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Webinar - Earthworms and acoustics

Tuesday, 19th March, 4pm to 5pm (UK time) - in Microsoft Teams.

Dr Jackie Stroud (Warwick Crop Centre, School of Life Sciences) and colleagues from Baker Consultants will talk about their recent work 'listening for earthworms'.

In Europe, earthworms are often perceived as an indicator of soil health. Soil management, particularly tillage intensity and organic matter management can change earthworm community structures. However, measurement of earthworms is uncommon and infrequent – time-consuming digging, handsorting and laboratory identification is difficult to do at field and farm scales. This is a major barrier in using soil health measurements to guide soil management practices. To resolve this problem, we are developing soil acoustics as a soil health measurement with bioacoustics experts (Carlos Abrahams, Baker Consultants). We will share some of the interesting noises which come from soils and our initial findings in this session.

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