Technical reports - carrot fly
Most AHDB (formerly HDC) reports can be downloaded from the AHDB web site.
JUKES, A. COLLIER, R.H. & ELLIOTT, M. (2016). FV 445 Carrots: optimising control of willow-carrot aphid and carrot fly. AHDB Final Report.
JUKES, A. COLLIER, R.H. & ELLIOTT, M. (2014). FV 414 - Carrots: Optimising carrot fly control using pyrethroids and Coragen. AHDB Final Report.
JUKES, A. COLLIER, R.H. & ELLIOTT, M. (2011). FV 375 Novel strategies for pest control in field vegetable crops. AHDB Final Report.
JUKES, A. COLLIER, R.H. & ELLIOTT, M. (2009). Integrated control of carrot pests. FV 312 AHDB Final Report..
JUKES, A. COLLIER, R.H. & ELLIOTT, M. (2009). FV 312 Integrated control of carrot pests. AHDB Final Report.
JUKES, A. COLLIER, R.H. & ELLIOTT, M. (2007). Carrot and parsnip: Alternative strategies for carrot fly control. FV 13f AHDB Final Report.
COLLIER, R.H. (2006). Carrot & parsnip: Review of carrot fly control strategies. Final report 2005 HDC Project FV 13e, 44 pp.
COLLIER, R.H. (2001). Desk study to apply knowledge developed for conventional horticulture to the control of pests in organic vegetables. Final Report MAFF Project OF0179.