, Studholme, David J., Boonham, N. and Smith, J. (2015) Development of a lateral flow device for in-field detection and evaluation of PCR-based diagnostic methods forXanthomonas campestrispv.musacearum, the causal agent of banana xanthomonas wilt. Plant Pathology, 64 (3). pp. 559-567. doi:10.1111/ppa.12289 ISSN 0032-0862.
Littlejohn, George R., Mansfield, Jessica C., Christmas, Jacqueline T., Witterick, Eleanor, Fricker, Mark D., Grant, Murray, Smirnoff, N., Everson, Richard, Moger, Julian and Love, John (2014) An update : improvements in imaging perfluorocarbon-mounted plant leaves with implications for studies of plant pathology, physiology, development and cell biology. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5 . pp. 1-8. doi:10.3389/fpls.2014.00140 ISSN 1664-462X.
Jensen, Michael Krogh, Lindemose, Søren, de Masi, Federico, Reimer, Julia J., Nielsen, Michael, Perera, Venura, Workman, Chris T., Turck, Franziska, Grant, Murray, Mundy, John, Petersen, Morten and Skriver, Karen (2013) ATAF1 transcription factor directly regulates abscisic acid biosynthetic geneNCED3 in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Open Bio, 3 (1). pp. 321-327. doi:10.1016/j.fob.2013.07.006 ISSN 2211-5463.
Grant, Murray, Kazan, Kemal and Manners, John M. (2013) Exploiting pathogens' tricks of the trade for engineering of plant disease resistance : challenges and opportunities. Microbial Biotechnology, 6 (3). pp. 212-222. doi:10.1111/1751-7915.12017 ISSN 1751-7907.
Finiti, I., Leyva, M. O., López-Cruz, J., Calderan Rodrigues, B., Vicedo, B., Angulo, C., Bennett, A. B., Grant, Murray, García-Agustín, P., González-Bosch, C. and Elzenga, T. (2013) Functional analysis of endo-1,4-β-glucanases in response to Botrytis cinerea and Pseudomonas syringae reveals their involvement in plant-pathogen interactions. Plant Biology, 15 (5). pp. 819-831. doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2012.00701.x ISSN 1435-8603.
Perkins, L. E., Cribb, B. W., Brewer, P. B., Hanan, J., Grant, Murray, de Torres, M. and Zalucki, M. P. (2013) Generalist insects behave in a jasmonate-dependent manner on their host plants, leaving induced areas quickly and staying longer on distant parts. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280 (1756). 20122646. doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.2646 ISSN 0962-8452.
Quinn, Lisa, O'Neill, Paul A., Harrison, James, Paskiewicz, Konrad H., McCracken, Alistair R., Cooke, Louise R., Grant, Murray and Studholme, David J. (2013) Genome-wide sequencing of Phytophthora lateralis reveals genetic variation among isolates from Lawson cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) in Northern Ireland. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 344 (2). pp. 179-185. doi:10.1111/1574-6968.12179 ISSN 0378-1097.
Hutt, Hugo, Everson, Richard, Grant, Murray, Love, John and Littlejohn, George (2013) How clumpy is my image? Evaluating crowdsourced annotation tasks. In: 13th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI) , Guildford, 9-11 Sep 2013. Published in: 2013 13th UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI) pp. 136-143. ISBN 9781479915668. doi:10.1109/UKCI.2013.6651298
Studholme, David J., Harris, Beverley, Le Cocq, Kate, Winsbury, Rebecca, Perera, Venura, Ryder, Lauren, Ward, Jane L., Beale, Michael H., Thornton, Chris R. and Grant, Murray (2013) Investigating the beneficial traits of Trichoderma hamatum GD12 for sustainable agriculture : insights from genomics. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4 . pp. 1-13. doi:10.3389/fpls.2013.00258 ISSN 1664-462X.
Chen, Yan-Jun, Perera, Venura, Christiansen, Michael W., Holme, Inger B., Gregersen, Per L., Grant, Murray, Collinge, David B. and Lyngkjær, Michael F. (2013) The barley HvNAC6 transcription factor affects ABA accumulation and promotes basal resistance against powdery mildew. Plant Molecular Biology, 83 (6). pp. 577-590. doi:10.1007/s11103-013-0109-1 ISSN 0167-4412.
Rose, Laura E., Atwell, Susanna, Grant, Murray and Holub, E. B. (2012) Parallel loss-of-function at the RPM1 bacterial resistance locus in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 3 . Article number 287. doi:10.3389/fpls.2012.00287 ISSN 1664-462X.
Perera, Venura, De Torres Zabala, Marta, Florance, Hannah, Smirnoff, Nicholas, Grant, Murray and Yang, Zheng Rong (2012) Aligning extracted LC-MS peak lists via density maximization. Metabolomics, 8 (S1). pp. 175-185. doi:10.1007/s11306-011-0389-x ISSN 1573-3882.
Sanchez-Vallet, A., Lopez, G., Ramos, B., Delgado-Cerezo, M., Riviere, M. -P., Llorente, F., Fernandez, P. V., Miedes, E., Estevez, J. M., Grant, Murray and Molina, A. (2012) Disruption of abscisic acid signaling constitutively activates arabidopsis resistance to the necrotrophic fungus plectosphaerella cucumerina. Plant Physiology, 160 (4). pp. 2109-2124. doi:10.1104/pp.112.200154 ISSN 0032-0889.
Wasukira, Arthur, Tayebwa, Johnbosco, Thwaites, Richard, Paszkiewicz, Konrad, Aritua, Valente, Kubiriba, Jerome, Smith, Julian, Grant, Murray and Studholme, David J. (2012) Genome-wide sequencing reveals two major sub-lineages in the genetically monomorphic pathogen xanthomonas campestris pathovar musacearum. Genes, 3 (4). pp. 361-377. doi:10.3390/genes3030361 ISSN 2073-4425.
Newbigin, Edward, Rayson, Samantha, Arciga-Reyes, Luis, Wootton, Lucie, Torres Zabala, Marta de, Truman, William, Graham, Neil, Grant, Murray and Davies, Brendan (2012) A role for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in plants : pathogen responses are induced in Arabidopsis thaliana NMD mutants. PLoS One, 7 (2). pp. 1-13. e31917. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031917 ISSN 1932-6203.
Rayson, Samantha, Ashworth, Mary, Torres Zabala, Marta de, Grant, Murray and Davies, Brendan (2012) The salicylic acid dependent and independent effects of NMD in plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 7 (11). pp. 1434-1437. doi:10.4161/psb.21960 ISSN 1559-2316.
Yang, Zheng Rong and Grant, Murray (2012) An ultra-fast metabolite prediction algorithm. PLoS One, 7 (6). pp. 1-11. e39158. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039158 ISSN 1932-6203.
Studholme, David J., Wasukira, Arthur, Paszkiewicz, Konrad, Aritua, Valente, Thwaites, Richard, Smith, Julian and Grant, Murray (2011) Draft genome sequences of xanthomonas sacchari and two banana-associated xanthomonads reveal insights into the xanthomonas group 1 clade. Genes, 2 (4). pp. 1050-1065. doi:10.3390/genes2041050 ISSN 2073-4425.
Robert-Seilaniantz, Alexandre, Grant, Murray and Jones, Jonathan D. G. (2011) Hormone crosstalk in plant disease and defense : more than just JASMONATE-SALICYLATE antagonism. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 49 (1). pp. 317-343. doi:10.1146/annurev-phyto-073009-114447 ISSN 0066-4286.
Truman, W. M., Bennett, M. H., Turnbull, C. G. N. and Grant, Murray (2010) Arabidopsis auxin mutants are compromised in systemic acquired resistance and exhibit aberrant accumulation of various indolic compounds. Plant Physiology, 152 (3). pp. 1562-1573. doi:10.1104/pp.109.152173 ISSN 0032-0889.
Forsyth, Alec, Mansfield, John W., Grabov, Nina, de Torres, Marta, Sinapidou, Eva and Grant, Murray (2010) Genetic dissection of basal resistance to pseudomonas syringaepv.phaseolicolain accessions of Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 23 (12). pp. 1545-1552. doi:10.1094/MPMI-02-10-0047 ISSN 0894-0282.
Studholme, David J., Kemen, Eric, MacLean, Daniel, Schornack, Sebastian, Aritua, Valente, Thwaites, Richard, Grant, Murray, Smith, Julian and Jones, Jonathan D.G. (2010) Genome-wide sequencing data reveals virulence factors implicated in banana Xanthomonas wilt. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 310 (2). pp. 182-192. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.2010.02065.x ISSN 0378-1097.
Forcat, Silvia, Bennett, Mark, Grant, Murray and Mansfield, John W. (2010) Rapid linkage of indole carboxylic acid to the plant cell wall identified as a component of basal defence in Arabidopsis against hrp mutant bacteria. Phytochemistry, 71 (8-9). pp. 870-876. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2010.03.010 ISSN 0031-9422.
Ward, Jane L., Forcat, Silvia, Beckmann, Manfred, Bennett, Mark, Miller, Sonia J., Baker, John M., Hawkins, Nathaniel D., Vermeer, Cornelia P., Lu, Chuan, Lin, Wanchang, Truman, William M., Beale, Michael H., Draper, John, Mansfield, John W. and Grant, Murray (2010) The metabolic transition during disease following infection of Arabidopsis thaliana by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. The Plant Journal, 63 (3). pp. 443-457. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2010.04254.x ISSN 0960-7412.
Savage, Richard S., Heller, K. (Katherine), Xu, Yang, Ghahramani, Zoubin, Truman, William M., Grant, Murray, Denby, Katherine J. and Wild, David L. (2009) R/BHC : fast Bayesian hierarchical clustering for microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics, 10 . 242. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-242 ISSN 1471-2105.
de Torres Zabala, Marta, Bennett, Mark H., Truman, William H. and Grant, Murray (2009) Antagonism between salicylic and abscisic acid reflects early host-pathogen conflict and moulds plant defence responses. The Plant Journal, 59 (3). pp. 375-386. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2009.03875.x ISSN 0960-7412.
Grant, Murray and Jones, J. D. G. (2009) Hormone (dis)harmony moulds plant health and disease. Science, 324 (5928). pp. 750-752. doi:10.1126/science.1173771 ISSN 0036-8075.
Kissen, Ralph, Pope, Tom W., Grant, Murray, Pickett, John A., Rossiter, John T. and Powell, Glen (2009) Modifying the Alkylglucosinolate profile in Arabidopsis thaliana alters the Tritrophic interaction with the Herbivore Brevicoryne brassicae and Parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 35 (8). pp. 958-969. doi:10.1007/s10886-009-9677-6 ISSN 0098-0331.
Pope, Tom W., Kissen, Ralph, Grant, Murray, Pickett, John A., Rossiter, John T. and Powell, Glen (2008) Comparative innate responses of the aphid parasitoid diaeretiella rapae to Alkenyl Glucosinolate derived isothiocyanates, Nitriles, and Epithionitriles. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 34 (10). pp. 1302-1310. doi:10.1007/s10886-008-9531-2 ISSN 0098-0331.
Smirnoff, Nick and Grant, Murray (2008) Plant Biology : do DELLAs do defence? Current Biology, 18 (14). R617-R619. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2008.05.036 ISSN 0960-9822.
Jensen, Michael K., Hagedorn, Peter H., de Torres-Zabala, Marta, Grant, Murray, Rung, Jesper H., Collinge, David B. and Lyngkjaer, Michael F. (2008) Transcriptional regulation by an NAC (NAM-ATAF1,2-CUC2) transcription factor attenuates ABA signalling for efficient basal defence towardsBlumeria graminisf. sp.hordeiin Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 56 (6). pp. 867-880. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03646.x ISSN 0960-7412.
Forcat, Silvia, Bennett, Mark H., Mansfield, John W. and Grant, Murray (2008) A rapid and robust method for simultaneously measuring changes in the phytohormones ABA, JA and SA in plants following biotic and abiotic stress. Plant Methods, 4 (1). p. 16. doi:10.1186/1746-4811-4-16 ISSN 1746-4811.
de Torres-Zabala, Marta, Truman, William, Bennett, Mark H, Lafforgue, Guillaume, Mansfield, John W, Rodriguez Egea, Pedro, Bögre, Laszlo and Grant, Murray (2007) Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato hijacks the Arabidopsis abscisic acid signalling pathway to cause disease. The EMBO Journal, 26 (5). pp. 1434-1443. doi:10.1038/sj.emboj.7601575 ISSN 0261-4189.
Loake, Gary and Grant, Murray (2007) Salicylic acid in plant defence—the players and protagonists. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 10 (5). pp. 466-472. doi:10.1016/j.pbi.2007.08.008 ISSN 1369-5266.
Jones, Alexandra M., Thomas, V., Bennett, M. H., Mansfield, J. and Grant, Murray (2006) Modifications to the Arabidopsis defense proteome occur prior to significant transcriptional change in response to inoculation with pseudomonas syringae. Plant Physiology, Volume 142 (Number 4). pp. 1603-1620. doi:10.1104/pp.106.086231 ISSN 0032-0889.
Jones, Alexandra M., Bennett, Mark H., Mansfield, John W. and Grant, Murray (2006) Analysis of the defence phosphoproteome of Arabidopsis thaliana using differential mass tagging. Proteomics, Volume 6 (Number 14). pp. 4155-4165. doi:10.1002/pmic.200500172 ISSN 1615-9853.
Truman, William, Bennett, Mark H., Kubigsteltig, Ines, Turnbull, Colin and Grant, Murray (2006) Arabidopsissystemic immunity uses conserved defense signaling pathways and is mediated by jasmonates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (3). pp. 1075-1080. doi:10.1073/pnas.0605423104 ISSN 0027-8424.
Ashley, M. K., Grant, Murray and Grabov , A. (2006) Plant responses to potassium deficiencies : a role for potassium transport proteins. Journal of Experimental Botany, 57 (2). pp. 425-436. doi:10.1093/jxb/erj034 ISSN 0022-0957.
de Torres, Marta, Mansfield, John W., Grabov, Nina, Brown, Ian R., Ammouneh, Hassan, Tsiamis, George, Forsyth, Alec, Robatzek, Silke, Grant, Murray and Boch, Jens (2006) Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrPtoB suppresses basal defence in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 47 (3). pp. 368-382. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2006.02798.x ISSN 0960-7412.
Grant, Murray and Lamb, Chris (2006) Systemic immunity. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 9 (4). pp. 414-420. doi:10.1016/j.pbi.2006.05.013 ISSN 1369-5266.
Truman, William, Zabala, Marta Torres and Grant, Murray (2006) Type III effectors orchestrate a complex interplay between transcriptional networks to modify basal defence responses during pathogenesis and resistance. The Plant Journal, 46 (1). pp. 14-33. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2006.02672.x ISSN 0960-7412.
Bennett, Mark, Mehta, Monaz and Grant, Murray (2005) Biophoton imaging : a nondestructive method for assaying RGene responses. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 18 (2). pp. 95-102. doi:10.1094/MPMI-18-0095 ISSN 0894-0282.
Zabala, Marta de Torres, Grant, Murray, Bones, Atle M., Bennett, Richard, Lim, Yin Sze, Kissen, Ralph and Rossiter, John T. (2005) Characterisation of recombinant epithiospecifier protein and its over-expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Phytochemistry, 66 (8). pp. 859-867. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2005.02.026 ISSN 0031-9422.
Al-Daoude, A., Torres Zabala, Marta de , Ko , Jong-Hyun and Grant, Murray (2005) RIN13 is a positive regulator of the plant disease resistance protein RPM1. The Plant Cell, 17 (3). pp. 1016-1028. doi:10.1105/tpc.104.028720 ISSN 1040-4651.
Jones, Alexandra M., Thomas, Vincent, Truman, Bill, Lilley, Kathryn, Mansfield, John and Grant, Murray (2004) Specific changes in the Arabidopsis proteome in response to bacterial challenge : differentiating basal and R-gene mediated resistance. Phytochemistry, Volume 65 (Number 12). pp. 1805-1816. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2004.04.005 ISSN 0031-9422.
Torres, Marta de, Sanchez, Pedro, Fernandez-Delmond, Isabelle and Grant, Murray (2003) Expression profiling of the host response to bacterial infection : the transition from basal to induced defence responses inRPM1-mediated resistance. The Plant Journal, 33 (4). pp. 665-676. doi:10.1046/j.1365-313X.2003.01653.x ISSN 0960-7412.
Jones, Alexandra M and Grant, Murray (2003) Finding the functional gems in plant genomes. Genome Biology, 4 (12). 350. doi:10.1186/gb-2003-4-12-350 ISSN 1474-7596.
Holt, Ben F., Boyes, Douglas C., Ellerström, Mats, Siefers, Nicholas, Wiig, Aaron, Kauffman, Scott, Grant, Murray and Dangl, Jeffery L. (2002) An evolutionarily conserved mediator of plant disease resistance gene function is required for normal Arabidopsis development. Developmental Cell, 2 (6). pp. 807-817. doi:10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00233-2 ISSN 1534-5807.
Sanchez, Pedro, de Torres Zabala, Marta and Grant, Murray (2000) AtBI-1, a plant homologue of Bax Inhibitor-1, suppresses Bax-induced cell death in yeast and is rapidly upregulated during wounding and pathogen challenge. The Plant Journal, 21 (4). pp. 393-399. doi:10.1046/j.1365-313X.2000.00690.x ISSN 0960-7412.
Grant, Murray, Brown, Ian, Adams, Sally, Knight, Marc, Ainslie, Alastair and Mansfield, John (2000) The RPM1 plant disease resistance gene facilitates a rapid and sustained increase in cytosolic calcium that is necessary for the oxidative burst and hypersensitive cell death. The Plant Journal, 23 (4). pp. 441-450. doi:10.1046/j.1365-313X.2000.00804.x ISSN 0960-7412.
Grant, Murray and Mansfield, John (1999) Early events in host-pathogen interactions. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2 (4). pp. 312-319. doi:10.1016/S1369-5266(99)80055-7 ISSN 1369-5266.
Grant, Murray, McDowell, J. M., Sharpe, A. G., de Torres Zabala, M., Lydiate, D. J. and Dangl, J. L. (1998) Independent deletions of a pathogen-resistance gene in Brassica and Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 95 (26). pp. 15843-15848. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.26.15843 ISSN 0027-8424.
Godiard, Laurence, Grant, Murray, Dietrich, Robert A., Kiedrowski, Siegrid and Dangl, Jeffery L. (1994) Perception and response in plant disease resistance. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 4 (5). pp. 662-671. doi:10.1016/0959-437X(94)90132-M ISSN 0959-437X.
Rice, Stephen J., Grant, Murray, Reynolds, Paul H. S. and Farnden, Kevin J. F. (1993) DNA sequence of Nodulin-45 from Lupinus angustifolius. Plant Science, 90 (2). pp. 155-166. doi:10.1016/0168-9452(93)90235-R ISSN 0168-9452.
Dickson, James M. J. J., Vincze, Eva, Grant, Murray, Smith, Laura A., Rodber, Karen A., Farnden, Kevin J. F. and Reynolds, Paul H. S. (1992) Molecular cloning of the gene encoding developing seed l-asparaginase from Lupinus angustifolius. Plant Molecular Biology, 20 (2). pp. 333-336. doi:10.1007/BF00014503 ISSN 0167-4412.
Lough, Tony J., Reddington, Brett D., Grant, Murray, Hill, Diana F., Reynolds, Paul H. S. and Farnden, Kevin J. F. (1992) The isolation and characterisation of a cDNA clone encoding L-asparaginase from developing seeds of lupin (Lupinus arboreus). Plant Molecular Biology, 19 (3). pp. 391-399. doi:10.1007/BF00023386 ISSN 0167-4412.
Grant, Murray, Carne, Alan, Hill, Diana F. and Farnden, Kevin J. F. (1989) The isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone encoding Lupinus angustifolius root nodule glutamine synthetase. Plant Molecular Biology, 13 (5). pp. 481-490. doi:10.1007/BF00027308 ISSN 0167-4412.
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
BBSRC Bioinformatics and biological resources: 2021: A Phylogenomic Resource for the Plant Pathogen Community | BBSRC | 01 Jul 2022 | 30 Jun 2027 |
Anatomy and function of LTP-RNA interactomes in systemic and electrical signaling 2020 BBSRC/NSF | BBSRC | 01 Mar 2023 | 28 Feb 2027 |
International Partnering Award: Next generation genetically encoded sensors to reveal primary energy metabolism in plant stress responses. | BBSRC | 01 Apr 2022 | 31 Mar 2026 |
Nucleoside counter-decoys; metabolic interference in plant defence | BBSRC | 02 Jan 2022 | 31 Mar 2026 |
Centre for Effective Innovation in Agriculture | Elizabeth Creak Charitable Trust, The | 01 Apr 2021 | 31 Mar 2026 |
Shapeshifting: how is plant ER architecture manipulated by pathogen effectors? - BBSRC standard research grant | BBSRC | 01 Jun 2022 | 30 Nov 2025 |
China Partnering Award: Does chloroplast reactive oxygen underpin plant disease resistance? | BBSRC | 01 Jul 2019 | 30 Sept 2024 |
Daphne Jackson Trust (Said El-Hassan) Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Pathways of Induced Natural Biological Compounds during Plant-Pathogen-Beneficial Trichoderma hamatum Interaction | BBSRC | 08 Aug 2022 | 07 Aug 2024 |
Xanthomonas plant diseases: mitigating existing, emerging and future threats to UK agriculture | BBSRC | 01 Oct 2020 | 31 Jul 2024 |
Bacterial Plant Diseases Coordination Team Costed Extension (linked to 65755) | Forest Research | 01 May 2023 | 31 Mar 2024 |
Towards engineering disease resistance in Banana to Fusarium Wilt - avoiding the next apocalypse | Royal Society | 01 Dec 2017 | 30 Nov 2023 |
MTA with Fera Science Ltd -Xanthomonas plant diseases: mitigating existing, emerging and future threats to UK agriculture | Fera Science Limited | 01 Aug 2020 | 31 Jul 2023 |
Co-ordination Team for the Bacterial Diseases of Plants Initiative | BBSRC | 01 May 2020 | 30 Apr 2023 |
US Partnering Award: The role of the chloroplast in activation of systemic immunity | BBSRC | 01 Apr 2018 | 31 Mar 2022 |
Understanding the mechanism of chloroplast immunity | BBSRC | 01 Jan 2017 | 31 Oct 2021 |
CoA: Retaining the Ashes: The potential for ash populations to be restored following the dieback epidemic; linked to Ideate 56318 | UK Research and Innovation | 01 Jan 2021 | 30 Sept 2021 |
Ion mobility mass spectrometer for proteomics facility. ALERT19 | BBSRC | 01 Jul 2020 | 30 Jun 2021 |
Retaining the Ashes: The potential for ash populations to be restored following the dieback epidemic | BBSRC | 09 Aug 2018 | 07 Feb 2021 |
Developing analytical methods to determine the role of NAD and ADP-ribosylation in plant defence and disease (Daniel Pap) Undergraduate Vacation Bursary | British Society for Plant Pathology | 27 Jul 2020 | 26 Sept 2020 |
A role for 3 prime O beta ribofuranosyladenosine in altering plant immunity | Royal Society | 30 Nov 2018 | 25 Apr 2019 |
(Susan Breen) Vacation studentship for Nicole Hargreaves:Investigating the role of the Chloroplast in Plant Immunity | British Society for Plant Pathology | 02 Jul 2018 | 01 Sept 2018 |
16ALERT: Mid-Range Equipment Initiative: A high sensitivity triple quadruple mass spectrometer coupled to an ultra-high pressure liquid chromatograph system for quantitative analysis | BBSRC | 01 Jul 2017 | 30 Jun 2018 |
Towards protecting the UK landscape; a novel method to screen for resistance to ash dieback while mitigating herbivory tradeoffs | BBSRC | 01 Oct 2016 | 31 Mar 2018 |
Re-engineering plant defenses to nullify phytopathogen virulence strategies | Leverhulme Trust | 25 Apr 2016 | 14 Sept 2017 |
Vacation Studentship for Breagha Magill - The role of truncated R proteins in plant-pathogen interactions | British Society for Plant Pathology | 19 Jun 2017 | 18 Aug 2017 |
Enhancing human health and food security through disease resistant, biofortified bananas | BBSRC | 15 Sept 2016 | 31 Dec 2016 |
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