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Cabbage root fly forecast 2024

The forecast outputs below are based on weather data provided by Agrii. The forecasts predict the timing of fly activity. They do not predict the number of insects present in the crop, as this depends on the size of the local fly population. For control purposes, we consider that the pest has become active when 10% of the insects have emerged/laid eggs and that the peak of activity has occurred when 50% have emerged/laid eggs. The predictions will change over time depending on weather conditions.

Late-emerging cabbage root flies

The forecasts in the table below are for ‘early-emerging’ cabbage root flies. There are some areas of the UK where a proportion of the cabbage root flies emerge later in the spring than would be expected. We call these ‘late emerging’ flies and they are genetically different from ‘early-emerging’ flies. Relatively large numbers of late-emerging flies occur in some parts of Devon and south-west Lancashire.

Early-emerging flies - updated 23 July


First generation

10% eggs

First generation

50% eggs

Second generation

10% eggs

Second generation

50% eggs

Third generation

10% eggs

Cornwall - Hayle

21 Mar 21 Apr 27 Jun 14 Jul 24 Aug

Kent - Sandwich

30 Mar 25 Apr 17 Jun 28 Jun 6 Aug

Suffolk - Ipswich

11 Apr 5 May 21 Jun 2 Jul 8 Aug

Warwick, Wellesbourne

2 Apr 30 Apr 21 Jun 30 Jun 12 Aug

Norfolk, Norwich

5 Apr 30 Apr 28 Jun 10 Jul 22 Aug

Lincolnshire - Holbeach

7 Apr 1 May 26 Jun 10 Jul 21 Aug

Nottingham - Stubton

5 Apr 3 May 24 Jun 5 Jul 18 Aug

Lancashire, Southport

7 Apr 4 May 4 Jul 14 Jul 7 Sep

Yorkshire, York

12 Apr 6 May 25 Jun 11 Jul 19 Aug

Perthshire, Scotland

10 May 23 May 25 Jul 2 Aug -

Second generation

10% emergence