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Guided Walk Registration Form

Join us for a tour

Thursday 21 July 2022

Have you ever wondered what agriculture research is carried out by the School of Life Sciences at the University's Wellesbourne Campus?

Informal guided walks will delve into the TRIALS and tribulations of growing food for the future…

  • Visit field trials and specialist outdoor research facilities
  • Visit areas of interest for further studies, including biodiversity (e.g. wildflower strips, tree sparrow boxes, hedge planting, bees, low maintenance areas)
  • Learn more about our globally significant seed bank and our innovative programmes with industry
  • Explore opportunities for future teaching, student projects and cross collaborations

Each guided walk is approximately 1.5 hours, followed by posters, and the opportunity to mingle with our researchers whilst enjoying some vegetable snacks.

For any queries please contact

Wellesbourne Campus is home to several applied research groups from the School of Life Sciences and WMG, as well as over 20 businesses, some of whom are working collaboratively on research.

Preferred walk time (required)


Transport numbers have been confirmed, and bookings are now closed. If you require transport, and haven't previously registered please contact for any remaining availability.

Directions (if providing your own transport)

Please wear comfortable outdoor walking shoes and be prepared for inclement weather.
If you have any queries or accessibility requirements please contact

Photography and filming notice
Please note that we'll be taking photos and filming at the event. If you don't want us to capture your image please tell our photographer on the day.
The photos and film footage will be used by the University of Warwick. Your image might appear on social media, website, or print in stories about the event, and other future University materials.
If you have any questions please talk to us at the event or email us via

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