We have a wide selection of microscopes available suitable for work with live or fixed cells, tissue slices and materials samples.
As well as standard light microscopy we can offer confocal, TIRF, superresolution and many other techniques. Users can choose to be trained on equipment or have their samples run as a service. We offer full support in image analysis and interpretation.
Ian Hands-Portman
School of Life Sciences, Gibbet Hill Road, University of Warwick, CV4 7AL
Our technology facilities are open to internal and external users. For more information, such as access and charging, please use following links:
University of Warwick - Access

Instruments and Services

Zeiss 880 LSM Confocal
- Inverted point scanning confocal microscope with incubation
- 405,458,488,514,561,633m excitation
- Spectral detectors, Airyscan super resolution 120nm

Zeiss 980 LSM Confocal
- Upright point scanning confocal microscope with incubation
- 405 488 561 633nm excitation
- Spectral detector and Airyscan super resolution - 120nm

Elyra 7 SIM superresolution
- Inverted widefield microscope with incubation
- SIM- superresolution to 60nm
- TIRF and HiLo
- Rapp photokinetics module for bleaching and photoactivation

Epifluorescent - Revolve
- Easy to use upright and inverted platform on the same microscope.
- Fluorescence and colour slide imaging.
- Portable.
- RGB filter set, 5,10,20,60 lenses

Andor/Nikon Widefield Fluorescence Microscopes
- Soft illumination for live cells
- Incubation
- Time lapse

Zeiss - Widefield
- High sensitivity fluorescence.
- Automated stage and acquisition.
- Ideal for imaging of bacteria, protists and other environmental samples.
- RGB filter set
- 10 - 100x lenses

Stereo fluorescence
Fluorescence imaging on a dissection microscope for screening plant lines and tissues. Also includes a variety of bright and darkfield contrast methods.

Typical applications
- Following gene expression
- Protein-Protein interactions
- Cell morphology and health
- Materials analysis of polymers

We can offer training on any relevant microscope system, plus experimental design.
We can provide microscopy and image analysis as as a service using the industry standard Imagej as our main analysis platform and Matlab where a more specialised approach is needed.