FlyIPM - Integrated control of root-feeding fly larvae infesting vegetable crops

Scientists from eight European countries are collaborating on improving the management of root flies in outdoor vegetables. There is plenty of knowledge about the various species of root flies but much remains to be discovered and coordinated if control strategies are to be implemented successfully. The project, entitled FlyIPM, has a total budget of €1,702,654 and is funded through C-IPM - Coordinated Integrated Pest Management in Europe.
The new three-year research project involves scientists from nine different research institutions in the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Norway, and Slovenia. The project, coordinated by Rosemary Collier from the University of Warwick aims to improve the management of root-feeding fly larvae infesting outdoor vegetable crops using an integrated pest management (IPM) approach.
More information on brassica root flies (Delia radicum, Delia floralis)
UK project team
Rosemary Collier, Dave Chandler, Andrew Jukes, Marian Elliott